Being a chap who likes to spend time doing outdoor things in remote places like off-roading, camping, hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking and other such endeavours it probably comes as no surprise that I'm also a fellow who likes, and possesses, a lot of relevant equipment. Going to remote places in Australia means there's little to no help close by, and it can definitely be a hostile and unforgiving environment, and that means having the right equipment and skills is essential to survival.
Not every piece of equipment I have is about survival however the vast majority of the equipment is angled towards it from the vehicles I drive, accommodation (my off-road camper or swag), firearms, knives, general tools, communications and navigation equipment to first aid, food, water and cooking, storage, back packs and electronics, to my clothing items such as boots, hats, layers, jackets, gaiters and such things. Some is for comfort of course, but the most important things have the primary purpose of getting me where I need to go and back, sustaining my life, doing the job I need when I'm there and mitigating risk.
Because I find it enjoyable and useful, I'm always on the hunt for new products that will make things safer, less complicated, lighter, smaller and generally easier and recently I was looking for some new tie-down ropes (guy ropes) and pegs to replace the traditional ones I use for my camper trailer when I tie down the shade/weather awning and I found some bloody awesome ones.

I've not bought them yet because they are super costly and I want to do some research (in person) but I reckon I've found the winner.
Tiegear are an Australian company that have developed a really cool guy rope and tie-down system which, from what I can tell, is totally legit and which, from my initial research, would seem to make tying down tents, awnings annexes and other such things an absolute breeze. They also have a really cool peg system called Terra Pegs which are driven into the ground with an impact driver rather than hammered making them easier to use and far more secure.
I'll not go into it here, but if you want to learn more you're welcome to see the Tiegear website here and check it out.
I've dropped a few things into the shopping cart on their online shop and...that's a lot of money for some guy ropes and pegs but I really like the system and think it'll make things a lot nicer when I'm out in the bush camping with my camper trailer.

If you would like to see how the ropes work you can in this video and if you want to see a super cool product they do called glow ropes you can see that here too. I think the glow ropes are an awesome idea however it's unlikely I'd buy them.
I've done a lot of really basic camping, sleeping in the dirt or sand under the sky, in makeshift lean-to's, my swag and so on, and also have a pretty legit camping set-up with my off-road camper and then there's my caravan of course; I don't have everything, just everything I need. Even though I can buy much cheaper guy ropes I really like this concept and the neatness of them, the way they secure the rope (a clever ball bearing system) and the pegs as well. I'll be doing some more research on this product due to the cost of them, I like to touch and feel, however I think they'll work really well and anyone who has camped and used guy ropes would probably agree.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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That's a pretty sweet setup you've got there. I reckon if I had to be stranded in the outback with anyone, it would be someone like you who knows what can kill ya, and how to survive the rigors of harsh environments lol. The solar panels provide a bit more comfort/convenience I imagine.
The Tiegear system would be a great addition to your gear, even considering the cost. Nothing is too costly when you are safeguarding your safety and wellbeing. Good looking guy (rope)!
I have a different and more comfortable set up (I have posted about it) and a much more basic set up (my swag) and use the appropriate thing for each situation. Back in the day it was very basic though and I used to get my stuff cheaply, often second hand, as I was not able to afford all the good stuff. Now, I'm able to get what I need from my $100,000 caravan, all the way down to my canvas swag which cost me $420. The most important thing is to be out there living life.
As for being stranded, that's never a nice feeling but for sure it helps to know a thing or two and I've managed to pick up some handy skills that keep me on the right track.
Skills and knowledge are so underrated. We camped all the time when I was a child, but the first time camping as a young adult, anything I had absorbed as a child flew out the window. Foodstuffs stored in a separate tent were ravaged by raccoons and the morning left us hungry, but with a bejewelled campsite that I've laughed about many times since. There was bacon hanging from tree branches, egg shells littered the ground, bread wrappers and various other foods ripped open or missing completely. We had to go to town to purchase more food and stayed up that night to catch a glimpse of the marauders. It was a sow with three kits but they left empty handed that night...lesson learned
Hey darlin', I hope you're well. Just checking in to wish you a good weekend.
Am well, thank you! I appreciate the good weekend wishes..and extend the same to you, even if it's only a twofer and not a threefer lol :-)
Fucken twosomes feel a little disappointing after a threesome weekend but I'll take it, Saturday and Sunday together are a thing of beauty. Hot as fuck here though. 40+ (Celsius)
Oh that's damned hot lol. We got a small warm up here the last couple of days. It has been cool for an extended period, which was a welcome relief. Those threesomes come around so infrequently, something should really be done about that.
Hmm, not a great experience. We don't have racoons but other critters like possums that do the same which means measures need to be taken. We also have dingoes that can (if hungry enough) get a little interested in camp sites. I'm pretty well prepared for such things though.
Camping is fun, especially when it's nice and warm. But what about all the native creatures, critters and creepy crawlers that come to the tent too, like poisonous koalas and not to mention killer kangaroos and and and...
Lol, poisonous koalas. They can be grumpy sometimes but I've not met a poisonous one as yet. They move so slowly though, it's unlikely they'd ever catch anyone.
Seriously though, we have a lot of deadly shit here and the reality is that we come into contact with them I don't let them into my tent though...unless they have two legs, they're cute, shapely and friendly. 🤐
So is a regular tent enough to keep all the spiders and snakes away or is there an Australian version that has something like triple zippers and floats in the air and made of kevlar?
Or does the same thing apply to wildlife there like it does here, just make noise and the wildlife keeps away. Finnish snakes especially, which could be irritating if encountered but usually not deadly to adults. So partying all night would be enough? Although I think that making noise thing does nothing to Finnish spiders but then again our spiders aren't deadly. Or big. And what deadly wildlife I don't know of? Do you have like deadly centipedes or something? Actually, say that you don't have that even if you do. I don't want to know. (Trying to forget that there's a thing called the internet and Wikipedia. Not going to go and find out...)
Most of our tents ar equipped with machine guns, electric fences and lasers so they're pretty safe. 😋
So, some of our wildlife will scare away but not all...I don't want to find out if scaring a great white shark works, a risky experiment. As for centipedes, scorpions and stuff like that...yep we have them and yep they can be deadly. Sorry, I know you didn't want to know.
Waiting for a blog post on that topic. 😁
Haha, I'll get to it someday and will tag you.
That's cool stuff, I couldn't survive a day in those conditions in Australia, barely in my own contry 😅.
I think you should definitely get that shopping cart for yourself, if you think it will make your experiences a lot nicer and smoother, what's a few hundred smackaroos for a better time going forwards.
The campsite picture you've shown here, looks actually pretty cozy and I see you even got some solar panels setup, very modern.
Come camping with me, I'll show you a few things; you'll be an expert in no time. ☺️
I have a legit camp set up, something I've developed over many years of being out there doing it. I have what I need and a little of what I want...I'd say I have a pretty good thing going. And yeah, solar input to charge batteries on-board.
Also...yep I'll be getting the stuff...I need it.
If that's what camping looked like, I might even give it a go myself! It looks more like glamping than camping;)
As my post says, I've slept in the dirt and sand rolled up in my jacket and I've done it differently; there's room for any type of camping as far as I'm concerned.
I dropped a few more things in that cart 🛒 bro...
Not sure what her name is? But dropped her there. She was the reason I watched it twice 👀
Actually I already have a cool lady that would help me with set up. So this is the real reason I watched it twice...
Would love to spend some time with that skyline. Sure beats this one...

Pretty awesome tie down system too. 👍
Oh yeah, she's the optional delivery girl, obviously I'll be ticking that box!
Cool product through right?
That's a life I always wanted, go camp and go hunting. An outdoor life, but because of my obligation as father of two, I can't afford quality time for myself. I get caught in a rat race to survive these lifestyle of high cost of living.
When I first started camping and spending time in the outdoors I had almost none of the right equipment and it was the need to innovate, think laterally and be self-reliant that attracted me to it. These days, well I have some equipment.
Australia is a costly country in which to live but I work hard to support my standard of living, am careful with what I buy, go without to have what I need, look after my things, repair rather than replace and buy for quality which means I have to buy less often. I don't have the ability to simply see something I want and go get it, I have to think it through and I'm happy with that.
Hopefully you manage to get yourself out into the outdoors; it costs nothing to go for a hike so I think that'll be a good place to start.
Yes, hiking is a good way start my outdoor life. Foraging tools for fishing and hunting small game using indigenous traps might be a good start too.
Yep, that's the way to do it. I used to make a lot of my own stuff, pick up things that people threw away, go to yard sales and second hand stores which...anything to get me out into the outdoors. Now, well I have some pretty good gear and equipment, but I still never waste anything and treat everything as if it's irreplaceable. It's a good habit I think.
If you try hard enough you'll be able to work out a few ways to fish and hunt, snare and trap...it just takes some research, imagination and effort.
Good luck.
Thank you for the advice.
Very cool stuff. I have seen those driver style pegs that require an impact wrench to get into the Earth. They seem to be the new thing these days. I don't think the brand I saw was the Australian ones, but there are always copy cats. With our trailer, we don't have the need to peg stuff down as much as we used to with our tent, but occasionally we put up our ez-up canopy or screen tent and those require pegs. I just recently bought a battery powered impact wrench to keep in the truck for roadside emergencies.
I have always kept an impact driver in my vehicles for wheel changing and other repairs if things break...they come in very handy indeed.
The ropes look super useful, I loved the two videos and at night they look even better, a camping trip as it should be. I'm sure you'll make a great buy!
I imagine myself in a similar circumstance to the one you show in the picture, a good time in the middle of nowhere!
You ever been camping?
Yes, but it was a long, long time ago.
I’ve always wanted to experience camping and outdoor adventures like this, but I don’t even know where to start. I think this would be a great way to disconnect from the usual routines and experience nature more deeply.
It's a very enjoyable thing to do, for me it is anyway, and I recommend it to everyone. It can be difficult to know where to start but it often starts with day trips, hiking and a love of the outdoors. Give it a try.
Hi @galenkp, I have watched the two videos and I understand why you are talking about comfort as well as survival. About this Terra Pegs system, I can't give my opinion, but I understand the research phase. Evaluate pros and cons: advantages and price. Surely the decision is the right one.
I know these things are good and that they work well but I want to touch and feel them before buying so will wait until I have the chance in a couple weeks. I'm not much of an online buyer usually, I'm a bit old fashioned like that.
Good morning @galenkp, I understand you even more, I don't usually shop online either. I prefer to see things in person. Hope you have a great Wednesday.
For things I know I'll have to rely on I tend to want to touch and feel them and that can only happen in person. Wednesday should be good, but not as good as Saturday and Sunday. 😊
I'm sure the weekend will be better. For now here, it's still Tuesday (cold and rainy). See you tomorrow.
Wowww this is an excellent therapy of many outdoor activities, I think it left me mute and my eyes 🤓 with so many things that being in the scouts being Akela many years ago I learned, but this is another level, if I were born again I would like to learn about all this that you know, by study, by experience and by practice 🏕️🥾
Camping is awesome but not everyone likes it, probably because the comforts of home aren't there and effort is required.
The items you ordered looks good quality and perfect to use for a camping activities. Outdoor escaped is also one of my hobbies, doing this kind of activities makes us enjoyed ourselves. ☺
Life is there to be enjoyed and being outdoors is one way I create an enjoyable life; it seems you do the same. Well done.
You are right, filled ourselves with excitement just like outdoor trip. ☺
Not everyone enjoy outdoor adventures where you go camping and the rest. You are a person who do really enjoy that as I have observed in some of your posts. You have the equipment and other accessories for that. I can't even think of that in my country because of high rate of criminality and insecurity. Keep enjoying your adventure
Yeah, it's not for everyone.
Outdoor activities is really enjoyable specially when we seen different kinds of wonderful views. Added to travel different parts of place spending time with our Families or Friends. Have a safe outdoor trip Sir.
Yep, you're right for sure.
Que divertido poder salir, y disfrutar el medio ambiente. Me encanta 😻
I don't read Spanish.
I put the following: How fun to be able to go out and enjoy the environment. I love it 😻
The outdoors are really cool for sure.
😂Seems doing things outdoor gives you joy
😂Do what makes you happy
I like doing outdoor too and its so enjoying outside
It sure is. Where do you most like to go camping?
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(5/10) @danzocal tipped @galenkp
The bull bar, yep that's essential equipment for where I go...helps protect the car against animal strikes like kangaroos which can mess up a vehicle really badly (some stand over 6' tall.)