This is really interesting. I’ve not heard of Audacity before. I’ll dig it out and have a look.
OBS is great. I can see how the work flow works really well for gaming videos.
Have you ever considered filming yourself gaming, rather than just audio? Or are you not interested in that element?
HERE if you’re interested)and he once documented his process here which might be of interest to you.My Hive pal @nicolcron did some really entertaining gaming videos called ‘3 Coins’ (see one of them
3 Coins was a great run and cool concept he came up with, which he explains at the start of each video. He plays old arcade games and has three coins worth of lives to play before he gives up. It’s loads of fun!
Brilliant to see you doing this gaming stuff man and it’s in a community that should appreciate 😀
I wanna see more vids!
Yeah, Audacity is great for audio recording, (it’s free too!)
Recording with a webcam is definitely something I’ve thought about, but I think for now I’m just gonna do audio.
3 coins sounds amazing! I’ll definitely check it out. I did something similar once, but I’ve never really gone back to it to be honest.
I know @atomcollector uses OBS to do his live video shows. Seems to work well, apart from when he forgets to un-mute himself :) There are lots of great open source tools.