That whole sequence sounds so intense, I love a game that throws you into the action early and the graphics look unreal, is this Playstation exclusive?
That whole sequence sounds so intense, I love a game that throws you into the action early and the graphics look unreal, is this Playstation exclusive?
Ya, this is only on PS4 or PS5 right now. The first one came to pc a while after it was released, so I am sure that they will make this one available for pc at some point as well. It is an amazing game. If you haven't played the first one, it isn't that expensive for pc anymore.
I've seen a bunch of videos on the first one, but, never picked it up. I'd like to get a playstation just to play some of the exclusives, there are some great looking games on it which seem to blow most of the xbox exclusives out of the water, that ghost of tsesima is meant to be brilliant.
Ya, the playstation exclusives are way better than the xbox ones. Ghost of Tsushima was such an amazing game. I am hoping they make a sequel to it.