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RE: I moved more supplies to the homestead today, in a borrowed truck.

My biggest advantage is that guy in Texas apparently didn't kick him. That means I'm able to pet him with my feet, he has decided that that's safe. But these are Mighty cautious citizen, so we'll see on the lap time. But he is starting to act more dog-like, but he about freaked out when I patted his ears the first time! But now he comes enjoys the ear petting. I've even been getting close to belly rub lately, so he is feeling safer!

But, we will see on the healing, but I think you're right, we'll just have to wait. Right now he's a pretty good watchdog. That is the spot he's picked out withthis 'pack', LOL!

Be blessed!



Amazing work.

And awesome that he has a job.

May he be an amazing dog.

He's a tough audience! It's bad when you have a breed that's really smart because I remember longer. We got another dog here that's half yorkie and half Chihuahua that was my mother-in-law's dog, and he's already forgotten yesterday so he wouldn't be problem, ROFLOL!

He is beginning to trust me, because he's beginning to be my shadow. Everywhere I go I turn around and he's there. So we'll see, it would be nice to have a lap dog again!


I'll give you a hint.

Start cutting down on his daily ration of food. Soon as she starts getting a little bit hungry.... All caution is to the wind! And treats work way easier.

Well that's pretty easy, he's always starving, LOL! He's a stomach on four short legs. He is beginning to trust me, but that guy used to apparently grab him by the head and threw him. The first time I put both my hands on his head to pet him, he yelped and then hid for days!

If I could find that Guy, I'd grab him by his head and throw him a time or two....


Sounds like that guy had it worse in his life and just took it out on a little dog.

People like that should never buy a dog, they just don't know the treasure they had! I like to think that God is kind of an accountant, and this guy I'll spend eternity is a dog chew toy, ROFLOL!


Or he could end up being reincarnated as a botfly....