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RE: [EN/ES] Violence and its Prohibition in the Video Game Industry

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

There's in fact correlation between video game playing and violence, but there's no proof it's the cause, and in some cases video games give catharsis for anger that would otherwise be vent on other things.

I think it's like with addiction. If someone is addicted to games, it's a sign that a deeper problem is in play. Also, think about it, we humans are violent by nature. Even the kindest people have violence in them if put in the right wrong conditions, that side will awaken.

Good watch:


 3 years ago  

Evidently, but this happens even with a movie, but there is some truth in what Pusen, a user above, says, that is because of the interactivity that a video game gives you, it is different from a movie, but it doesn't make sense with the amount of people that consume video games.

The difference between games and watching a movie or reading a book is the that when you do the latter "The character is doing this" and while doing the former "I'm doing this" which has a different psychological effect, doesn't it?