Destiny 2 ~ The Final Shape

in Hive Gaming9 months ago


The overall story of Destiny is a convoluted mess and I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Some aliens are enemies, some of the same species are friends, a dude who died is alive again, there's a big circle in the sky and an evil triangle driven by a slenderman with souls for brains.

I don't know. Maybe if I played the Destiny series right from the start and religiously drank in every expansion I would know what was going on. As a relatively new player who even watched several youtubes trying to explain the story... eh. I've got the basics. That's all I need. That's enough.

What I DO know, though, is the gameplay is fun. Fun enough to make up for the fact that I have absolutely no idea what's going on. SHOOT THINGS. JUMP EVERYWHERE. FLASHY COLOURS. LOOOOOOT.


This is my Guardian, Kaelci. She's a hunter, and I prefer to play with the Void sub-class. So much so that if a daily objective wants me to use Stasis abilities or whatever, I just won't do it.

With The Final Shape expansion there is a new subclass called Prismatic, which mixes and matches aspects of all the other subclasses. So I can combine solar with void with maybe stasis for my super power. A bit of everything! It does sound intriguing so I will give it a try.


Unfortunately, soon after I got my new subclass and wanted to play around with it, I was thrown into a chaos of server errors and disconnections.

To be expected on launch day, but still... disappointing.


Thankfully, it's now Day #2 and all of Launch Day's server issues seem to have been swept into the void. Now, at last, I can enjoy myself without fearing imminent disconnections and broken audio and glitchy cutscenes. xD

The campaign is fairly short. It has 34 parts to it which gives it a false sense of hugeness, but in reality two thirds of those parts are just talking to your ghost or listening to conversations. Which I don't mind. While I don't know the full extent of the story, I can still enjoy the people of the story.


The Prismatic subclass is pretty dang fun. I'm enjoying throwing around fiery grenades that explode all over the place, throwing knives that zip through a bunch of enemies and freeze them, and while I'm not completely sold on the super I've got at the moment it's a lot better than the golden gun super.

I'm looking forward to unlocking my void super for the prismatic subclass and using that alongside my new fiery grenades and freezy knives!


This game, as usual, is an absolutely beautiful thing to look at.

I love the graphics of Destiny 2 so much and wish there was an easier way to hide my HUD and actually a way to hide my equipped weapon so I can better take fancy screenshots of the environments.


So pretty.

A fantasy RPG with these same graphics would be so delightful. But then, I feel the same way about Satisfactory. Imagine!! Making a gorgeous world just to build factories in. 😆 Nonsensical.

Anyway. I've just finished Act 1 of the campaign of this new expansion. Act 2 and 3 are yet to be released as they're slowly releasing the story over the coming months. Now I can start levelling up my gear and getting into nightfalls and stuff! Woo!

Looking forward to other people in my group catching up to my progress so we can spend all night jumping around like lunatics!


Until next time! 🔥🔫😀



Destiny 2.All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game:


Destiny really looks amazing, but is it worth playing with all the payy-to-win controversy?

 9 months ago  

Pay to win? As far as I'm aware, there's no pay to win in this game... there are tonnes of cosmetic items like armours, weapons, ships and vehicles, emotes, etc in the cash shop, but nothing that would help gear your character and make you powerful.

However, despite being marketed as a "free" game, it is very much "pay to play". The free experience is very minimal.

Destiny's backstory is quite complex, even when you play the first installment. I only played the first part up to a certain point; I liked it a lot, but then it got a bit clunky. I'm surprised they released a sequel. Too bad you had server problems. I hope it doesn't happen with the next acts.

The graphics are definitely beautiful. Cheers!

 9 months ago  

The sequel has been out for a while now! :) I think it's been almost 8 years! I only really got into it 2 years ago.

The server problems were expected, but I'm glad they're fixed now and I can play as intended! XD