I still haven't gotten around to recording any video of my Path of Exile 2 sessions. I keep forgetting. I have been taking some screenshots so that I can write a follow up post to my original one. It's sad, but I've found the older I get I can't handle FPS games the way I used to. I tend to get motion sickness now for some reason. I was running through Halflife 2 again the other day and I had to keep taking breaks.
Hey I bought POE2 recently, thought of getting into some gameplay footage there too cause got tired of Diablo, but what kinda sucked was that the closest server to me (singapore), offered a worse ping than california.. like wtf?
might have to refund it due to that, dunno if I can play with 200+ ping.
Oh wow, that is pretty bad. I know it is still early access, so that might be something they plan on fixing before they roll out the full game to everyone for free. Then again, since it will be free for regular players, it might be a bad idea to expect too much.