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RE: Hades 32

in Hive Gaminglast year

Starting to get at the end of enjoyment of this game, not gonna lie. I usually consider myself quite stubborn and don't give up easily on things that ought to be possible but need quite a lot of work and determination, but the RNG combined with me not being that great at the last couple bosses are starting to wear my patience and motivation down with this game. So I think it's time for me to start throwing the towel here with heat 32. It's still been fun, but I think it's best we stop it here before it becomes unhealthy. XD

It’s crucial to remember that games are meant to be enjoyable and fun. When it starts feeling like a chore or a source of stress, it might indeed be a good idea to take a break.

Kudos for making a decision that prioritizes your well-being and enjoyment over grinding through a game that's no longer bringing the same levels of satisfaction and excitement.