That spot in the image, that's the sort of nowhere I like to go when I feel the need to be somewhere that makes me feel grounded, connected and at peace like only being nowhere can make me feel. Isn't nature simply the best when it comes to offering up such amazing places to be?
There's something so peaceful about canoeing or yakking in the wilderness, it makes me feel sort of small and I imagine what it must have been like long ago when the world was less populated...I think people would have had a closer affinity with the planet, something I actively seek.
Thanks for the looks great.
Thanks also for the follow...I guess there's always so much to see, so many good accounts to follow, it can be difficult to keep up with them all.
You said it. Especially a leader like you who has a larger role in supporting and developing the community here. Fretting about people I haven't discovered yet gets soothed by knowing there are so many treasures yet to discover.
I'm not into gaming and tend to avoid accounts who are which is a shame sometimes there are a few who have such great non-gaming posts but they're only very few and interspersed between endless gaming posts. Also people who reblog many posts multiple times a day, I avoid them too as it fills my feed up with people who I wouldn't normally choose to see.
I like to build relationships, comment and build rapport before I follow an account as I find it the best way to determine who to follow, who they are and what they're about.