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RE: I moved more supplies to the homestead today, in a borrowed truck.

in Outdoors and more4 years ago (edited)

Won't be my first transmission repair, I'm sad to say! At least the last time I bought a transmission jack, so that will help a lot.

I had to send her back to the hospital today, so I will concentrate more on the homestead until I get her home. I have a dead 30 inch diameter oak tree that has to come down out there. I haven't dropped an oak that big, so it should be 'fun', LOL! hated to loose it....

But there is another load similar to this one to go into storage, while food is still available.



I think you're probably going to be one of the smartest people ever and too bad I live so far away I just come over and help do security.

Really sucks I have no backup plan. So it looks like I just will lone wolf it and roll the dice.

Hopefully I can find a good Community to link up with and help out.

And actually the world is full of food if you're willing to adjust your dietary desires.

Just look at all the vegans eating all that garbage crap that is actually really disgusting and causes mental illnesses. I can just imagine how rough of a life they are going to have when they're only option is to eat cattail roots.

Hey I like Cattail Roots, the Cattail heads aren't bad either, LOL! I've had many survival classes and I've eaten them that an arrow root. Acorns are good to eat but you have to smash him up and soak them to get the tannin out of them.

Come on down here, get a 'medical marajuana' card; and a little piece of land in the country. I'm a terrible farmer, so come down here and grow the stuff and I'll do the other stuff.

Good chance if you can find a group up where you are where that is that's already set up in the country. You'll need a large enough group to be safe and a small enough group to survive.

And you'll need some rifle training most likely, because sadly it might come to that. I certainly pray that that doesn't happen! In the meantime look for some like-minded people and put back what you can.

The most valuable thing may be a non-GMO seed vault.

Stay safe!


If it wasn't so hot down there...

However yes I think that being a snowbird during the winter is going to be my next option and getting a medical marijuana card and a little grow going in a state that needs it would be an amazing thing.

Being Native American everybody laughs because I got the best survival education ever and ended up passing my family blade work class with flying colors and then also picking up my tribal tracking mastery certification...

I really don't think I'm going to have a problem...

Sounds good, down here tribal membership is a lucrative deal!

It's not too hot down here at the homestead because being close to the lake it's about 10 degrees cooler because of the water. I plan to run air conditioning off of solar power, so we will stay comfortable....


That's pretty good use the sun to keep you cool....

We really don't get that much financially for membership in the tribe. So if I ever do get into the tribe I'm going to invest my money I get from the tribe back into the tribe.

If you want to fix the world you must start fixing your house.

They call that a net-zero house, and I wanted one for years. There's also an oak tree the shades the entire house, which helps in the cooling the trunk of that tree is over 4 ft in diameter. So it's been there awhile!

My wife has a lot of Navajo blood, but she was adopted so there's no tie back to the tribe. Good luck on tribe tie in, pulling for you!

This is the finest house I ever got for nothing, I bought the land and the house is badly damaged enough they threw it in for nothing. I've been repairing it for a while, and I'm to the point now I believe it's actually going to turn out pretty well. I'm going to use the old air conditioning ducts, to run my 24 volt battery system end to end in the house! The lighting will be LED, run directly off of the batteries. The AC units will run off dedicated inverters. I have located refrigerators, and freezers that are designed for solar use. They will run directky off if my 24 volt buss, and draw 65 watts, or about 3 amps.


Yep one of these days I'll get me a small piece of land and then that wood fired hot tub is going to be all sorts of fun.

And one day I'll finally get to the point where I can afford a chunk of land for me and dog.

And I have a feeling we're going to be looking at it sooner rather than later hopefully.

I've got to go look at a pretty big cherry tree that my friend needs help dropping. I love chopping things down. And actually I'm really good at it so it works out in my favor.

That would be some exceptional wood, he should make some furniture!

I've cut down larger trees before but never one that is oak, so this ought to be interesting. My new chainsaw came in today, but I'm still waiting on the chaps and rip cut chain.

I will harvest and use the wood for upgrades on the trailer to bring it up to net zero efficiency. then I can run it on the solar panels and a wind generator.


Sweet I just got a harbor freight amorphous silicone solar panel system from a friend of mine which he also included this wonderful brand new battery as well as all these wonderful connectors and a box to put it all in.

So yep I get to drop down a tree and now I have so many projects everywhere it is getting crazy...

A spare battery systems, especially with solar charging is always nice to have around! Be nice to him that's a good friend. Be careful and have fun cut the tree down, and use your safety equipment! Fun is only fun if you survive the fun, LOL. Enter enter

So stay safe, and keep on prepping!


Oh that's my gold mining mentor so he's going to get a whole lot of work out of me dropping the tree down. That on top of it I'm going to have even more fun on the gold mining outing.

This year we are just dumping paydirt straight through the trommel.

I try to take care of my friends and this one definitely returns the favor

I got the pan tailings in New Mexico long time ago, and panned out almost an ounce of dust for my rock collection. They have started processing those tailings now that gold has gone so high. But at the time it was only $32 an ounce, and it took me all day to pan out the ounce of gold. I must admit that it was fun, even though I wasn't very good at it!

I should have my safety Chaps in today and I'll put this all together sometime today too.

Glad you got a good buddy up there, sounds like the start of a colony Maybe?

Be safe it keeps talking stuff in while it's still affordable, sadly I think that will change soon.


Absolutely I have to agree with you on that I have a feeling that things won't be so affordable shortly....