You definitely have a unique style. Quite unexpectedly the song made me restart it all again at the half way point just because I felt I didnt pay enough attention. odd. haha :)
Firstly to say... Welcome to Hive, hope you find yourself a home here.
For future weeks, we would require a live video of sorts. For first time its fine. If youre anon, you dont need to show your face. Just something so its clearly visible that its filmed for Vibes.
This rule is in here so others wouldnt edit together their old videos and just say "Vibes Week xyz" at the start. Hope you can see how that could create problems. :)
Anyways... Great entry and hope you enjoy your time here. 😉
Thank you for the compliment and for clarifying on the rules! I get why they're in place, and I really like the idea of a weekly competition As a way to motivate me to produce more As well as discover new musicians. i'm excited too see how it progresses!!
(╯°□°)╯︵ unᴚʇuoɹℲ ϽW
MC FrontRunノ( º _ ºノ)