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RE: Vibes Week #1: Some Things Change (Original Song) MC FrontRun

in Vibeslast year

Thank you so much for the compliment and kind words, It really means a lot to me. I'm not hiding for any particular reason it's just so far I've kept who I am in my personal life separate from the MC FrontRun persona, but it is something I'm going to have to get over, if I ever want to do a live performance. Honestly I'm still just trying to figure out my way in life and in the music industry in general so it's all a learning process.
Thank you again and apologies for taking so long to reply but I had to wait for more juice or power, how come they don't call it honey, like from a beehive?
You don't have to answer that, lol. 💖🎵🎶


Okay... That last part got me giggling for a while, hehe. It's a good idea, it's actually called resource credit! I will see if I can send you some so your activities will be a bit more.

It's my pleasure stopping by and listening to you sing, I look forward to seeing you give us something really nice and unique every week 🥰.

It's fine to take your time in understanding how everything works, just keep going 🥳.