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RE: Fiery plays The Witcher 3 part 80: Cursed prince.

in Hive Gaming22 days ago

Okay, at least I can follow the story here; even if I don't play it...

How about to add a link list to the previous parts? And a hint/link to "check out my blog to see the newest episode"? Did you thought about an article collection? Not sure how many folks would tip on it, but maybe it could be a further... Aaaaah... Yes, with an article collection you don't need to add the links to previous episodes, but just the link to the collection. Sure, you have to maintain the collection, but this is no work... And it would be easier to follow the story even if I miss a day - this could intensify the binding with your readers maybe. Just an idea. Maybe nothing worth. But I personally collect small percentages... 1% here, 3 there, 2 here, 5 there ... and at the end it's a sum. However...

Maybe I could inspire you. Hive a great day!


Thank you very much. I am not sure about collections but I definitely can add link to a previous part at least.