
Ya! Can't sit and watch dbears without dbeers. Ddesignated ddriver already ddrooling. What dfuck is up widdat?

dgoddammit dKevin! Da whole dpoint of dbeing a ddesignated ddriver is dat you're dsupposed to not get ddrunk!

Dbitch said it was dwater again! Dvodka all dafternoon like dusual! Dfuck dKevin! Let's dshave off his deyebrows. Not even dkidding...

Dshave off his deyebrows and dtie him to dcar's drear dbumper! Dwe ddrive to dcity, dhe gets to drun!!

Just use his dlicense if we get dpulled over by dcops?

Ain't no dcops in dcity! Jist dpolice dstations and dacadamies! WE KIN GO AS DFAST AS WE DWANT!

I'm already dspeedin'! dNothing can go dwrong!