In my last Minecraft post we had just entered the world of Post-Game Melancholic Funk — named as such for that feeling you get after finishing an epic game and now feel at a loss.
I found a nice area to build up some farmland and a mine, found enough iron to make my armour and first tool set, now it was time to explore a great cavern and make it safe for surveying.
The cave system I have stumbled upon is VERY big. To the extent I actually ran out of torches, and managed to mine more than 3 stacks of iron ore.
I thought that I got lost at first in my exploration of this cave and was starting to make plans for how to find my way back, when somehow I did a complete circle of the area and ended up on the other side of my entrance to the cave system.
And I now had more than enough iron to get me through for quite some time.
After restocking my tools, I noted down my coordinates: -1792 70 97
Grabbed my bed and some freshly cooked steak.
And went off on an adventure of my surroundings. Before making a huge Nether Portal system to god knows where, I needed to make sure that what I was searching for wasn't a mere 500steps in the distance. 😅
Unfortunately there were no interesting locations I could simply make a road to, so that left me with having to resume the Ye Olde Nether Portal Travel Circuit. Which means that I need to find at least three diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe so I can gather some obsidian.
Descending into my giant cave, I discovered that the giant cave was more giant than I'd first realised.
It was immense. And I'm super surprised I haven't really gotten lost yet.
Deeper into the depths, I found diamonds just sitting on the walls, everywhere, and I wasn't even at a depth of y-54 yet!
My first haul of diamonds enabled me to make some armour and a couple of tools.
I've never before had such fantastic luck during my first diamond hunt of a new game. Absolutely fantastic. xD
Now that I had a diamond pickaxe, I could mine up some obsidian in order to make my Nether Portal.
I was certain I had passed a couple of lava pools on my initial journey to this meadow, but alas, I could not find it again. What I did find though was a desert temple... complete with an Enchanted Golden Apple. 😲 Score!~
After an age of searching for the surface lava pools, I gave up. 😅 I knew they were there, I just didn't know where. And it would be far easier to just continue my adventure of the Cave Spelunking. There were always lava pools at the bottoms of these things.
And I was not disappointed.
I found a mass of lava, a mass of diamonds, and an abandoned mine shaft!
And... a mass of zombies.
I hate baby zombies so much xD luckily, I'm a quick thinker and quickly built myself a little tower to stand upon so I could wail upon my enemies below. Luckily, no skeletons saw me during this time otherwise I would have been shot down from my tower. 😅
There were diamonds across the great lava pool, so obviously I made an obsidian path over towards them. Then, I safely dug out a bunch of obsidian — constantly looking over my shoulder to ensure no creepers were creepin'.
My obsidian collection was a great success!
Returning to the surface, I made my Nether Portal...
...and carefully crept inside to make sure my first spawn-point was adequate.
It was.
I left the Nether straight away, unwilling to adventure in there just yet. My main purpose for this portal is to create a travel system, and I'm going to do it safely. I will not suffer yet another death by Nether Misadventure.
I'd rather be exploded by a creeper than die in the Nether yet again.
My next goals are a smidge of beautification. Whilst I don't plan on residing in the Great Farmlands of Melancholy, it needs to be beautified. And as much as it pains me to do things out of order, I'll be making a small enchanting area in the farmlands too.
Hey, why not have one everywhere I go? Right? xD Right.
Until next time! 🐷🌱🐣
The texture pack in use is PureBDCraft's Vanilla pack.All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: