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RE: Introducing HiveStreams.Live: Your New Hive Blockchain Integrated Live Streaming Platform.

in HiveDevs2 months ago

I'm familiar with the streaming culture. I'd consume and study at the same time.

The voting inside chat, I think, is possible. Talk to the Peakd crew. I'm not sure but they might have a solution.

I can't help with the development side of things. I thought of a voting widget of sorts but, no clue how to explain it properly or build it. Probably have to work some layer 2 magic there but again, I'm not sure. Something simply acting as post. Maybe similar to how Inleo handles Threads. Might be some inspiration there. Again. Not sure.


Yeah I'm definitely in research and options exploration mode, which is why this sneak preview release is not monetized at all so far, I have a lot of the tipping/subscription tier ("patreon" model basically) stuff actually built into the app, but not chain integrated at the actual "cash checkout counter" bit yet. Not wanting to rush out premature solutions made based on bad decisions. But I have to keep moving, so I'll have to come up with some things soon or the whole thing is moot.

Again I appreciate your time and input, you do very thorough thinking and input and I value it highly.

A log. Each member signing into chat gets logged in on chain as well if your service writes a comment with beneficiary going to that account holder. Incoming votes on your frontend would be a vote for that comment on chain. So rather than voting in chat like one would if they "liked" something, people would vote for the account name which is just a comment behind the scenes on chain. Mitigates the risk of token farming as well since it can be monitored. Your service would only need to publish one post, then place those comments under it forever. The comments don't have to say anything. Just a placeholder. Chat login would have to expire every 24 hours so a new comment gets written for maximum rewards efficiency. Keep in mind I'm just pulling this idea out of thin air. No clue how you'd go about doing that. Maybe @acidyo would be interested in picking this apart. I don't know a damn thing about the technical side or if that would be a feasible solution.

People wouldn't be able to vote for one individual in chat numerous times in one day, so the voting or tipping with votes in chat would be used sparingly.

Logging in and logging out shouldn't trigger a new comment on chain. Just one every 24 hours or something more suitable.

Wow, I get it. Its the basis of an idea that with proper implementation could be most excellent. Daily Channel Chat Posts on the streamer's blog where they can go comment crazy and curate for each show. Comment viewer blogs ... but hrm, could lead to a lot of out of context block spam.

You're onto something in this mix though. I'm so flattered you're still thinking about it at all! Good shit.

Yeah. I'm just looking at the many tools we have, some of the approaches I've seen, and wrapping them together with tape.

Look at this:

I'm not saying the streamer creates a post. I'm saying you publish one that doesn't need to be rewarded. It can sit there forever, and every time someone logs in to chat, a comment is created under the post you published, and those comments would collect the votes placed upon what is being voted for in chat. That way votes can still occur, and the entire chat doesn't need to be on chain. People aren't "tipping" the posts in chat, they're "tipping" the people, in chat, for whatever reason.

No I got it, I was expanding to Stream Go Live announcments, then a following comment thread post for the day's stream comment curation, people can send their comments to this post and even be partial beneficiaries on the total post reward and on and on I got ideas now man, and you caused them!

insert mind blown gif here

