In my opinion, what happened with Lost Ark was that there started to be too many BOTs, many times I failed many guardians very often, but it was because they were bots that just entered and died, they did not revive, they just waited to see if you killed them and then collect the reward.
But since a while ago I think they implemented a lot of things against bots, they also banned more than 400k bots.
I didn't really witness many bots personally, only the gold sellers that would constantly spam in chat. But I didn't really do much group stuff except basic dungeons. The chaos dungeons and things I just did solo or with my partner, same with the raids. I really liked how you could choose to do things solo!
That's one of the best things about Lost Ark, that there comes a point where the BOTs stop climbing, but they still had to ban a lot of people more than anything else because of the value of things on the market because everything was on the floor.