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RE: Shortage shennanigans

in Outdoors and more4 years ago (edited)

One of my sister's just bought a Kel Tec 22 magnum, and could not find rounds for it in Tulsa. There's a million people living here oh, so you think there would be ammunition.


I had to give her some ammo, now I need to show her how to use it!

I have managed to buy 200 (9mm) rounds in the last six months. I refuse to pay a dollar a round for range ammo!

We have had 20,000,000 new guns purchased in the USA this last year, including 7,000,000 new gun to new gun owners. They have simply stripped the shelves to feed these new weapons. I have fortunately collected brass for decades. And have reloading gear that I use to develop proper loads for the tubes. Powder has doubled in cost going to $50 USD per pound. I decided that I would buy, until it was no longer available, then reload. The ammo manufacturers are running 24 / 7 trying to catch up....



Wow, that's super-interesting. 20 million new guns? That's a lot more drain on the ammo stocks.

Interesting that you've only managed 200 9mm rounds in six months. I shot that last Saturday, and then some. They're asking a dollar a round? That's $1.31AUD. I make mine for 0.23c each and can get Sellier and Bellot for 0.46c. I'd not be paying $1.31 a round though, for sure. That's the reason I never let my stocks go down. I think we'll be struggling to get it soon.

I looked at the KELTEC CP-33 22LR only a week ago. $795 here. Nice really. I don't know much about the brand though. Any good?

I've carried their 380 for years, it never has misfired even once. Very accurate, hits 4 of ten on an 8 inch steel target at 100 yards, the rest are close enough to be a kill shot. I carry a 9mm as primary now.

This 22 magnum was about $500 USD. I really like the KSG from kel tec, want one!


Hmm, ok that's a hood wrap up for them. I'll do some more research.

Research is always best, saves problens later! But they are a good company, and I like their toys.


The problem is I can't play with one prior to buying so I have to perform some due diligence. :)

Sorry, here some stores have an internal range....

I try to take newbies to the range and let them try toys first, and get in some teaching too!


The one I'm looking at has a unique forward-grip set up and it wold be cool to try it first but it's not possible as I don't know anyone who has one and this shop is 3,000 kilometres from me. I'll keep researching.


I've always liked Kel-Tec, have owned a couple over the years. I have a buddy that has a .22 win mag with big mags. It's really a serious piece of gear.

Another positive endorsement...Seems I need to research further as this could be a goodun.