One week has passed and I'm still in Undertale, Session 4 with Sans and Papyrus | English-Español

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Hola Hive nuevamente,❤️ andaba perdida desde hace una semana pero tengo un par de razones que estare publicando en otro post dedicado a eso, unas cuestiones personales que seguramente me tome el tiempo de contarles para asi hacer a este blog un poco mas variado,👐 que es que me he dado cuenta que jugar videojuegos es una practica que disfruto mucho mas cuando no lo estoy contando y cuando me concentro en jugar mas que en estar pendiente de tomar fotos y tener algo interesante que decir sobre ellos,😙 sin embargo creo que Undertale merece esas palabras interesantes porque vaya este jueguito me ha tenido en el borde de la locura primero por unas partidas guardadas corrompidas y segundo por su nivel de dificultad sorprendentemente elevado. 😰

Les explico, ☝️ como he estado con el problema de las partidas guardadas he tenido que volver a pasar nuevamente toda la primera parte del juego al punto en el que puedo decir que he empezado a odiarla, si es muy tierno como nos trata Toriel en un inicio dandonos la mano y dejandonos resolver varios de los puzles que hay por aca pero la mayoria de estas habitaciones se me hicieron algo lentas la quinta vez que tuve que resolverlas, el puzle de las palancas ha sido el peor porque no recordaba en mi anterior sesion cuales eran las palancas correctas 😵 asi que tuve que volver a recorrer toda la sala, pelear contra los monstruos y resolver esta habitacion, despues de eso el resto era facil, ir a la casa de Toriel, eventualmente pelear hablar con ella y que nos deje salir a las ruinas en donde Sans y Papyrus nos esperan. 👍

Trate en lo posible de empezar a tomar capturas nuevamente una vez vi que ya habia pasado los eventos de mi anterior post que puedes ver haciendo click. (porfa miralo 🙃 )

Seguimos a la caza de Papyrus 🎈

O mejor dicho el esta en una caceria para atraparnos si es que su hermano Sans lo permite, hasta ahora todas sus trampas habian fallado miserablemente a excepcion de la del Spaguetti que si me ralentizo por unos 10 segundos, pasamos algunas de sus mejores trampas pero aun nos falta probar nuestra suerte con su mejor trabajo hasta ahora. 😁


No tome muchas capturas sobre esta parte del juego 😪 pero como ya dije antes, en mi anterior post podran encontrar un poco de sentido a lo que les cuento ahorita, pase un par de puzles faciles y pelee contra un matriminio de perros que solo querian ser acariciados solo para llegar aqui, parecia que estaba a punto de terminar con un puente gigantesco que Papyrus y Sans podrian haber cortado ya que me esperaban del otro lado con una trampa 🤣 pero como siempre todo resulta bien para nosotros y Papyrus escapa nuevamente hasta lo que supongo es la sala final en donde batallaremos contra el. 💣

Undertale es uno de esos juegos que en un momento estamos en una situacion super dramatica y al siguiente estamos caminando tranquilamente por un pueblo perdido en la nieve,❤️ son esos pequeños momentos de paz y exploracion los que pienso le han dado a este juego todo el lore que le ha conferido la comunidad, mas atras deje un monton de personajes que facilmente serian protagonistas de otras historias y es bonito ver como no se que esperar de cada personaje que me encuentro. 🙂



Encontre un punto de guardado (al fin)🤣 y ya me tranquilice para explorar un poco de nuestro primer pueblo en Undertale, hasta ahora solo habiamos visto y entrado a casas por lo que esta pequeña zona con una tienda y un hotel es nuestro primer refugio en esta aventura en donde tenemos suerte de no haber muerto ya, tenia pensado que los monstruos en este juego iban a ser todos enemigos pero yo los siento mas como humanos con sus personalidades, solo hace falta ver las dos jefas que atienden los negocios del pueblo y que me hablan como si fuese un huesped mas en este espacio, me pone a pensar que tome la decision adecuada al abordar esta aventura en modo pacifico sin matar a ningun monstruo. ✌️



Jugue un poco mas en donde habian un par de puzles mas asi como algunos monstruos que no me dejaban en paz (ni escapar) 😅 pero estas son los momentos estelares de la sesion, hasta ahora creo que Papyrus se esta ganando mi afecto como personaje top del juego pero Sans sigue siendo ese monstruo del que quiero y necesito saber mas, ¿Por que es asi? ¿Que esta escondiendo? 🤔 son algunas de las preguntas que se vienen a la cabeza y que estare respondiendo en los proximos post, gracias gracias gracias por el apoyo recibido en mis anteriores trabajos y espero estar haciendo un buen trabajo, he estado en algunos programas de curacion y aunque he tenido bastante pena creo que mi experiencia en Hive ha sido mas que positiva. Ahora toca reforzarla jajaja

English version using Deepl


Hi again Hive,❤️ I was lost for a week but I have a couple of reasons that I will be publishing in another post dedicated to that, some personal issues that I will surely take the time to tell you about to make this blog a little more varied, 👐 which is that I've realized that playing video games is a practice that I enjoy much more when I'm not counting it and when I concentrate on playing more than on taking pictures and having something interesting to say about them,😙 however I think Undertale deserves those interesting words because wow this little game has had me on the edge of madness first for some corrupted saves and second for its surprisingly high difficulty level. 😰

I'll explain, ☝️ as I've been with the save game problem I had to go through again the whole first part of the game to the point where I can say that I've started to hate it, if it is very tender as Toriel treats us at the beginning giving us the hand and letting us solve several of the puzzles that are around here but most of these rooms became me something slow the fifth time I had to solve them, the levers puzzle was the worst because I didn't remember in my previous session which were the right levers 😵 so I had to go through the whole room again, fight against the monsters and solve this room, after that the rest was easy, go to Toriel's house, eventually fight talk to her and she let us go out to the ruins where Sans and Papyrus are waiting for us. 👍

I tried as much as possible to start taking screenshots again once I saw that I had already passed the events of my previous post that you can see by clicking (please check it 🙃 )

We are still on the hunt for Papyrus 🎈

Or rather he is on a hunt to catch us if his brother Sans allows it, so far all his traps had failed miserably except for the Spaghetti one that did slow me down for about 10 seconds, we passed some of his best traps but we still have to try our luck with his best work so far. 😁


I didn't take many screenshots about this part of the game 😪 but as I said before, in my previous post you can find some sense of what I'm telling you now, I passed a couple of easy puzzles and fought against a couple of dogs that just wanted to be petted just to get here, it looked like I was about to end up with a gigantic bridge that Papyrus and Sans could have cut since they were waiting for me on the other side with a trap 🤣 but as always everything turns out well for us and Papyrus escapes again until what I guess is the final room where we will battle against him. 💣

Undertale is one of those games that one moment we are in a super dramatic situation and the next we are walking calmly through a village lost in the snow,❤️ it's those little moments of peace and exploration that I think have given this game all the lore that the community has bestowed upon it, further back I left a lot of characters that would easily be protagonists of other stories and it's nice to see how I don't know what to expect from each character I meet 🙂 🙂



I found a save point (finally)🤣 and I've calmed down to explore a bit of our first town in Undertale, so far we had only seen and entered houses so this small area with a store and a hotel is our first refuge in this adventure where we are lucky not to have died already, I had thought that the monsters in this game were going to be all enemies but I feel them more like humans with their personalities, just need to see the two bosses who attend the business of the village and who talk to me as if I were a guest in this space, it makes me think that I made the right decision to approach this adventure in peaceful mode without killing any monster. ✌️


I played a bit more where there were a couple of puzzles and some monsters that didn't leave me alone (or escape) 😅 but these are the highlights of the session, so far I think Papyrus is winning my affection as the top character of the game but Sans is still that monster I want and need to know more about, why is he like that? What is he hiding? 🤔 are some of the questions that come to mind and that I will be answering in the next posts, thank you thank you thank you thank you for the support received in my previous jobs and I hope to be doing a good job, I've been in some healing programs and although I've had enough grief I think my experience in Hive has been more than positive. Now it's time to reinforce it hahaha
