I've been playing a lot of Valorant lately, yes I know I gave in to the hype. As an avid CS:GO player it was easy to get into it, a lot of same mechanics and gameplay but to this day I still find myself forgetting to make the most of my abilities and have settled to only playing a few characters to be able to focus on using them properly. Them mainly being Sova and Sage.
I've made it up to Gold rank lately but I have to admit it's not been as easy as the CS:GO matchmaking, not sure if it's cause the game is pretty hyped at the moment and there's a lot of players and old CS:GO players trying it out now and barely getting used to the abilities like I am thus are stuck at lower rankings but it's been fun either way and a fun challenge. I'm sure that with a full team that would play more often together it would work out better, so far it's been mainly me and @strawhat playing and you'll be able to see a nice Ace he chases at the end of the video and gets it in a very random way!
Here's the video, some sniping, some desert eagle (or sheriff as they call it in this game) kills and a lot of wallbangs in this game as most weapons have high penetration and there's so many walls you can shoot through in this game. Enjoy.
PS. Sound is a bit off here and there, I'm still learning on how to edit these better so hope it doesn't annoy too much!
I like the game, but I'm still a noob. I've played CS:GO once and I lost. What is really annoying is that often there a noobs which are worse than me in the team. I've played with a friend of mine and it was way more fun.
I love Riot Games and Valorant! I mostly play all their other games but Valorant is really fun too. Although I am not very good I would be happy to play with anyone here to get better :)
If you're on EU and the game allows us to queue up feel free to drop your account name and I'll try remember to add you! I used to play a little league but mostly just vel'koz mid or support. :D
I prefer lol or dota tbh!
Posted using Dapplr
Heh MOBA is fun but I never enjoyed it as much, I felt like the beginning of the match was too decisive of the outcome and that's not the same with FPS, imo.
I play this with my younger son. (12 years old)
I usually just play Brimstone but my kid kills it as Sage and that ghosty guy...forgot his name. Starts with an O.
I usually get destroyed. But every now and then I can get a kill streak.

Spike plant says Plant that Spike!
Omen! Hehe :D Nice spike plant.
Yes Omen! My kid kills it with that guy. :)
Very pro. 100% won't play with you unless you let me kill you once. XDD Lmao that @strawhat kill in the end. SO CRAZY!
Seems like you guys are really enjoying that game! :D
Is it also available on PS4?
I don't know, haven't heard of it yet. The game is pretty new still so probably in the next few months. Yeah it is really fun! :D
Hold on, can you send me a link? I'm might be able to install it on my laptop. :)
https://playvalorant.com/en-us/ here :D
Thanks dear! I'll check it out. :) <3
How fun would it be if they added cross-platform to Val, imagine wrecking those console joystick turning noobs with your fast mouse reflexes. ;D
You are pretty much talking to me right now! :D :D :D
Haha I just know in some games they had cross-platform, was it maybe Fortnite where you could see players turning around either slowly and with the same pace so you could tell they were playing on a console. Was so funny to just run circles around them while they sprayed their magazines empty. xD
HAHAHHA! Yeah, definitely playing with a controller can be much more challenging.
Ps4 has keyboard and mouse for such games, they aint cheap through. :)
What is your rank? And what wss your rank in csgo? :D
Posted using Dapplr
Gold 2 at the moment, on CS:GO I made it up to LEM before I lost it due to inactivity.
Ohh cool, not bad :D
I am not higher in Valorant, haven't played it in a while.
Posted using Dapplr
I think this is good enough to play.