I played only the first months after the expansion release and good to see that they improved Thorghast. It's a cool feature, but not my favorite. Sometimes I got the right orbs and it was too easy and then I got nothing and it took too long for me.
I had more fun in Mythic+ Dungeons. Sad that you have such a bad ping :(
With randoms it's hard as healer or tank. I had no ping problems, but as tank if I didnt know the perfect route or mob pulls there was also blaming.
So I only run with guild members and in Discord and had more fun :)
Yeah never played long enough to bother looking for a guild or group I'd always run them with, switching people every day is just such a hassle, always something going wrong.
Maybe at some point when I have less things to do on Hive and more free time I can look to get back into some serious raiding/mythic push.