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RE: Introducing HiveStreams.Live: Your New Hive Blockchain Integrated Live Streaming Platform.

in HiveDevs2 months ago (edited)

The main page, after signing in with hivesigner, kept refreshing every second so I couldn't update the email or password on chrome. Also when testing Hivesigner login on Safari it didn't seem to work as expected (like on chrome), instead of letting me log in with one of my test accounts it prompted me to sign up all over again so I was unable to log in?


You should not have to enter any email or password, it just needs a clean login from HiveSigner. There is suppressed "regular" username/email/password signup because I was thinking of letting in normies without crypto connections for them, but its not in this version.

If you click signup, and or login functions on HiveStreams, it will redirect you to hivesigner, get the token from them, return and land you on your profile settings page.

There should be no way for you to even get to the pages for entering emails or passwords at all.

Unless you are EBTLink, which is the most recent user signed up in the site database with a hive name I don't recognize as someone well known or that I know already, then it is correct that you never made it back from hivesigner.

The only thing I can think of is that hivesigner isnt taking your token as valid and trying to send you back to itself once youve come back to my site and tried to use that token they generated in the prior steps.

I had one other person have trouble with the hivesigner site but they figured out they were doing stuff wrong there and got later got into hivestreams just fine.

I'd look into it further, but I can't be "you" key-wise to test your specific case, and from the site data on my side, unless you are that EBTLink user, you never made it in from a clean hivesigner authentication perspective.

I am working on other login tools, I spent the MOST of this past week trying to make HiveKeychain work, but thats an uphill battle for some reason, when all the other hive tools I use, like hive-php, hivejs, and hivesigner worked great out of the box, keychain did not work at all, even trying different versions and different peoples documentation for it, or older versions of its site integration code and examples, none of them matched each other or worked as described to expect them to work.

So for now, I guess 2 out of the dozen or so people who tried have had auth issues via hivesigner, but the others just slid right in. At this point, i cant tell if thats a bug or a hivesigner side issue or just a couple people with funky issues or user errors. Not enough of a sample size of issues yet, where for most folks, it just worked (according to the new users appearing in the database on my site, since when it works, people dont file reports lol)

Perhaps try again later and maybe its a transient hivesigner issue authenticating the token it makes, because if my site thinks your token is bogus, it will send you back to hivesigner, try its token again and if hivesigner says ok, you come back to me, but then my site says, hivesigner told us no, go back there and then it loops out like that, like you described. But thats not my side, its hivesigner saying heres your token, me saying, ok try the token you gave me, then hivesigner saying nope we didnt do that token, but yes you did, no we didnt and round and round it goes. Which should be impossible circumstances, with a proper hive auth user logging in at hivesigner but here we are. Sigh. Thanks for trying and reporting your experience.

I can only wait for more reports and try to deduce why hivesigner is issuing then denying tokens, causing the retry loop to happen.

Here is where I get to after logging in with hivesigner on chrome.
Screenshot 2024-08-18 at 10.59.43 PM.png

hrm, it could be the period in your user name, my site fakes an email and password since you wont be using them as a hive authed user here. It just makes it your [email protected] to fill in the db but its never going to need or use an actual email for hive authed users - we dont need/use those on hive apps.

Ill check that my site is not tripping on you having a period in your user name, which in turn makes an invalid email address and it may be denying you entry via my validation rules, but its a stretch. I cant imagine you havent had issues lots of places though with a period in your username, most places require alpahnumeric only to avoid punctuation in critical account ids or addresses, since periods are used so heavily for other reasons in http/tcpip and programming syntax - and they tend to blow shit up and are best avoided.

I'll test it out now with an account without a period to check.

That will be interesting and its a notable uncommonality but it should have worked anyway

OK I guess it was indeed the dot since I was able to log in with my account. Good catch!
Screenshot 2024-08-18 at 11.22.06 PM.png

Nice, Im looking into my code to see why that would fail validations, one of my libraries does email validating against lengthy lists of what are called "RFC"s which are the rules for internet standards published by internet governance committees out there in the world. Maybe the format breaks some kind of rule. I can code to fix it and allow it, since my email addresses merely exist to plug a hole for now in case they ever become relevant for non-chain accounts to login with or we decided to use them for things like notifications if the user wants to volunteer an address for such things.

You should never ever see that page in the way I have it commented out right now, this tells me you didnt get any of the hivesigner auth stuff in your return back from their site to mine via the call back redirect. I'm feeling hivesigner issue here, as per my other replies interlaced with your latest replies here.

I could see the hivesigner stuff in the url, however the console log in the browser was missing that. Tried with another account, was routed to the same place. Will try again later.

I just tried it again with a fresh account using chrome here on PC and no issues at all.

When hivesigner send you back to my site with an "OK good guy here" token, I consume it in a script and then push you to the profile settings dashboard logged in. So you will only see that long token url flash up for a moment on the way back before redirecting to a logged in page.

Unable to reproduce, feel like that denied login and safari and then chrome got your auth and link caches mixed up, but im not sure, thats just my gut at the moment, a clean browser cache and clean hivesigner account and it should be fine.

I just saw the edit including mention of Safari. I don't have a mac or safari, so it "could" be an issue there, clear your cache if hivesigner gave you weirdness but my system only relies on sending you there, getting back the confirmation token that you logged in to them ok, and then it doesnt rely on cache or anything, it just keeps a cookie that you are you and you got logged in ok at hivesigner, it wont need to do anything else with any external stuff till you were to try a chain operation like using money from your wallet to send a tip, then it would use the hivesigner token to say, is this still good? But none of that cares if you are using safari, a phone, a fax machine or a potato, it just sends a link to the web, gets an encrypted yes or no string back and moves on, no magic there.

I will have to find someone with safari and a mac to try it and see if it seems related to any of that. Safari is kind of famous for being shitty to web developers. Its sort of the Apple version of Internet Exploder (MS Explorer) which is also famous for being absolutely useless.

Chrome however should have had no problem. sounds like maybe by messing with hivesigners login denial, and trying various browsers, you got your tokens in a wad, and need to clear browser caches, clean up your login issue at the hivesigner side and it would all work out fine. I expect,and hope anyway