This game is incredible

Horizon Forbidden West is such an amazing game, and I am just barely scratching the surface on this masterpiece. When you are leaving the first area and beginning the long journey out to the Forbidden West, you must first meet with the Tenakth tribes and request permission to enter their lands. But before that, they were supposed to be having a meeting with the Carja and I guess they were going to renew a peace treaty and give up a prisoner that they have had with them for a while.

While we were waiting for the meeting between the Carja and the Tenakth to begin, I was able to speak with the prisoner and found out that the Tenakth are not as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the Carja make them out to be.

Once they were ready, they sounded the horn to let the Carja know that all of the tribes were ready to begin the meeting and the Carja spokesperson made their way out to the meeting grounds.

It is a pretty tense time and it seemed like things could go bad at any moment. Well, needless to say, things went bad for both sides.

A Tenakth rebel and her army rode in on machines and began to just straight up slaughter everyone from the high ridgeline.

This battle was nothing short of amazing. It was miles above the massive battle of Meridian from the first game, where Aloy saved Meridian from the machines.

Riders came down from the ridgeline and the fight was on. It was a crazy battle and I was playing with surround sound headphones and man, it was incredible.

There was so much going on during this battle. There were flaming arrows flying all over, setting the field on fire. Machines with riders were mowing people down. When you shot the rider off the top of the machines, they would get up and fight you and their machines would begin to attack you and the other Tenakth.

At one point, this dude ran in to sacrifice himself to save others. The front of these machines are like chainsaws and just ripped this dude apart. It was pure madness.

Aloy is able to kill off a lot of these intruders and then she challenges one of their top warriors. He flew off the top of ridge with a glider and had an awesome shield that you needed to shoot corrosive arrows at to break it. Once you get the shield down, he is not that hard.

After you defeat that warrior, the Tenakth rebels decide to retreat and leave because they already did the damage that they wanted to. They had killed off the Marshals of the different Tenakth tribes and killed off the spokesperson for the Carja.
One thing that I really love about this game is that they have put so much time into this story. The first Horizon was so awesome, but this one is already so much better because they do not have to explain as much as the first game and they can just get straight to putting out an amazing story.

Now that I am armed with the glider off of that dead Tenakth warrior, I am ready to set out to the Forbidden West and save the world. This game is massive and there is so much to explore. If this first major battle is any indication on what is to come, I am super excited because I know I am in for a real treat with this game.
That whole sequence sounds so intense, I love a game that throws you into the action early and the graphics look unreal, is this Playstation exclusive?
Ya, this is only on PS4 or PS5 right now. The first one came to pc a while after it was released, so I am sure that they will make this one available for pc at some point as well. It is an amazing game. If you haven't played the first one, it isn't that expensive for pc anymore.
I've seen a bunch of videos on the first one, but, never picked it up. I'd like to get a playstation just to play some of the exclusives, there are some great looking games on it which seem to blow most of the xbox exclusives out of the water, that ghost of tsesima is meant to be brilliant.
Ya, the playstation exclusives are way better than the xbox ones. Ghost of Tsushima was such an amazing game. I am hoping they make a sequel to it.
This game looks amazing, it must be a lot of fun to play it, the graphics look fantastic, this game caught my attention, have fun, my friend.
It is such a great game. I am taking my time with it because I don't want it to end too fast.
I VERY RARELY pay full price for games but I loved the original of this one so much that I may just have to make an exception.
This game is totally worth the price. I loved the first one and this one is so much cooler.
I normally stay away from "full price" but this one isn't going to drop for a long time. I might have to shell out some shekels and get in on the action
Got the game on Saturday but have only played the first hour or so due to work/family commitments. Just skimmed your blog as I don't want to spoil it when I finally do get the time to make some progress but happy to hear that the sequel is living up to expectations!
You are in for an amazing ride. Have fun man!
Interesting introduction to what sounds like an exciting game. I'm not into fantasy-type games like this mainly because I didn't grow up with these things like the kids from the 80's, 90's, and beyond did, and it is hard for me to wrap my mind around these concepts. I did love the game "Civilization" but I was never very good at it. I will really be interested in all of these new NFT games and virtual worlds and where they lead us to, there should be some fun and profitable adventures ahead for everyone of almost any age or background.
I tried one of the newer Civilization games and it was not for me. NFTs and gaming have a massive future. Between Splinterlands and Gods Unchained, those games are awesome for blockchain gaming with NFTs. Once NFTs stop being such a huge cash grab for scammers, I think they will really catch on for gaming in general.
Absolutely agree, and just so you know I still play Civilization III, I tried Civ 4 but I liked Civ 3 better so I went back to it.
God, every time I want to play it more and more, the first one I platinumed it, and I loved it. With this one I haven't had the chance to try it yet, but 90% of the things I've read and seen about it are wonderful, it looks amazing.
It really is an amazing game. It is a massive improvement from the first game and I really thought that one was awesome as well. The climbing is one of the things they really improved in this one. The story is another thing they put a lot of time into.