Hi, Arveno here. In this content i want to sharing that today i am really dissapointing while playing Moon Karts.
I got 2 dissapoinment event from this game. Okay, this review is not good. But i need to be honest. But, not all the fault is from dev. This is pure my shortcomings.
Okay the first my dissapointing is i cannot claim my fuel after staking my cards. It needs Staked Colony to claim the fuel. And i dont know it is just staking or paying Colony token to claimed the fuel.
Of course at first i am excited and cannot wait to try it.
And after i finishing my work, i am starting to try multiplayer race.Yeah as i predicted, all in Play2Earn games wont be easy, if it too easy, i believe it will gonna rug soon. I know this is good for the ecosystem. But, yeah i need to really make a financial plan if i want to seriously in this game. And today i got covered by my friend @ramadhanight , He gives me some fuel to try racing on Multiplayer Race.
You can see video above. First the waiting for player is really too long. I believe they are still very limited player there. So, real time racing seems kinda impossible if no liquid player. And the first time i tried. I just waiting couple minutes than got paired with someone. And after that. This is the real problem. My PC is not compatible for Multiplayer Race. my FPS stuck on 10-14 FPS. That is very laggy. And also as you can see on the video. My Karts stuck and cannot accelerate forward. It turns out that this game is really heavy to my PC. My PC could not handle the graphic when multiplayer. But, when single player, my PC still can following up. I dont know much about this technical problem here. So, maybe i will still upgrading all my cards to epic and then i will lend my account to be scholared and i can share 50% split or 40% split if i have completed on Epic card. But, i still dont know. Maybe i need someone to play with my karts first and look how much i can get with this equipped.
Then i want to testing again on the second Multiplayer Race. But, until more than 6 minutes, i cannot matching with anyone. And i think yeah there are no player playing Moon Karts at this time. Maybe no many player in Southeast Asia. Yeah. I kinda dissapointed a lot today.
Maybe in sunday i will try using my wife's laptop. if i can race using laptop i will still upgrading and playing.
So, what my plan after i knowing about this malfunction on my PC??
In my head i have 2 plans.
The first one, i will finding PC or Laptop that rented or using my wife Laptop. If one of them can playing this without any lagging. I will started to make the financial plan about this game. If this plan wont work. The second plan is i will upgrading all my card to be Epic level 1 card. And then i will scholaring to someone who interesting playing this game. And i am planning to give 40% share. But, back again before talking about the sharing and payment, i will make the scholar candidate to try it first around 1 week. And report to me first so i can make the calculation and plan. Also from that i can knew how much i will give the share. If got the big rewards. I will share to 50% share. But, if not yeah maybe i will give just 40%.
Back again it will depends on the situation. But, if any reader want to try my account i can try to lending this account for trying in Multiplayer Race.
Thats it for my content. Hope i dont dissapointing you guys for the update. And hopefully my Wife laptop compatible with this game since both of our device are old device. And it will need thousand $ to upgrading my PC. And it will be good if this game can be played on Mobile phone. It will makes me easier to play.
my old laptop can't cope up with the fps as well, but my new one can play it smoothly, guess it required high enough or newer version of specs