Fuel System on Moonkart. It's Effect and How I Changed My Strategy

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. Today, I want to share my thought on fuel system on the Moon Karts, let's check it out !


What is Moon Karts?


For those who is still don't know yet about Moon karts, let me tell you bout this game first. Moon Karts is classic kart racing genre likes mario cart which combined with blockchain technology. It is coming as a 3D and play-to-earn game. This is an enjoyable and financially rewarding game. There is things that makes this games even more interesting, there is upgradable character and carts, so we can tecnically improve the kart's performance. This is mostly likes the tamiya things !

You can check more details of it's uniqueness on my previous post on https://peakd.com/arcadecolony/@ramadhanight/preparing-for-moon-karts-game-or-get-some-script-as-a-start


Fuel System on Moon Karts


On some of my post about Moon Karts, you will find that on multiplayer games, once we set the karts, driver, and parts, that we will see there is fuel consumption at the top of finding match button.
Those fuels are needed once we want to play rank battle to earn rewards, and it's based on the cards that attached to the kart.
Fuel can generated by staking cards, so it will give more utilization for cards, and the fuel generated will based on cards rarity.


Reward System on Moonkart

Now let's talk about the reward system. There are some category, which consist on orbitals, ranked, and track plus ranked seasonal. So we could get the ranked pools and track pool for each game and ranked seasonal and orbitals for seasonal reward.

And just like Splinterlands, we need to stake token, and on this game is colony, to get more rewards multipllier.

Here is the formula of reward system. So in short, we need high stake of colony and high rating to get optimum rewards.


What Is All This Post About ?

So there is fuel system cost, and rewards based on staked colony and rating. I want to give a thought about it. First that we are required to pay fuel for each race, which might different but mostly will stay same if we only got 1 set of kart, so the fuel cost will likely to be constant. Meanwhile, the reward is higher on higher stake and rating. So, if you play more games and get more rating, we will get better rewards. This will cause there is some rating that is needed and staked colony to get BEP and profit from the race, and if we play less match, we might ended up with just burning the fuel that might not worth for low rating.

With low rating at just around 1000 rating, and 6000 colony staked, I only got around 0.3.. colony. Meanwhile, it cost me around 120 fuel, which can be converted into 30 colony on current fuel market at players. So my ranked match might just burning fuel right now.

The main resource might be the ranked rewards, which is currentl at 722 colony (not sure how much it will improved with more rating improvement, but if I see the gelsly with 1185 rewards, its not much different).

Meanwhile for orbitals rewards, there is no significant number either, but yeah I only play less race.

Meanwhile, if we take a look at the leaderboard players, he can get around 211 colony at each race, which can be converted into around 844 fuel. I don't think the cost will be that much. I see that some people use around 300 fuel and is enough to win some games, so with less than 80 colony, they can gain more than 200 colony. That is how the ranked battle looks promising cause it's all profit (plus the seasonal rewards).

27000 for ranking rewards.

And amazing 208410 season rewards for orbitals.


My Strategy Ahead

After considerating those factors, I think I will focus more on staking more colony. Meaanwhile, I will stake my cards in order to get fuel. I have planned to buy some script but there is some error on Hive Engine lately, so I will get it later. Once my staking colony is ready, and I have some fuel spare, I will race again and focus on getting high rating for high rewards !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, I hope you enjoyed this post. Are you playing Moon Karts? What is your strategy to get profit on this game ?

If you want to play this game, you can simply visit their site on https://moonkarts.arcadecolony.com/

PS : This is not a financial advice, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

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Moon Kart for the cool game
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