Starting to get at the end of enjoyment of this game, not gonna lie. I usually consider myself quite stubborn and don't give up easily on things that ought to be possible but need quite a lot of work and determination, but the RNG combined with me not being that great at the last couple bosses are starting to wear my patience and motivation down with this game. So I think it's time for me to start throwing the towel here with heat 32. It's still been fun, but I think it's best we stop it here before it becomes unhealthy. XD
Anyway, figured I'd do another recording after a few days of break from the game so here it is.
I'll probably be looking at some other games or continue god of war the next time I have some free time to record some gameplay, if you have any other suggestions feel free to let me know and I'll see what I can do!
Hoping to get back to some regular posting about other things here soon, there's a lot I wanna talk about for my upcoming projects which I should be able to reveal more any day now.
Thanks for watching and reading!
Forfeiting part of the post rewards of this post.
Also grrrrr unlisted video, tsk. Cmon upload it to the internet for all to see.
I heard Wangster has played this game, but haven't heard about his response yet. But atleast the video is alot better because i can someone talking now, unlike the WOW hour long videos. Grrrrrrrrr
It's unfortunate you weren't able to do it. But stopping just before it becomes no longer enjoyable is a good decision. You can try slay the spire if you're into those types of games. It shouldn't take up too much time as well.
I heard to unlock the true ending of this game you need to beat it a bunch of times!
pls no
I think I saw it on a YouTube video! You need to beat it a bunch of times to have a true "family reunion"
I mean, the devs most have really had completionists in mind when they added it!
Ive played a LOT of this game and still only unlocked 2 of the pets. Its a massive grind....but I find it quite relaxing
If you fail to defeat bosses, throwing towel will be better idea. They will surrender!😜 You can try Clash of Clans, different type of stretegic game with single war and multipalers war game.
What kind of game do you want, man? I don't know if Frostpunk or Bannerlord would appeal to you, but those were my favorite games recently. I really had a lot of fun.
I never played this game but it's looks like a good one. How do you manage to get the time for games out of your schedule. I am sure your schedule must be busy. As you mentioned about the project, hope to have some updates soon about that.
"I usually consider myself quite stubborn and don't give up easily"
Hearing this you should try the Dark Souls series ;-)
It’s crucial to remember that games are meant to be enjoyable and fun. When it starts feeling like a chore or a source of stress, it might indeed be a good idea to take a break.
Kudos for making a decision that prioritizes your well-being and enjoyment over grinding through a game that's no longer bringing the same levels of satisfaction and excitement.
If you haven't tried Spider-Man or the Miles Morales franchise then I'd suggest you give them a try especially if you're a fan of Spider-Man.
Looks good, might give it a try! Thanks for the suggestion!
Gaming sure is addictive, huh?!
p.s. All I really wanna do is play fortnite and dance. (and read and learn to bake)
Hi @acidyo is very good Hades 32 and why are you going to throw in the towel if it is very good, but well, that's up to you, I recommend you play Call of Duty is very very good, I played it with my cousin, he and I loved that game.
I know all about getting to the end of enjoyment of a game.. Haha! The way I usually break myself away from a game is figuring out how to get into God mode and just ruining everything for myself.
I really don't know why, but I recently started playing Anarchy Online again. I used to be insanely addicted to it from between 2003 to 2006 or so. I haven't ever found another game that draws me in so much. Even though it's super old at this point.