Introducing HiveStreams.Live: Your New Hive Blockchain Integrated Live Streaming Platform.

in HiveDevs2 months ago (edited)

Big News Folks!

Once upon a time, way back in 2017, I joined St33m, then PAL, then I built MSP Waves, trained dozens of show hosts and systems/operational staff, then parted ways with almost all of them, left PAL, left Waves in their competent hands, and started Steemstar Network, providing both the platform's two principle streaming systems over those years.

Then I left the chain for a couple years to pursue some career stuff and left SteemStar in still more capable hands (that also eventually wandered away from it) and I bought land and home in Costa Rica and semi-retired. So now I am back and I am busier than ever.

First I became a partner in the recently established @PolleNation Hive Witness with none other than @TheAlliance master himself, @EngineWitty, and then I re-launched my once dead, now alive, but still about the dead, Dead Followers Tools and the "When Lambo?" spot exchange calculator over the past few weeks.

But along the way since my return, many old friends on the chain from the days of lore, kept greeting me, welcoming me back and then following up with questions like "So SirCork, when new streaming platform? All our other ones shut down or left the chain and you built the very best ones that lasted the longest even after YOU left, they still ran on, but alas! No more, they've all gone away now!"

So I took those requests to heart, which was easy enough for me to do, because gosh I love me building some streaming platforms. Or at least if you know me and you know my history with my last couple streaming networks on the chain, then you know I love 'em, and maybe also hate them a little for sure. And that's the passion that brought me to today, doing it again, for you guys, because I can, and we need it, this place needs it, the community needs it, and well, we just need it, okay? For reasons.

So anyhow, I spent the last ten days or so grinding towards an MVP of such a platform as would surpass all the others before it, one that would be open to chain users, and not just elite broadcasters only allowed to do network shows by the grace of some community overlords, rather my vision is a new site that allows anyone on the chain to launch a stream and a show and ultimately, as I get more and more built, have more and more ways to publish and build an audience and a community of their channel and even maybe monetize their content in all sorts of new ways.

At the very least we can have some fun interacting with each other while having a shared listening and watching experience like we did with with the other now-defunct networks, back in the day. I know some of those streamers would love a new home and HiveStreams.Live can be a streaming home for everyone!

Now, with the background, outlook and plan sort of laid out for you, let's get on with the big reveal! Turn an eye to the future, and expect a ton of improvements, many already underway in development and in the pipeline for this next chapter of "SirCork Builds Streaming Platforms for the Hive Chain Community", let me get right on to introducing you to:


Let's have a look around, right? We have your bright and dark modes and a ton of basic, early functionality ready for you to play with. Here's handful of screen shots to whet your appetite to go check it out at the link above soon!
















Learn why Hive Blockchain Creators will love our platform

Live Streaming
Stream live to your audience in real-time! Communicate with your community! Our standards based service works with OBS and other popular streaming tools which are available online for free for PC, Mac and Mobile phones and tablets too! If it can send a stream via RTMP or play web based video, you can stream it or watch it on!

Live Chat
What would a live stream be without live audience interaction? Your audience can chat with you and each other in the live chat room right beside your stream video, right here on HiveStreams.Live! Chats require users to log in via Hive, so you can be sure of who is really who! You can also stop any pesky trolls from spamming your chat by banning them from the chat completely at your instant discretion. You can unban them later if you feel like they deserve it!

Hive/HBD Monetization Coming Soon!
We're implementing FULL Hive blockchain integration for HiveStreams.Live, including automated Hive 'going live right now!' announcement blog posts on chain, built in Hive/HBD direct streamer tipping transfers and monthly channel fan donation memberships via customizable 'Membership Tiers'. You can also use 3rd party services like to simultaneously restream your lives to HiveStreams AND multiple other platforms, or upload your post-show edited recordings to video sites like 3Speak, YouTube, Rumble and so on.

Post those recorded replays as Hive blog posts to monetize the content even more. Take on sponsors, make affiliate offers, sell your own products or services... Dream big! Monetizaton is up to your own creativity. The options are endless! We can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Freedom & Success
Everyone has an equal opportunity to be a success on HiveStreams.Live! All it takes to get started is a Hive Blockchain account. We provide the HiveStreams.Live<->Hive Blockchain software and streaming infrastructure and built in a few basic ways to use it to try and earn some Hive or HBD for your live streaming efforts, but the rest is completely up to YOU to decide how to best present your content to your audience.

The moment you get your first tip or channel supporting membership subscription from an engaged and happy audience member, or your first paying channel sponsor, is such a great moment to strive for and a sweet reward for your hard work on creating live stream experiences that your viewers love! See YOU in the streams, on HiveStreams.Live!

Our goal is to create a place for the Hive community to live stream their content, ideas, opinions, news, announcements, interests and anything else that someone might want to live stream about --- or watch!

So what's the Current Situation Report, SirCork?

We're very much a fledgling work under constant construction. The goal is to continuously improve and integrate more and more with the HIVE Blockchain directly as much as possible.

This initial publicly usable early alpha MVP test & preview release is subject to drastic change which could mean the loss of data.

PLEASE NOTE! For now, we are not storing streams for replay or VoD because that is insanely expensive and so we recommend that streamers record a local copy, edit it for brevity and post teaser and trailer clips on HiveStreams.Live to entice users to watch your live streams when you come on. We do limit that a bit for file size and quantity, but we are about streaming - not about yesterday's news. There's places for that, but we're not it.

We do provide a scheduling feature that you can customize in your HiveStreams.Live channel settings, to make that live-only approach a bit easier for your audience, or you can just pop on whenever you want and post to let folks know you're going live. We're working on that auto-launch-post as a highest priority anyway.

In our first official initial release we plan to have the concept of subscription tiers defined by the streamer channel account owner. You can make these Tiers mean anything you want and be any price you want in HBD per month, like Tier One: Private Discord Access 1 Hive per month, with 5 and 10% discounts for six and 12 month subs, Tier Two: Whatever you can dream up that people would pay monthly for, etc.

Understand that all of this is going to be paid for, and cashed out as HBD and handled on chain with recurring chain transactions. We intend to integrate 100% directly in Hive between authenticated HiveStreams.Live user's actual wallets for all transactions for subscriptions and directing tipping donations. All of this is being developed ASAP.

When we DO finally integrate an "upvote" or "like" system for streams and/or channel media, we are debating on using standard Hive curation upvoting like we use on posts, OR possibly just making a post on the chain for each live stream launched or video uploaded to handle curation "over here" on the blog UI platforms.

Another option we are considering is keeping likes as only and purely just genuine "likes" or "hearts", that are not actually stake based at all, allowing for more organic and human driven site sorting for top/trending/popular, etc type categories as opposed to popularity being purchasable for the highest stake.

With that option, we would then have real equal "voting" but also only channel monetization via tips, subscriptions, channel sponsors, etc, and thus not from on-chain or side-chain or any other kind of "curation rewards" for liking or upvoting. You could still post about it, and we intend to integrate an auto-post option for you anyway to publish your lives and videos when you put them up, so there would always be that curation system on those anyway at the blog sites.

All of this and more is to be determined and done as we go forward. For now, we are in very early alpha-test mode, everything is subject-to-change, so try it but your experience may vary, and we're just getting started here.

So far I have funded the servers, some software, and my days and nights of frenetic coding to get you this much of the system for your early sneak-peak trials and feedback. I have a HUGE list of work ahead to make it do more, and so far, I am self funded on that. No proposal for ~this~ streaming site, at least not now, not yet, maybe someday but so far, I got this for now. The big trick is not trying to save video and serve it as replays. Record your thing locally, put it on something free like YouTube or elsewhere that embeds nicely in players on the blog sites and use us as your integrated Hive user based and Hive/HBD integrated live streaming hub. I'd be flattered, honored and thrilled if you do and as the movie quote goes, "it'd be a lot cooler if ya did!"

I appreciate your patience while I make this thing as awesome as possible, for as many people as possible, as fast as possible.

Thanks for streaming & watching with HiveStreams.Live!

See you in the streams!
Founder & Developer: @HiveStreams
Co-Founder: @YouAreHOPE
Partner @PolleNation Hive Witness
Developer: Dead Follower Tools & When Lambo?



Join the Hive Pollen Nation!
Vote @PolleNation as your witness.
Join the PolleNation Discord
We appreciate your support!




Having not discovered you during my many years on steem, I sure and to do so now thanks to our friend @enginewitty!

I am not much of a streamer but always wondered how I would venture into that realm of content. Maybe this is my chance!

I love me some blockchain community builders and a friend of witty is a friend of mine. Well met and I am along for the ride!

You could totally stream some beer tastings much the way @davedickeyyall does his 'Morning Bowl' episodes. Stream once a week, there are a lot of beer fans, right @detlev?

Oh damn straight!

We are working on a Beer & Stories initiative off chain that I want to have on-chain as well so this fits in perfectly with that!

Hells ya my dude! That will be awesome!


Did you say !BEER

Yeah, here we are on #Hive.

There we have already a community with 2400+ members and much much more.....

Let it flow! untitled.gif

Thank you! Nice to meet you. I am pretty sure we met before, but if not, we did now! All good things in time I suppose!

Some folks have said they "didn't know I made Waves", they thought.. well, another guy who claims he made all the things made it. So here's some of the earliest stuff about all that...

How it started:

How its going seven years later? Stay tuned and watch this space.

"another guy" lolol.

never be "that guy"

This really does fill an empty hole in the HIVE community. Probably good to use HIVE KEYCHAIN for a quick and easy login.

It is being worked on diligently, promise. 😎

Actually that frigging keychain was my one and only main goal for the initial build, and it cost me a week of it simply not working, not matching the documentation and causing me endless lost sleep, hivesigner, however, snapped in with a few hours work and let me get onto to other things.

Hidden inside what you see right now though, is a TON of half to fully built capabilities and features that I turned off and commented out since I will want to test a lot of that, especially any posting or money stuff way more before letting the public have it to make mistakes with, potentially involving chain events or transactions, but yes, then I will return to keychain just having all kinds of issues I did not face with hivesigner, hive-php, hivejs or any other developers hive code I tried out or ended up using or plan to use. Keychain stood alone amidst so much other hive community sourced code in being an absolute waffle in terms of not being "plug and play" for me so far.


That's me at about 5am every morning this week before moving to the cot next to my desk for a powernap, then back into my chair for another eye-open-to-eye-close 20 hour coding session on this beast every day for the last ten days or so.

I love you Cork. This is great you are so committed.

I should be committed, that is entirely certain!

LOLOL. I guess that's one way of looking at it.

This is a hive-archeology proxy comment meant as a proxy for upvoting good content that is past it's initial pay-out window.


Pay-out for this comment is configured as followed:

curator-0.0%curation rewards disabled
dev@croupierbot2.5%author of hive-archology
dev@emrebeyler2.5%author of lighthive

Thank you.

Seem to be on the right track. So you have some issues with "curation" and I don't blame you. It makes, no sense. I covered some of that already here:

And now I'll tell you something about "tipping" in the traditional sense.

For one, peakd has had it for years and it's rarely used, compared to votes. Votes are a better deal to the consumer. When tipping, the consumer on the outside must go through all those hoops first, in order to convert their money into crypto. So they're not going to want to do that constantly, every time they want to tip. They also won't charge their account up thousands of dollars and call that a "convenience," in order to prepared to tip often. Not happening. And all this money is just going straight through the system anyway. So it's not "adding value" without incentives to hold in place.

So the solution is tipping, with votes. They can charge that up gradually, as it grows on its own as well, when they tip. They charge it once with $100, can tip forever, and still have that money. Then they can add another $100. They spend this money anyway, but now it's not spent. And if they did go ahead and charge it up a few grand, they're not blowing through that money. It's growing.

And a lot people think, "Well wtf good is two cents as a tip?" But I'm looking at it in bulk. 1000 tipping for "free" and look, it's adding up. Plus you can come by tomorrow and do it all over again. Traditional tips, you're on limited supply. The result is consistent tips rather than sporadic. So again, this adds up.

And often people think, "Well geez. That's not fair that individual can tip $5 and I can only tip 5 cents." But you'd never hear that when someone decides to drop $100 on a stream, while others did $5, and the rest did nothing. That competition and jealously elements aren't in the code. That's just people being people. The culture messes with people. They walk in the door and immediately someone is telling them "you're just a minnow and you need to be afraid of those big whales over there." It's f'd up so I just ignore that stuff. Grown adults saying they're "little people" here, but they'd never do that in public, in life.

We have all these tools here to use, and we don't need to see them in the same way we've been looking at them since 2016. That's just the culture. People can go their own way, yet still be a part of something much larger than themselves.

Pardon the relaxed nature of this comment, I'm in a bit of a hurry. You asked me to come here. If you learned anything from what I said over there and in the included linked response. Run with it.

I have to throw in a major factor that gives tipping an edge over votes, though I like both incentives. Tipping itself, goes directly to the user - in this case - the streamer. It goes to them immediately with no chance of there being any downvotes applied or having to wait for 7 days to get it. None of it is powered up, giving them an extra option to do so or instead, use it however they seem most fit.

If we are to ultimately compete with other similar platforms out there, we also have to do what they do. Some of the best advice I ever got was in a meeting with a guy named Marty Hale (think Trump was in the conference room too a few tables over) but he said - it's okay to be a copy cat, as long as you're copying the right cat.

If we want the Twitch game streamers (who get immediate tips) and the ASMR TikTokrz (who earn passively based on performance akin to our votes) then we have to honor both and not prefer one over the other. A good recipe has all the great ingredients. Leaving sugar out of the cupcake batter won't taste very good.

Offering the option, much like Peakd does and elsewhere across the internet, is still a good idea. HBD is solid for that.

These days, content creators work daily. A steady stream (see what I did there?). One works for seven days. On the seventh day, day one payments are rolling in. If they're consistent, they're still being paid daily. Most streamers are consistent. The waiting period isn't unusual either. Work for two weeks and then we have this thing called, "Pay day."

I hear you. Loud and clear. Offering counterpoints.

I'm not suggesting one is better than the other. One is a better deal and far more convenient for the consumer in this particular setting and under these circumstances. And I'll agree consumers like options.

We also have years worth of knowledge to look back on. I remember back in the day when we didn't have tips (though we still had wallet transfer), people championing the tipping idea, saying it would improve things tremendously. It's hardly used.

The root of the problem there, is the fact there has been very little focus placed on attracting the crowd that does the tipping. I use the universal term "consumers". Any other platform where we see those options being a success is majority consumers. Not content creators.

I bet if we reversed that trend, we'd see more tipping. But eventually that consumer would learn there's another option on the table that is a far better deal. The voting process is what makes this place unique.

You mentioned downvotes as well but those don't normally land on content receiving tons of organic engagement. And if streams were bringing money in the door from the consumer crowd, an actual audience is a sure sign it's not abuse or reward farming or whatever else they want to call it. Confident it would be embraced.

I remember a thing called HiveTips that actually worked and I was using quite a bit on various platforms like Twitter/X and YouTube until they got all weird and stopped supporting their code. Even helped with the marketing plan they never put in place LOL!

I mentioned downvotes because you brought up whale fear and thought that was what you were alluding to 😁 and I don't disagree with them being here either, just was my train of thought.

there has been very little focus placed on attracting the crowd that does the tipping.

This is weighing on my mind. And I will refer back to the marketing plan that never went into effect for the other thing. I believe full and well, given the proper strategy, that audience already exists and would arrive with a place to call to home like we do. There is still a huge displace between traditional web2 socials and the new web3s. Once the learning curve is tackled and it's placed in a way people can understand, without fear of that new thing (because pack mentality fears change), then the S.O.S. (Shiny Object Syndrome) will set in and people won't be able to get enough of what Hive has to offer.

HA! See. It's programmed in to fear the boogieman. That mindset comes from the steemit days. Splash some cold water on your face dude. That helps me anyway. lol

And yes there are so many challenges. I've been going on about this for years though. Entire articles published every year I've been here, saying some of the same things I said here and under VIMM's post. Meanwhile crypto, in general, has been acting somewhat unappealing (to put it gently) and the average consumer today is far more fearful than years ago.

We're offering legit products though. Not crazy promises. I would never bring these concepts up to a consumer and call it an "investment". Their goal is to support the things they enjoy. Very familiar territory. But as soon as someone starts throwing all that crypto jargon at them, we just lost a customer. Perfect example would be those on autopilot here. Potential consumers, totally absent, and being paid to not look. Streaming can be incredibly successful but it won't work like that, because it doesn't work like that. So there's this massive wall of traditions, culture, common practices here between a solid shot at success as well. web3 is just on cruise control heading for a wall if we can't even get streaming to work right.

You and I speak the same language often.

"it wont work if we can't make it easy for grandma!"

Is very very true and also been saying it since 2017.

4 keys, a master million digit password and logging in is what slowed my damn coding down for a week and still isnt "good enough" for everybody - I get it technically, but what the fuck? MY brick and mortar BANK with my imaginary millions in it only has one password, that I get to pick and remember, with backup plans for getting in if I forget it, for fucks sake.

When nerds make things, they seem to forget how to basic-human sometimes, a lot of the time.

I think that's why Keychain is so popular. One password and you're in.

Always saw that as the solution to that key problem, from my perspective as someone who's using the products.

Notice how I said "products" instead of dApps or whatever? People don't know what a dApp is and just stare at the capital A, wondering why it's there in the middle like that lol.

I hear you, tipping is actually a thing more in streaming, as a long time live streamer, on youtube primarily and twitch some, it a different kind of audience and culture. In streaming, tipping and channel subs are how the majors make their entire livings (and sponsors of course, with any sizeable audience, comes sponsors)

So the issue here is not so much "voting bad" as much as the fan culture of streamers is live tipping to get your name mentioned live, your message read outloud, etc.

And voting on live streams is a technical issue, not so much a philosophical one. Posts are votable for 7 days, they sit there and exist, waiting for voters. Streams are ephemeral, on and off with a light switch, so where and when do the votes go? There is no "post" of the video feed, though you can make posts ABOUT the video feed and those would have curation the regular old ways anyway, but during the live stream, do you have a vote button in the chat room, that goes away when the stream turns off? There is no "chain content" until you make a post about the stream, but the stream itself, technically, is not a mechanically vatable thing, so thats "my problem with voting" per se.

Thank you for coming and looking, I like your take on things in general and valued hearing your input.

Though I do think on a live video site, that organic crowd favoriting for things like "trending, most viewers, best channel" kind of stuff is exactly like you said on the proposal post, the market WILL choose its favorites, but the stake weighted voting isn't "the crowd favorites", its the biggest money favorites and when the content is live video, that could mean a home page full of late night style infomercials and paid advertising over coming the "creative" content and self defeat the whole place, because if it became a site full fast food chain ads bought by stake to fill the trending lists, nobody will watch any of it or come create there at all.

Viewer selection and not paid-for visibility is why YouTube and Twitch have organic content and audiences and smaller regional and public access cable television channels, once intended to be the domain of small creators quickly became the opposite in the 80s, full of crap commercials and infinite ads and informercials because the blocks of visible airspace can simply be bought.

I'm familiar with the streaming culture. I'd consume and study at the same time.

The voting inside chat, I think, is possible. Talk to the Peakd crew. I'm not sure but they might have a solution.

I can't help with the development side of things. I thought of a voting widget of sorts but, no clue how to explain it properly or build it. Probably have to work some layer 2 magic there but again, I'm not sure. Something simply acting as post. Maybe similar to how Inleo handles Threads. Might be some inspiration there. Again. Not sure.

Yeah I'm definitely in research and options exploration mode, which is why this sneak preview release is not monetized at all so far, I have a lot of the tipping/subscription tier ("patreon" model basically) stuff actually built into the app, but not chain integrated at the actual "cash checkout counter" bit yet. Not wanting to rush out premature solutions made based on bad decisions. But I have to keep moving, so I'll have to come up with some things soon or the whole thing is moot.

Again I appreciate your time and input, you do very thorough thinking and input and I value it highly.

A log. Each member signing into chat gets logged in on chain as well if your service writes a comment with beneficiary going to that account holder. Incoming votes on your frontend would be a vote for that comment on chain. So rather than voting in chat like one would if they "liked" something, people would vote for the account name which is just a comment behind the scenes on chain. Mitigates the risk of token farming as well since it can be monitored. Your service would only need to publish one post, then place those comments under it forever. The comments don't have to say anything. Just a placeholder. Chat login would have to expire every 24 hours so a new comment gets written for maximum rewards efficiency. Keep in mind I'm just pulling this idea out of thin air. No clue how you'd go about doing that. Maybe @acidyo would be interested in picking this apart. I don't know a damn thing about the technical side or if that would be a feasible solution.

People wouldn't be able to vote for one individual in chat numerous times in one day, so the voting or tipping with votes in chat would be used sparingly.

Logging in and logging out shouldn't trigger a new comment on chain. Just one every 24 hours or something more suitable.

Wow, I get it. Its the basis of an idea that with proper implementation could be most excellent. Daily Channel Chat Posts on the streamer's blog where they can go comment crazy and curate for each show. Comment viewer blogs ... but hrm, could lead to a lot of out of context block spam.

You're onto something in this mix though. I'm so flattered you're still thinking about it at all! Good shit.

Yeah. I'm just looking at the many tools we have, some of the approaches I've seen, and wrapping them together with tape.

Look at this:

I'm not saying the streamer creates a post. I'm saying you publish one that doesn't need to be rewarded. It can sit there forever, and every time someone logs in to chat, a comment is created under the post you published, and those comments would collect the votes placed upon what is being voted for in chat. That way votes can still occur, and the entire chat doesn't need to be on chain. People aren't "tipping" the posts in chat, they're "tipping" the people, in chat, for whatever reason.

Heyho @sircork

sounds great. I do a lot around streaming here in Germany.
Will try to add to my weekly 29 Minuntes LiveStream and will test with other things.

BUT, please add a safe way to join your service. Have a quick look to #HiveAuth and #Keychain as many users - like me - don't use the private key in ANY website as your login requested me to do.

By the way, HiveSigner IS safe, it's actually one of the oldest auth plug ins on the chain, but yes, I will have them all at some point, if their devs can make tools and documentation that actually work. Hivesigner works out of the box, keychain, in its various versions floating around and its mismatched old out of date documentation, not so much, and it requires users to install invasive browser plugins, that cycle resources on every page load in your site. And on other sites that arent even about hive.

so I hear you, but I wasted a little blurry eyed week holding to try and get keychain to do anything, like even load in the site at all, and to no avail, I simply couldn't waste anymore time on it for now.

But your "put your key in it argument" is a quite possibly a LOT more dangerous with keychains browser access and rights to ALL your keys, than the clunky old, very safe, walled garden that is hivesigner is when my site hits it tests it, tokens it and forgets it. So there's that too. As graceful as it isn't...

Got ya, but whenever I see a website asking for my keys I hear my internat "alarm"

I used it in the past and moved to keychain and more and more to #HiveAuth


I'll have to have them all of course, but I also gotta prioritize "mostly working" over "perfectly working" to get further, faster, till I can eventually trust some help with the night shift keys to the kingdom ;)

I talked to another Dev some weeks ago and with the demo code he got #HiveAuth running quickly

Anyway, I will do a streaming test with my demo account and will let you know.

Yes yes, its an ALPHA release, all the key methods will be options but this about that, already getting that obvious request over and over

This post has been manually curated by a member of the SBT Team. Great job.

Curated by sgt-dan

Thanks Sarge! Spread that word!

Live stream should interest many ardent Hivers more tools a better future.

@tipu curate

Agree! Mo Tools Mo Betta!

Nice man, Good to see you still building things that bring the community together!

Way to make an entry back into things. Wow! No wonder you are always awake.

I am sure his will fill a hole for sure. I could see this really taking off when you launch.

Always awake, and even when I was away for a while, I was always listening, everywhere. Now I am also bringing back the means for everybody to have a reason to stay awake and always listen, everywhere! :)

Well we tested it out folks! Streaming seems to be working fabulously. A few little hiccups with the Hive Singer. But what's new there. Streaming through OBS went smoothly. Pretty straightforward.

Now I just gotta figure out how to get it so I can pull people into a live audio chat with me so I can do my Medium readings and talk to all your dead relatives!

great test, you looked and sounded crisp and clear! Thanks for being the first not-me streamer to use it!

You know... I can remember back in 2019... I said, "Oh no... I will never do any videos!". But... you know, I did. @thoughtfuldailypost videos; I have probably a year's worth of videos. But I did these on... First: Appics... then the MosaeekApp/Site. I've not used 3Speak. So if I should ever decide to do a Live Stream... rather than an actual video... Well now. This will make a fella think. Thank you!


Dark Decedance Thumbup.jpg
You know... Taken with my S22 Ultra

...all those cool "other" commands


Sent a little something to @hivestreams 🖖

Thanks Wes, that helps! Thank you very much!



@sircork, @wesphilbin Sent You a Share for the DrawMatic Lifetime Prize Draws!

The new share balances will be effective in the upcoming prize pool draws from now on, forever and ever...
DrawMatic shares last a lifetime!
The more shares you own, the higher your chance of winning in each and every upcoming draw! 😎
Drawmatic_cmtBanner.jpgJoin DrawMatic on Discord To check shares and other information, or if you want to gift any amount of shares you own to others.

Aw, yer the best! Thank you! Much appreciated!

This is super cool, I can't believe you have built this and in such a short period of time. This is exactly what Hive needs. Man you got some skills! Hive has just got a lot more interesting.

I just checked out the site - it's perfect! It's easy to access, set up an account and very smooth to navigate.

You will have a very grateful community I'm sure. Now, I just need to think what type of content I can stream and join the fun.

Got to hand it to you dude, you have teased my interest in getting on a plane with your skydiving video, as I can not get on the damn things. But will work on the skydiving later on!

Oh man, what a great review! Thank you!

I have SO much to keep building, this is a very minimal viable product at the moment, able to stream and chat via a hive login but little else is "turned on" or finished yet, especially all the posting, curating, rewarding stuff, thats what Im working on now, today, as we speak... some of it will come soon! I want to start with the "Live Now!" post to the blogs first, and go upward from there with integration!

Jump into it (HiveStreams) or Jump out of it (Airplanes) - the choice is yours!

I have just started blogging on Hive and I'm finding it all awesome and bewildering in equal measure. Hive Streams now adds a whole new dimension to the Hive experience, thanks for constructing it.

As for your skydive you do have to be a little insane to do that shit, so yeah at some stage I might have to consider it.

Love this! I'm not a streamer, at least, not yet... ;)

I'm sure it's on your list but I'll ask anyhow, Hive keychain integration?

See this reply from me just now, about that...

Damn, that sucks.

Dude, if you streamed some food prep and shit? Ya, you'd have an audience there master chef.

Ha, yes! And if I stream the cooking of a steak to your liking it would be the shortest stream ever xD

Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he always has a great fall!

Credit: reddit
@enginewitty, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of summertooth

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Wow! How incredibly cool! I'm really glad you took this on Mr. Cork!

I couldn't resist :)

This is great news. I hope it takes off big time. It has all the right elements....

Killer, this is what @guiltyparties, @ausbitbank, @slobberchops, @theycallmedan and @arcange should get behind. I know they supported VIMM to an extent back in the day before they shut down and some new life needs to be supported here. Considering your technical skills and desire, I know this is going to be amazing!

Well, Vimm is out here asking for a ton of money, likely due to their second proposal explaining all the Amazon AWS debt they rolled up, which is why my plan is to have people decentralize their recording storage to wherever they want, as long as it isn't costing HiveStreams.Live any money.

I will need a tiny bit of storage to allow the "channel trailer/teaser" small file/short video uploads I do want to have and need for the channels sake, but paying to store somebody's six hour. 150 gig Minecraft video file run -that no one will EVER watch again but still costs 4 cents a minute to store or whatever (adds up real fast) is not going to be something we need to foot the bill for. Let 3speak or youtube or somebody be that repository, we just hook up the lives and chats.

At least at first. Anyway.

Thank you for the compliments!

Well, as long as ppl are streaming to other platforms that store, using, or even just using a different device, then they can retrieve their files that way and repost them here if they so choose....I think that was the idea, right?

More or less, yes, more options, more freedom to choose, one home landing site for all things live Hive!

I'm getting excited. I feel so....whetted.

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Here's handful of screen shots to whet your appetite

I'm impressed. You used the correct spelling of "whet"

Also, I love your writing as always. And I'm excited about the LIVE venture you're helming. Is that a word? Helming?

Present participle of helm.
Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License • More at Wordnik

So it's sort of part and parcel, a participle of a word.

a part and parcel participle. Me gusta.

I'm loving all the tender loving care and thought you've put into this @sircork. It's covering all the basic, and even many advanced streaming issues. You are always my favorite streaming genius, that's fo sho.

kiss kiss dahling, thank you so verrry much.

Damn I just unfollowed 115 dead accounts shit thanks what an awesome site!

I saw 4 guys beating up 1 guy so i stopped to help.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.

Credit: reddit
@sircork, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of summertooth

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ


Wait, what!?


10% seems to be a recurring theme :( From everyone sharing results on the tools announcement post

Can't stop thinking about this. So when you boil it down 90% of the folks that have passed through the steem/hive blockchain are gone?

I know there are new users but I wonder if they are net positive vs 'new' inactive users?

I suppose none of that really matters though and it's what's new today and what's next?

I'm seeing some cool stuff out there like #neonstirke and anything
@surgentgaming is involved with to name a couple. Anyhow, to a brighter future🍻

Keep on truckin I guess

Yep, everything I can see, from my own tools to those of others on the various stats sites and posts is that we've lost 90% of the people we had in 2017-2020.

Big swath cut when the hard forkening away from steem to hive happened, and I guess the plandemic ending and people going back outside killed the rest?

I dont know, but the numbers of "dead followers" are incredibly consistent at about ten percent remaining in the last month as posters (expands if you do voters and non-posters, for longer months but still, the line goes down on this chart overall)

Back in the 20-late teens, we had 30K active daily posters, now Im seeing numbers like 3K. That 10% number is everywhere I look.

Which means, we might as well turn it off, OR, try to revive it and find more people like the 10% that stuck it out. Not sure yet which is the right answer, but by releasing tools and apps, I'm sort of giving it one last go to see if we can bring any kind of crowd back here at all.

We just have to try some new things and do them a bit differently.

Love this and feel the same! I'm here to support it too. I'm not a developer or even close, I can barely develop a polaroid picture correctly xD

I like that there are still folks around developing some super cool things though, so there is hope 🤞

Got you tip btw, thanks. I love the tip function as 98% of my HP is delegated. If I remember right I use to be able to choose from a bigger selection of tokens to tip and I'm actually glad it's just HIVE or HBD now.

Keep !PIMP'n good sir!

"there are new users but I wonder if they are net positive vs 'new' inactive users"

Good question, but I think its two steps backward, one step forward at the moment, losing ground but slowing the roll by adding some weight back to the train as most get off at each station, so it cant just quite pull over and park yet, as passengers still get on, even as mostly the riders are getting off...

Seems weird you and the new potential VIMM 2.0 didn't communicate maybe you can sort something out together

Until yesterday's proposals, as far as anyone knew, they were shutdown and long gone since last year sometime, apparently.

I was doing this anyway, its's what I have done around here in some form or fashion since 2017. I greeted their guy on the comments on their proposal, we exchanged cordial best wishes. We have different architectural plans and operational intentions, I think.

Ah no worries,
guess as a streamer i have to do 50/50 between you two :D

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
@summertooth(1/10) tipped @enginewitty

Join us in Discord!

I tried this earlier this morning for #themorningbowl.. it recorded video which I posted.. but I had to post the video via 3speak.. this is definitely to complicated for the average pothead.. I would love to be a customer.. but don't know how.

Well a very average pot head built the whole thing ;) Ive smoked daily for over 40 years.

You login, go to your profile, press start streaming, grab your streaming key, put it in your streaming app and send it. Its about three or four clicks.

But it does assume you know how to use streaming studio apps... I did make the screen shot that explains exactly how to do add the server to OBS Studio, the most commonly used app but I cant document the dozens of those tools that exist, they have their own websites for that, and a million hours of how-tos on youtube already.

Drop by the discord, somebody will be able to help you as the folks begin to find it and join.

But a good place to start is the million hours of youtube about how to use whichever streaming software you want to run, depending on if you go with PC or Mac or android or iphone or a tablet or a streaming purpose built cam or streaming deck or.... But my site makes sign in and get your stream URL and key just about 2-3 clicks, I can't make it much simpler on my side.

Here's our HiveStreams.Live discord. - Its brand new like the rest of the HiveStreams product but there are already some kind and helpful folks in their answering each others questions.

The main page, after signing in with hivesigner, kept refreshing every second so I couldn't update the email or password on chrome. Also when testing Hivesigner login on Safari it didn't seem to work as expected (like on chrome), instead of letting me log in with one of my test accounts it prompted me to sign up all over again so I was unable to log in?

You should not have to enter any email or password, it just needs a clean login from HiveSigner. There is suppressed "regular" username/email/password signup because I was thinking of letting in normies without crypto connections for them, but its not in this version.

If you click signup, and or login functions on HiveStreams, it will redirect you to hivesigner, get the token from them, return and land you on your profile settings page.

There should be no way for you to even get to the pages for entering emails or passwords at all.

Unless you are EBTLink, which is the most recent user signed up in the site database with a hive name I don't recognize as someone well known or that I know already, then it is correct that you never made it back from hivesigner.

The only thing I can think of is that hivesigner isnt taking your token as valid and trying to send you back to itself once youve come back to my site and tried to use that token they generated in the prior steps.

I had one other person have trouble with the hivesigner site but they figured out they were doing stuff wrong there and got later got into hivestreams just fine.

I'd look into it further, but I can't be "you" key-wise to test your specific case, and from the site data on my side, unless you are that EBTLink user, you never made it in from a clean hivesigner authentication perspective.

I am working on other login tools, I spent the MOST of this past week trying to make HiveKeychain work, but thats an uphill battle for some reason, when all the other hive tools I use, like hive-php, hivejs, and hivesigner worked great out of the box, keychain did not work at all, even trying different versions and different peoples documentation for it, or older versions of its site integration code and examples, none of them matched each other or worked as described to expect them to work.

So for now, I guess 2 out of the dozen or so people who tried have had auth issues via hivesigner, but the others just slid right in. At this point, i cant tell if thats a bug or a hivesigner side issue or just a couple people with funky issues or user errors. Not enough of a sample size of issues yet, where for most folks, it just worked (according to the new users appearing in the database on my site, since when it works, people dont file reports lol)

Perhaps try again later and maybe its a transient hivesigner issue authenticating the token it makes, because if my site thinks your token is bogus, it will send you back to hivesigner, try its token again and if hivesigner says ok, you come back to me, but then my site says, hivesigner told us no, go back there and then it loops out like that, like you described. But thats not my side, its hivesigner saying heres your token, me saying, ok try the token you gave me, then hivesigner saying nope we didnt do that token, but yes you did, no we didnt and round and round it goes. Which should be impossible circumstances, with a proper hive auth user logging in at hivesigner but here we are. Sigh. Thanks for trying and reporting your experience.

I can only wait for more reports and try to deduce why hivesigner is issuing then denying tokens, causing the retry loop to happen.

Here is where I get to after logging in with hivesigner on chrome.
Screenshot 2024-08-18 at 10.59.43 PM.png

hrm, it could be the period in your user name, my site fakes an email and password since you wont be using them as a hive authed user here. It just makes it your [email protected] to fill in the db but its never going to need or use an actual email for hive authed users - we dont need/use those on hive apps.

Ill check that my site is not tripping on you having a period in your user name, which in turn makes an invalid email address and it may be denying you entry via my validation rules, but its a stretch. I cant imagine you havent had issues lots of places though with a period in your username, most places require alpahnumeric only to avoid punctuation in critical account ids or addresses, since periods are used so heavily for other reasons in http/tcpip and programming syntax - and they tend to blow shit up and are best avoided.

I'll test it out now with an account without a period to check.

That will be interesting and its a notable uncommonality but it should have worked anyway

OK I guess it was indeed the dot since I was able to log in with my account. Good catch!
Screenshot 2024-08-18 at 11.22.06 PM.png

You should never ever see that page in the way I have it commented out right now, this tells me you didnt get any of the hivesigner auth stuff in your return back from their site to mine via the call back redirect. I'm feeling hivesigner issue here, as per my other replies interlaced with your latest replies here.

I could see the hivesigner stuff in the url, however the console log in the browser was missing that. Tried with another account, was routed to the same place. Will try again later.

I just tried it again with a fresh account using chrome here on PC and no issues at all.

When hivesigner send you back to my site with an "OK good guy here" token, I consume it in a script and then push you to the profile settings dashboard logged in. So you will only see that long token url flash up for a moment on the way back before redirecting to a logged in page.

Unable to reproduce, feel like that denied login and safari and then chrome got your auth and link caches mixed up, but im not sure, thats just my gut at the moment, a clean browser cache and clean hivesigner account and it should be fine.

I just saw the edit including mention of Safari. I don't have a mac or safari, so it "could" be an issue there, clear your cache if hivesigner gave you weirdness but my system only relies on sending you there, getting back the confirmation token that you logged in to them ok, and then it doesnt rely on cache or anything, it just keeps a cookie that you are you and you got logged in ok at hivesigner, it wont need to do anything else with any external stuff till you were to try a chain operation like using money from your wallet to send a tip, then it would use the hivesigner token to say, is this still good? But none of that cares if you are using safari, a phone, a fax machine or a potato, it just sends a link to the web, gets an encrypted yes or no string back and moves on, no magic there.

I will have to find someone with safari and a mac to try it and see if it seems related to any of that. Safari is kind of famous for being shitty to web developers. Its sort of the Apple version of Internet Exploder (MS Explorer) which is also famous for being absolutely useless.

Chrome however should have had no problem. sounds like maybe by messing with hivesigners login denial, and trying various browsers, you got your tokens in a wad, and need to clear browser caches, clean up your login issue at the hivesigner side and it would all work out fine. I expect,and hope anyway