Vibes Week #1: Some Things Change (Original Song) MC FrontRun

in Vibeslast year

Hi Hive!
This post is my vibes week 1 contest submission!
Hi Five! 🖐️
Hive Five! 🐝🖐️
Vibe Hive Five! 🎵🐝🖐️
I'm MC FrontRun and while I certainly like talking about myself I already made a bio-post for any one who's curious or would like to listen to my music or follow me on other social media you can Check it out right here:
Bio Post (Who is MC FrontRun?)

For my submission I recorded myself performing a original song that I wrote called "Some Things Change" it's a song about philosophy and life which I think has a positive message, I don't know you be the judge...
Speaking of which, I may Not be qualified for this contest because I didn't film myself, I used a screen recorder, So if that is against the rules I understand, but MC FrontRun is more of a character and the talented person that plays him doesn't want to ruin the mystique by showing up on camera, and while protecting my anonymity does not disqualify me from being a musician it may disqualify me from this contest. If it doesn't I'll be happy to submit next week, I am a beginner as far as music production goes and for the most part I just feel amazed to be sharing a space with some seriously talented artists and musicians!

Here is my Twitter post:

And here is a direct link to the video I posted on 3speak
~~~ embed:mcfrontrun/glglheds threespeak ~~~



A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of nialalolleur

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@mcfrontrun, I sent you an

The rhythm is so unique, hehe, I actually thought I was listening to one of those Disney world movies, I totally enjoyed it 🤭🥰.

I'm hoping you are not anonymous, I'd really love to see the person behind that voice but then there is nothing I can do about it 😂.

Welcome to Hive by the way, nice to have another pro in our midst 🤭

Thank you so much for the compliment and kind words, It really means a lot to me. I'm not hiding for any particular reason it's just so far I've kept who I am in my personal life separate from the MC FrontRun persona, but it is something I'm going to have to get over, if I ever want to do a live performance. Honestly I'm still just trying to figure out my way in life and in the music industry in general so it's all a learning process.
Thank you again and apologies for taking so long to reply but I had to wait for more juice or power, how come they don't call it honey, like from a beehive?
You don't have to answer that, lol. 💖🎵🎶

Okay... That last part got me giggling for a while, hehe. It's a good idea, it's actually called resource credit! I will see if I can send you some so your activities will be a bit more.

It's my pleasure stopping by and listening to you sing, I look forward to seeing you give us something really nice and unique every week 🥰.

It's fine to take your time in understanding how everything works, just keep going 🥳.

You definitely have a unique style. Quite unexpectedly the song made me restart it all again at the half way point just because I felt I didnt pay enough attention. odd. haha :)

Firstly to say... Welcome to Hive, hope you find yourself a home here.

For future weeks, we would require a live video of sorts. For first time its fine. If youre anon, you dont need to show your face. Just something so its clearly visible that its filmed for Vibes.
This rule is in here so others wouldnt edit together their old videos and just say "Vibes Week xyz" at the start. Hope you can see how that could create problems. :)

Anyways... Great entry and hope you enjoy your time here. 😉

Thank you for the compliment and for clarifying on the rules! I get why they're in place, and I really like the idea of a weekly competition As a way to motivate me to produce more As well as discover new musicians. i'm excited too see how it progresses!!
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MC FrontRunノ( º _ ºノ)

Vibes is always in top .... Hurray 🎉🙌