I moved more supplies to the homestead today, in a borrowed truck.

Today was a crazy involved day moving supplies and materials to the homestead. I needed five cattle panels for the roof on the greenhouse I intend to build and I had a chance to borrow a Truck and a trailer and get them moved. While we were traveling to the homestead anyway, I threw in the accumulated prepping supplies for the last few days.

I was fortunate to find six dozen wide-mouth canning jars at Walmart, and some of my long-term storage food had just come in.


There's about 20 lb of beans another 10 lb of rice that I picked up a couple days ago now down and stored at the homestead.

I picked up some more duct tape that I like to have in quantity and I also like it the smaller roles, in case I need it for barter. I also grab it in different colors if I can find it. Marking things for polarity or ultimate destination by color is an intuitive method.

I'm trying to add ten, one gallon cans a month of deep storage food to my long-term storage. I do this primarily by sniping the Lost leaders at the different manufacturers. They give a low price to get me ready to buy their stuff so they can sell me more of the high-priced stuff, so I buy the stuff that they've discounted and nothing else. It's worked well so far, LOL!

I was able to move 5 cattle panels to my Homestead and 20 cattle panels to my nephew's Homestead, where I picked up my scaffolding and returned it to the Homestead for construction use there.

I had a squirrel AKA tree rat, get into one of my storage buildings and damaged a tiny bit of stored food by pushing it off. I blocked the entry, and will return with my 110 conibear trap to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Overall, a successful day even though with both homesteads involved I drove over 200 miles. I need to get the shift lever on my transmission fixed so I can use my own truck and trailer it would have saved me some mileage. Just one more thing to do! I don't look forward to pulling that transmission, but I don't trust anyone else to do the job.

Be blessed and keep on prepping!!!!


Well done and hope you get that transmission sorted without to much drama.

Just has a roll pin sheared in the shift lever, but the whole transmission has to come out to replace it....


I don't like those things that are very simple but require so much effort just to access it.

I let someone else work on it, so now I have to redo it myself...they broke the roll pin fighting to align it, and didn't realize it!


That's why I do everything myself if I'm able to.

I have been a nurse for the last four months, and this was a professional mechanic who volunteered to help. I use this truck to help the homeless, and it needed a clutch. The clutch is new now, if I could just shift it...LOL!

I'll just have to tow it home, and play with it myself.



I worked in Nebraska several years ago and bought honey at a farmers market from a lady that managed a lot of bee hives. Some were her own but she also did like "contract bee farming". Not sure if farming is the correct term. 🤷‍♂ Where she had investors in hives and she managed them.

I was blown away at the amount of honey she produced, I don't remember how much but she had 55 gallon drums for sale and at the time the price was very reasonable.

As honey does not perishable I am considering looking into getting a 55 gallon drum or two. I see drums of 640 pounds for about $1,700.

And just think when the next civilization digs up my stash they can enjoy a little honey!

She sounds like my kind of gal! A drum like that would be good barter supplies to. They sell straws full of honey, with both ends heat sealed. Makes a great fix for a sweet tooth, LOL!

They found honey in an Egyptian tomb that was still edible, so you might be right....


I've only been stocking up on water lately. I've gotta get some fuel and more canned goods... Things are about to get even more interesting with this pipeline issue and the rise in violence in the Middle East.

I Understand, there is always more to do! Each prep is different, my homestead is by a large lake, so I only need filtering ability.

Canned goods are a good entry into prepping. Relatively inexpensive, and they store well.

Be sure to add some seeds too! Stay safe....


What do you recommend for canned goods in general? Beans, meats, etc?

Everything you Normally eat in Cans is a good start. Then add rice, beans, pasta, and lentils...in rodent proof containers. I am targeting 3 years of food, but that is stocked in as can be purchased within the family budget. I am adding 20 pounds of beans and ten pounds of rice per week right now plus all the lentils I can find.

Bottom line, start where you are, and add all you can!

Stay safe, and keep on prepping!


Congratulations on such a beautiful bounty of...

Me and puppy dog say thank you very much for sharing.



He's cute, mine says you're welcome. He's guarding my watermelon....


Looks like he is using it for a pillow! And protect the snacks!!! Good dog.

He is my shadow...and a good dog, LOL! I had to set the melon down because my hands were full. When I got back, he was asleep....



Awesome job dog!!! Save the melon!!!

He is the First full size dachshund that I've ever had, but he acts just as rotten as the little guys! I rescue dachshunds and I got him in originally as a rescue, but some worthless piece of slime have beat him; and he was too damaged for me to adopt out. So I kept him. He's still very worried but he's getting better. When I brought him home and open this cage it took him five days to come out of the cage he was so scared. It took me about four months to be able to even touch him, but now he comes to me every morning for ear scratching!

So he's getting better, in another five years he might even jump up on my lap, LOL. But he's getting more dog like everyday oh, has he realizes that I'm not going to beat him like the guy down there in Texas did. I have a theory that when that dog beater gets to heaven God's going to make him a chew toy for the dogs he beat. I think it would be fair!

But you're absolutely correct that watermelon was very safe.


That is an awesome story and a great reason to spend time rehabilitating a living thing that needs your time and effort.

Yeah I've got to keep a very firm handful on my dog but we do love each other. And his training is absolutely coming around.