
I cull feral and pest animals on a cattle far. I'm talking about kangaroos, deer and foxes mainly.


yeah I work in a farm but I had to confirm what I had been thinking. I saw a video just last week about men who does that , do you record that culling session of yours?

They shoot wild pigs, foxes and even rats! they looked like they were on a war game. is it fun to do?

I cull weekly and report to the farmer with what was shot each time so he can report to the authorities as it's all tracked.

When I hunt it's mainly wild pigs which can be a little dangerous and there's no need to record or report anything in that case.

is it fun to do?

I take no pleasure in killing, I've done enough of it to understand that each time I take a life some of my own goes with it. However, I love the outdoors aspect of it, the camping and off roading and such.

oh I see. thank you for answering my questions anyway

I've killed a lot of vermin over the years and no part of me feels bad about that. Not now, not ever.

Almost all my other kills are meat kills. I venerate the animal I've killed by preparing and eating it.

That said, about 30 years ago I got tired of killing stuff, and quit hunting. I soldiered on with fishing for a few years by being all catch and release. Then I had a physical problem that took fishing out of the game.

I still identify as a hunter and fisherman.

Once a hunter, always a hunter; it's a mentality I guess.

I'm not much for fishing, I can do it, but I'm not great at it and don't really enjoy it much. I think it's too passive for me and I prefer stalking and stuff like that.

You probably need to try fly fishing a high mountain stream. Stalking and sneaking are both very much involved.

I had to quit fly fishing, physically. I could sit on a boat or a beach chair and fish, but I'm like you. Not for me...