My mass murdering homie. He has no problem killing as many things as possible. I love it bro hahaha.
Doom is awesome, I’ve been having a ton of fun with it.
I actually don’t even use the map that much, I just take my time going through each area and make sure I check every single possible location. I’m used to doing that with every game I play so I don’t miss anything. Most of the time in Doom I’ve been able to get 100% on each mission organically, but sure there have been a few times where I’ve missed some things.
Awesome video dude 😎
I'm having so much fun with this I might have to go straight to Eternal afterwards. Especially after seeing the footage you've been putting out. I should probably try and explore a little more like you say. It is a little immersion breaking to pull up the map all the time.
Going backwards probably won’t do as much for you as going forwards. I’ll probably take a little bit of an break and wait for it to be on sale again.
Get them scheduled buddy! It’s awesome just living your life on vacation and not thinking about content. Then do a vacation recap when I get home. I have a lot to show off. The microblogs are just teasers!