Snow ride on my electric motorcycle

in Outdoors and more2 months ago

With the addition of a few inches of powder last night, I wanted to take my Talaria Sting MX5 Pro out for a ride. I have never ridden in the snow before, only walked and driven. So this would be a new experience for me on two wheels.

I was worried about falling or and dropping my bike, indeed that did happen but no harm was done. I quickly learned the powder was the place to be and the hard packed snow on the roads is quite slippery. So I stuck the the fields and rode my bike around for an hour or two.

After dropping it on some ice, misaligned the handle bar. Had to ride back home 3/4 of a mile with bent handlebars. But got back to the workshop safely. Took my allen key and readjusted the handle bars. All fixed it was time to go back out for some more fun.

I checked the connections and made sure everything looked fine.

Bringing along my allen key set so I can fix it next time while I am out. I guess its good the clamps loosened up and not bent the actual handle bar.

Had to find trees along my route to prop my bike up against.. no way I could set down my kick stand.. Maybe I should have brought a piece of wood like @myjob uses on sand with their ebikes.

Stopped by the solar panels, they are holding up well.. the snow already melting from them.

Found another spot to prop my bike up against for a picture. The snow was really starting top build up. Luckily the temps were above freezing now so it would fall off over time.

No tire studs, just what it came with. It does feel quite different, but not as bad as I thought it would be for my first snow ride.

That bag I have on my bike is a dog pack.. I was looking for saddle bags for my bike and someone suggested a dog backpack works well.. Indeed it does! Would have never thought.

So far I rode everywhere on my bike in the snow, seeing if anywhere would be a problem. I left the hardest for last. The road down into the forest is quite steep, so I figured it would be worth a try... worst in my mind is dropping the bike and needed to fix the handle bars again.. lets do it.

I made it down the hill without wiping out, and even made it back. Time for a quick selfie.

All my gear is doing well besides my boots, they are not meant for snow.

We got a good couple inches of snow over the last week. Its been quite the wintery week. The depth of the snow is only a few inches once it compacts, but I think we got at least 5 inches in the last week overall.

I do some more exploring along the forest roads, I can see my foreman and his dog as already been out and about from all the tracks.

Riding in the powder is alot of fun, as long as I do not hit the throttle to hard it goes well.

One more selfie without my sunglasses, its so bright outside with all the snow... think I got a little bit of a sunburn.

I come back to the shop to park my bike, after it dries off some I will plug it back into my workshop and charge it up using my solar array.

Really impressed by this bike, I had no idea what to expect being my first snow ride. But it did great. Now I need to back home and get out of these wet boots. I can start to feel the ice and snow get inside.

Hah I am going to need to air these out for awhile... Probably should have warn my cowboy boots or my muckers.

Soon the snow will melt and get slushy, so its been fun riding around in the powder while it lasted. Now I will wait for the next snow day and do it again, with better boots next


There are really only a few things in life that provide more pleasure than speeding across the country on two wheels through pristine snow. However, the things that offer even more fun usually take place behind closed doors in cosy, heated rooms.😮😉

Hah it sure is thrilling going for a ride in the snow.

Would ya look at that.. wearing a helmet. #safetyfirst

Yup.. gotta protect my noggin.

Nice, we have not had any snow this year in Western Washington

Oh man, well hope you get some soon... if you want some.

Good evening my brother

Although I have never felt the excitement of riding on snow, but with this post and some of the pictures you shared, I can already feel how exciting it is to ride on snow.
If your shoes were designed for snow, maybe they would be complete 😅

Amazing, have a nice day my brother ♥️

It sure was a lot of fun, next time I will go out with some better shoes.

A new experience that challenges me think, driving on slippery snow is certainly very risky, fortunately you are not injured in the slip, only your two-wheeled vehicle has a slight problem, but it can still be repaired hehehe...

It seems that the helmet you are using is very good, my friend 😊😊

Ah yeah, no harm was done. Its a pretty good helmet.

I rode my motorbike on some snowy roads and it made me nervous. You can never tell where there might be a patch of ice. Take care out there. Soft snow should give some grip anyway.

No snow here today, but very frosty. Clear skies, so we got decent solar.

I know what you mean, I tried staying to areas where I could see only snow.

Ah nice, well hope you get as much as possible this time of year.. I know we have been on the lower side for production right now.


Did the battery seem to perform any differently in the cold?

That is a little spooky on the handlebars, probably something worth checking periodically, that might get unpleasant if the handlebars good loose and wobbly at a faster speed.


Nope it performed without any sign of degradation. Though the bike was kept in a warm workshop (around 50F) before I went for a ride. Maybe if it was in a freezing barn it would have affected it more.

It just loosened because I dropped the bike, normally its tight and all is well.

I have never walked on snow, but looking at your photography today, I understand that walking on snow is very difficult.And it seems like it won't be easy to navigate through the snow on a motorcycle.Drive carefully.

Ah true, it is quite the experience.. without good shoes it can really suck.

Will do, thanks for caring.

Your motorbike is so cool when you go in the snow, yes, I really really want to go to the snow, but in our country we don't have it

Hah it sure is.. quite a lot of fun.

Oh damn, well hope you get to visit some snow one day.. its quite the experience.

Yes, I hope I can visit a snow place but I don't have close friends abroad but I want to visit your place hahaha

What a blast!!!

Hah yup, finally got to play with some power toys in the snow.

Quite a lot of snow in your area but it’s a good thing that you were able to ride through the snow but better be careful next time so you don’t slip 😊

It was quite a bit, but all went well..

thanks, I will be careful.

Wow your uniform look this time is very cool similar to the military look is very cool my brother @solominer I love this

Ah yeah my camo overalls have that look. Normally I wear my lighter brown overalls, but since it was cold outside I put on a little more protection.

Wow, what a thrilling and exciting experience when I read and saw your photos about the first snow trip with Talaria Sting MX5 Pro, what an amazing adventure. So cool! Be careful too, okay? :)

Sure was a lot of fun.. Yep I will.

that's a cool motorbike sir ☺️

good night my brother. You show beautiful pictures with a pleasant snow atmosphere, I feel very happy to be able to enjoy it even though I have never experienced it.
and I think it's great that you tried using a bike to walk in the snow for the first time. Even though you almost slipped, you can find out the results and it is a new experience but still be careful.

So true, it was a interesting experience.

And now is time to clean your bike 😂 I'm slightly jealous. Not because of your bike, but because of the snow 😂 I think we will have snow in April 😏

Hah yeah I do need to take some time and clean off the remaining dirt. Though the snow washed off much of it.

Oh by April usually our snow is all done here and Spring is starting.

Yes, it should be like this, but lately, snow in April has surprised us several times. I hope it won't be like that this year. 😂

Riding in the snow can be such an amazing experience! It’s normal to feel a bit uncertain the first time, but with more rides, you'll definitely gain more confidence. There’s something uniquely thrilling about riding through the snow!

Yep, that is exactly how it felt. I think so, over time I will feel more comfortable.

You did a great job for your first ride. Riding on powder snow is more comfortable as you said. Be careful though :)

Ah thanks.. yeah that seems to be the trick.

Will do.

What make and model? I’d love for us posties to go electric but there’s not a lot of options for us down here in New Zealand.

I like the look of the Zeros but I doubt the company would pay over $20000NZ per bike considering they’re paying about $5000NZ per bike for Honda CT-125s.

Hopefully Honda gets off their butt and gives us electric CTs soon.

It is Talaria Sting MX5, they cost around $4700

Ok. $8000NZ isn't too bad. Might be able to swing that with the company. 😂

You are a brave man. I had a small motorcycle when I lived up north, no way was I riding it in the snow.

I do not know if they make one for your model bike but for the bikes we have, they make a rack that fits over the back tire, my husband put one on our bikes. He tied a plastic milk crate to the one on his bike and can carry tools or he can take his bike on a beer run.

Your wet shoes make me cold.

Hah well I wanted to find out what it was like.

Oh cool, I would probably need to custom fit one on.. but for now the dog bags work great. Cool idea with the milk crate.

Hehe yeah I got out of those boots and put them out to dry.. luckily they are doing good now.

I'm glad your bike handled well in the snow. We got a bit on Friday and we spent the morning digging out here, but nothing really significant. Maybe just a couple inches.

Yeah it was quite impressive, I thought I would need studs in the tires but honestly I do not think its needed for non-ice driving.

Oh damn, well hopefully you do not need to dig out your cars and driveways too often.. that could get annoying.

Did it once on Saturday morning. Looks like it could use it again today, but I am not sure if I will have time by the time I get home. Maybe my wife will do it while she is off... I'm glad the bike is working out well for you!

Excelente fin de semana @solominer, debe ser un poco incómodo andar en la nieve 🌨 y con la moto 🏍?? A la hora de trabajar me imagino que debe ser un poco tedioso bro.

Hoy me acorde de ti fui a unas plantaciones frutales con buenas siembras de Guayaba, plátano y algún vegetal 🌶, son de campesinos de mi ciudad, luego haré un post y te etiquetare para que puedas verlo.

Saludos aquí te dejo una foto @solominer!!

Yeah walking in it can be a wet experience if you do not have the right pants and boots.. but riding in it was not too bad as I was above most of it.

Oh cool, i will try to check it out when I have some time.

This is so cool!
It would be even cooler with a video of racing across the snow!

Thanks! Yeah I do need to make some video, unfortunately the snow is now melting.. but the winter is not over yet so maybe I will get some more opportunities to make a video of snow riding.

Hi, what a beautiful bike and you really enjoyed the ride.

Your electric bike is a power bike, so I don't see much of a problem riding it in the snow, but careful does it .

Well, I love seeing all these snow.

It must be very cold over there. Right?

Yep, it handled the snow quite well.. it was slowed down slightly by the snow but not too much.

It gets quite cold here.. freezing quite often.

Really impressed by this bike, I had no idea what to expect being my first snow ride

For your first time you did so well, cheers to more amazing rides friend😃

Thanks, yep... glad it all went well.

You are most welcome

The snow is so thick that your motorbike wheels are stuck in there. But you look great in this condition. Have a great time.

Hehe yeah it was pretty deep in areas.. thanks it was a lot of fun.

This looks badass as hell my friend!

Thanks it is a badass bike.

It is a good thing that no harm happened. I hope you enjoyed your snow ride. Have a great day! 🍀

Yep.. sure did and hope you have a good day too.

In fact you have paved the way with your experience. Your two wheeler looks very nice.

Thanks, I had a lot of fun going out with it.

The way there build this though, it wanted to look like motorcycle bikish way. I havent seen one around here but would love to get one myself

Snow and ice can reduce grip, making it easy to lose control but if the tires are studded tires, it can help improve traction.


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