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RE: Time to act

in Outdoors and more3 years ago (edited)

I was a teacher once in a school, the school was new and constructions were still going on in the building.

There was a particular class that was being used that shouldn’t have been because it was o the second floor and the balcony had no barricades,

I tried to alarm the Principal that the class wasn’t safe for kids but all fell on deaf ears, until one afternoon a student fell off the balcony and was rushed to hospital, I was irritated and angered to my bones, because it was something that could have been entirely avoided.

Another case was when a friend wanted to travel out of town but with a leaking car tank, the fuel tank hit something and was leaking fuel, but he thought he could just ignore it until he reached the next town, interesting thing was that he wanted me to go with him. Ofcourse I declined, until I got a call in the middle of the night that he was stuck somewhere on the way and needed help. I helped him eventually but in the morning.

I don’t know how some people are comfortable neglecting safety. The magnitude of the repercussion is always more than just taking the safety serious

Hopefully those guys learnt their lessons


Yep, familiar stories here. People must think, I'll get away with it it one more time or something. It's all good until someone gets hurt or killed. I don't mind so much when a person chooses to put themselves in danger but when it affects someone else also...I have an issue with it.