Lost Ark: I'm back to playing, I say goodbye to my social life.

in Hive Gaming2 years ago




Hola que tal mi gente de Hive como estan? Espero que bien, el dia de hoy quiero traer uno de los primeros juegos que he traje que fue el Lost Ark, antes que nada me gustaría disculparme por haber estado un poco ausente de la comunidad, estaba un poco alejado de internet como tal por motivos personales, pero bueno ya volví para seguir con lo mío. En esta ocasión quise jugar Lost ark nuevamente ya que mis amigos me dijeron que ya habían vuelto por las vacaciones, eso me animo mucho, aunque me tomo un poco descargarlo ya que mi internet obviamente no ofrece una velocidad de descarga tan grande pero bueno igualmente cumple su función.

Hello my Hive people, how are you? I hope well, today I want to bring one of the first games I brought which was Lost Ark, first of all I would like to apologize for being a little absent from the community, I was a little away from the internet as such for personal reasons, but well I'm back to continue with mine. This time I wanted to play Lost Ark again since my friends told me that they had already returned for the vacations, which encouraged me a lot, although it took me a little to download it since my internet obviously does not offer such a great download speed but well it still fulfills its function.


Primero que nada tengo que decir que me costo mucho saber que hacer al volver ya que esto suele suceder en la mayroia de los juegos cuando los retomas porque mayormente cuando estas subiendo aprender muchas cosas que al dejar de jugar olvidas, honestamente no sabia que hacer, quede en blanco, pero bueno me puse a hacer las cosas que recuerdo, cosas como el Guardianes, mazmorras del caos y el cubo. Es poco de lo que recordaba que era facil, pero todavia estaba como que indeciso.

Recordé que tenia un pase de poder que te dan cuando llegas por primera vez a nivel 50, esto lo que hace es que te sube un personaje instantáneamente hasta nivel 50, dándote items base para que puedas hacer guardianes y mazmorra del caos. Me subí un Paladin ya que es una clase que me llamo mucho la atención antes. Aunque sinceramente seguía sin saber que hacer.

First of all I have to say that it cost me a lot to know what to do when I came back as this usually happens in most of the games when you retake them because mostly when you are climbing learn many things that when you stop playing you forget, honestly I did not know what to do, I was blank, but well I started to do the things I remember, things like the Guardians, chaos dungeons and the cube. It's a little of what I remembered that was easy, but I was still kind of undecided.

I remembered I had a power pass that they give you when you first get to level 50, what this does is it instantly upgrades a character to level 50, giving you base items so you can do guardians and chaos dungeon. I got a Paladin as it's a class that caught my attention before. Although I honestly still didn't know what to do.


Con ambos personajes me puse a hacer el contenido diario que te ofrece el juego ya que te restringe el hecho de recibir recompensas luego de haber hecho 2 veces lo mismo (para evitar el farmeo intenso de materiales) aunque con mi personaje tenia algo asi como unos intentos extras por haber estar tiempo inactivo, los cuales aproveche bastante bien. Debo decir que me sorprende mucho todavía conseguir gente tan rápidamente en el contenido hasta de nivel bajo, ya que tengo entendido de que el juego ha regalado muchos pases de poder asi que ya la mayoría de la gente tiene hasta sus alters en un buen nivel de equipamiento, pero aun así hay una buena cantidad de gente en los primeros contenidos de nivel máximo. Aunque si me costo un poco conseguir gente en el Paladin ya que eran los primeros guardianes, aunque solo tomo unos 2-3 minutos.

With both characters I started to do the daily content that the game offers you since it restricts you from receiving rewards after having done the same thing twice (to avoid intense material scavenging) although with my character I had something like a few extra attempts for having been inactive for a while, which I took advantage of quite well. I must say that I'm still very surprised to get people so quickly in the content up to low level, as I understand that the game has given away many power passes so most people already have their alters in a good level of equipment, but even so there is a good amount of people in the first content of maximum level. Although it did cost me a little bit to get people in the Paladin since they were the first guardians, although it only took about 2-3 minutes.



Para mi sorpresa había dejado muchos materiales para subir de nivel el armadura en el banco así que decidí subir hasta llegar a TIER 2 a mi Gunlancer, puedo decir que se ve espectacular con el nuevo set, lo genial de todo esto es que ya puedo continuar con las misiones principales aunque antes de eso me reuní con un viejo amigo que también invite a Hive solo que no se cuando es que se va a presentar, me llevo a realizar unos eventos que culminan pronto para que saque mas materiales, me estuvo comentando que la comunidad coreana estaba molesta ya que los encargados de Lost ark en el global estaban regalando muchas cosas buenas a la comunidad y por eso estaban teniendo un buen éxito, la cosa es que a los coreanos no les dieron esas cosas. también continúe con las rutas de las islas con mi personaje principal para poder comprar muchas cosas con las monedas piratas.

Mi alter que seria el paladin ya va nivel 340 de equipo, aunque su skin esta bastante graciosa haha, también tengo un DeathBlade pero con ella me olvide sacar fotos ya que hice todo muy rápido.

Bueno este ha sido todo mi post por hoy espero les haya gustado, creo que me quedare estancado en el Lost ark un buen tiempo, ya ando cansado de andar cambiando de MMORPG pero es que la cosa es que mis amigos esta vez si me prometieron que íbamos a jugar haha.

To my surprise I had left a lot of materials to level up the armor in the bank so I decided to upgrade my Gunlancer to TIER 2, I can say that it looks spectacular with the new set, the great thing about all this is that I can continue with the main missions but before that I met with an old friend who also invited Hive but I do not know when he is going to show up, he took me to do some events that culminate soon so I can get more materials, he was telling me that the korean community was upset because the people in charge of Lost Ark in the global were giving a lot of good things to the community and that's why they were having a good success, the thing is that the koreans didn't get those things. I also continued with the routes of the islands with my main character to be able to buy many things with the pirate coins.

My alter that would be the paladin is already level 340 of equipment, although his skin is pretty funny haha, I also have a DeathBlade but with her I forgot to take pictures because I did everything very fast.

Well this has been all my post for today I hope you liked it, I think I'll stay stuck in Lost Ark for a long time, I'm tired of changing MMORPG but the thing is that my friends this time if they promised me that we were going to play haha.



 2 years ago  

I have that problem a lot too, haha. Where you stop playing a game and just forget everything and you stare at it, blank, not knowing what to do. 😅

I'd like to get back into Lost Ark — it's pretty much exactly what I want in an MMO. But at the same time... it feels like something is missing from the game and I don't know what it is.

 2 years ago  

In my opinion, what happened with Lost Ark was that there started to be too many BOTs, many times I failed many guardians very often, but it was because they were bots that just entered and died, they did not revive, they just waited to see if you killed them and then collect the reward.

But since a while ago I think they implemented a lot of things against bots, they also banned more than 400k bots.

 2 years ago  

I didn't really witness many bots personally, only the gold sellers that would constantly spam in chat. But I didn't really do much group stuff except basic dungeons. The chaos dungeons and things I just did solo or with my partner, same with the raids. I really liked how you could choose to do things solo!

 2 years ago  

That's one of the best things about Lost Ark, that there comes a point where the BOTs stop climbing, but they still had to ban a lot of people more than anything else because of the value of things on the market because everything was on the floor.

Adiós hermano, fue un placer jugar contigo :(

Two friends tried to convince me to play but I refused in every way possible, because I knew that if I started playing it would totally mess up my work and investments lol

 2 years ago  

I confirm it my friend, this game steals your soul hahaha.

It's a terrible thing to play a game for a short time and then quit, especially an MMORPG. It's literally a waste of your time and effort. I hope you stick with it for a long time this time. I upgraded my account to TIER 2 when the game first came out, but it's been months since I quit.

 2 years ago  

I'm almost tier 3 with the main character, I had many materials saved and there are some good events, actually it's great to come back because there are many events, in fact soon there will be new content and they are going to give away a tier 3 power pass if you are tier 3 with your main character.

That's so cool. But I don't think I'm going back anymore. If I stop playing a game halfway through, I never feel good when I come back.

I enjoyed Lost Ark for a little bit but I quit it pretty much immediately after reaching the end game. I forced my way through the story to get there only to quit shortly after.

 2 years ago  

It is that if it is a little tired the theme of the history of the lost ark, although I have learned many things that facilitate the game, soon I will bring a post talking about it, maybe you will be interested.

Hola amigo, Juegazo este lost ark. Empece a jugarlo a penas fue lanzado y fui avanzando hasta donde mi setup me dejo, lamentablente no fue sino hasta ilvl 600 que pude avanzar ya que no me rinde el pc para seguir en las mazmorras de caos/abisales. Espero volver, este post me recordo lo genial que es Lost Ark.

 2 years ago  

La verdad si es fuerte el tema del pc, mi pc va decente pero tampoco tan bien, aunque por ahora no me ha presentado problemas en las mazmorras voy ahorita 1000 ilvl espero pronto pasar a tier 3