So is a regular tent enough to keep all the spiders and snakes away or is there an Australian version that has something like triple zippers and floats in the air and made of kevlar?
Or does the same thing apply to wildlife there like it does here, just make noise and the wildlife keeps away. Finnish snakes especially, which could be irritating if encountered but usually not deadly to adults. So partying all night would be enough? Although I think that making noise thing does nothing to Finnish spiders but then again our spiders aren't deadly. Or big. And what deadly wildlife I don't know of? Do you have like deadly centipedes or something? Actually, say that you don't have that even if you do. I don't want to know. (Trying to forget that there's a thing called the internet and Wikipedia. Not going to go and find out...)
Most of our tents ar equipped with machine guns, electric fences and lasers so they're pretty safe. 😋
So, some of our wildlife will scare away but not all...I don't want to find out if scaring a great white shark works, a risky experiment. As for centipedes, scorpions and stuff like that...yep we have them and yep they can be deadly. Sorry, I know you didn't want to know.
Waiting for a blog post on that topic. 😁
Haha, I'll get to it someday and will tag you.