Fiery plays The Witcher 3 part 80: Cursed prince.

in Hive Gaming2 months ago (edited)

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In this game our main mission is to find our adopted daughter Ciri and protect her from the Wild Hunt. Recently we found Ciri and fought with the Wild Hunt at Witchers fortress. In that battle our mentor and father figure Vesemir was killed. e avenged him and now are preparing for the final battle against the Wild Hunt.

Last time we defeated King of the Wild Hunt. And Ciri stopped the White Frost( cataclysm that destroys all worlds). After that Ciri choose to live as a Witcher. We completed the base game so now is the time to start the expansions.

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In our travels we found a contract on one notice bord. It said that nobleman Olgierd von Everec wants some beast in the sewers slain. This seems like a normal day for professional monster slayer. But this Olgierd von Everec proved to be quite an eccentric and bizarre man. When we first met him he seemed to be interested in art...until he destroyed the sculpture. He led a small group of cutthroats who worshiped him and called him Ataman. But clearly Olgierd was not a common bandit. He had a something like an honorary code and did not care about money( He offered a very generous bounty for killing a monster...This could also mean that the beast was really dangerous or that Olgierd really wanted it dead...)

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So we wentured in the sewers and looked for this mysterious monster. We found a bunch of drowners. And our old friend/ fling- a medic named Shani (She appears in Witcher books and first game as well.) Shani and few soldiers came to the sewers looking for sample of beast's venom. All the soldiers were killed but Shani survived. We found out that monster likes alcohol mixed with blood. We used this information to lure the beast. It turned out to be a giant Toad. And once we slain it he turned to a man. Prince even. But the battle was tough do after defeating the Toad prince we were covered in venom and unable to move. We saw a strange group come to the sewers and capture us. After that we lost consciousness.

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After we woke up we found out that we are taken prisoner and are being taken to the Ofieri(country whose prince we killed). Luckly Shani escaped. The other prisoner told us that prince father the king will kill us. But we had a more urgent problem. The soldiers on the ship did not speak our language. The situation seemed hopeless but then a strange man appeared. Gaunter O'Dimm. We met him in the beginning of base game and he helped us find our love Yen. This time he was not so generous and offered to help us escape...for a price. He marked our face with a strange mark, told us to meet him at at the crossroads and then summoned a storm that wrecked the ship. We lost consciousness again.And woke up when we were being dragged on the beach. A ofieri mage and soldiers really wanted to bring us alive to face their king's wrath. We freed ourselves and slayed soldiers and the mage.


Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thank you very much.

Okay, at least I can follow the story here; even if I don't play it...

How about to add a link list to the previous parts? And a hint/link to "check out my blog to see the newest episode"? Did you thought about an article collection? Not sure how many folks would tip on it, but maybe it could be a further... Aaaaah... Yes, with an article collection you don't need to add the links to previous episodes, but just the link to the collection. Sure, you have to maintain the collection, but this is no work... And it would be easier to follow the story even if I miss a day - this could intensify the binding with your readers maybe. Just an idea. Maybe nothing worth. But I personally collect small percentages... 1% here, 3 there, 2 here, 5 there ... and at the end it's a sum. However...

Maybe I could inspire you. Hive a great day!

Thank you very much. I am not sure about collections but I definitely can add link to a previous part at least.

I actually thought that after you rescued ciri in the previous part, that the game had ended. It's interesting knowing there's a continuation, and am looking forward to part four.

I don't play games but am really enjoying reading this.

Thank you

Thank you very much. There will be many many more parts to come.

Looking forward to seeing them

@fieryfootprints, I paid out 0.366 HIVE and 0.178 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.
