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RE: Ecency development and maintenance #5

in HiveDevs10 days ago (edited)

Thanks for question: What file sizes you uploaded and it failed?

We have limit of 15 MB which was reasonable for long time, if file sizes are increasing and many of your photos failing during upload, we can increase that limit.


Peakd has a limit of either 23 or 24 - for photos on a mobile phone 15 is more than enough, but photographers have to compress photos with loss of quality on a camera - it seems to me that it would be better to adhere to a single standard on all platforms - (of course, this is probably a load on the server, but progress is moving forward and the size of the photo (as well as the speed of the Internet) is getting bigger every year) Also, the platform does not support photo formats with HDR - if this were possible (at least in the future) it would be a leap forward in the beauty of the photo and, accordingly, the content!

I'm specifically interested in the JPEG XL (JXL) format - a modern format with HDR support and improved compression. I don't know if this is possible - but it would be cool!

We have increased file size to 25MB just now, hope that should be sufficient for bigger files. We will check what JXL offers and how to incorporate that

You are the best!!! If it works out with jxl, many photographers will want to publish with you - thank you very much for the quick 🙏feedback.

Since we're on the subject, I'd like to tell you about another inconvenience.
This is the impossibility of pasting a copied hashtag - perhaps for English-speaking people this is not a problem, but for everyone else, yes. For example, I don't know how to spell words correctly in English (especially long ones) and I need to copy them from a translator and paste them so as not to make a mistake - on ecency this is impossible, but on peakd it is possible - this small inconvenience makes you spend more time preparing a post.

This looks like new bug, I remember this functioning properly. Tried today, seem it is broken, we will fix this asap.

Great - this will make the process easier for many! 👍