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RE: World of Warcraft: a complaint about levelling

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

That's what I hated about this and SWTOR. Being able to level too fast just takes the fun and challange out of the game. I remember in the early days of SWTOR where you need to do every mission on the planet, including the group missions to be around a level or two higher than the next planet!

These people just can't seem to grasp that not everything needs to be a rushed especially with WoW, I hate how the zones now don't have a min level!

 2 years ago  

Omg, yes, SWTOR. I looooved doing all the extra stuff to level up. Now you can be "mid-Tatooine level" by the time you finish Dromund Kaas/Coruscant. At least when I played it last. Might be worse now, haha!

It doesn't really bother me that enemies scale with you now and that you can level wherever you want, but slowww itttt dowwwnnnn. Just give me the option! Let the elitists have their max-levelled and max-geared character within a week if that's what they want, but let me choose to level the classic way without opting into Classic WoW. I want to keep my transmogs, my mounts, titles, do Mythic+ progression, etc. "Hurrrrrr, just play Classic." is not an option. 😅

I bet ya any amount of money those "just play classic" people just jumped on the WoW train in recent years!