in Hive Gaming2 years ago

snare, the best ability in earthquake ruleset (2).gif

~ 😘 Hello My Splinterlands family around the world 😘 ~

Earthquake. Well, We all already know that this ruleset is giving -2 physical damage to any monsters who doesn't has flying 🦅 ability. Physical damage here means the damage will destroy the armor 🛡 first if monsters have armor. Unlike the Noxious Fumes ruleset, the damage caused by Poison will always reduce the health ♥️ points directly regardless the creature have armor or not.Welcome back to my blog, @queen-silvia. The current theme for Battle Mage Secrets is

Well, there are many strategies 💻 we can use to win earthquake battle but in this article let us discuss in depth about how to use snare 🗑 ability properly to win earthquake battle easily. Here is the basic concept of Earthquake :

Fundamental Concept of Earthquake

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Earthquake : Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round..

Based on the ruleset, It forces players to use monsters with flying 🦅 ability in order to not getting -2 melee damage in each round, that means the best strategy for this ruleset is to use monsters or summoner's who have snare ability. There are two options, either using Brighton Bloom 🌷 as the summoner and utilize monsters with snare 🗑 ability or using Vera Salacia 💦 as the summoner to give all friendly monsters snare ability and use all monsters who have flying abilities. The concept is same which is giving all monsters flying and snare ability at the same time. For me, I would like to use Brighton Bloom 🌷 as the summoner and some monsters with snare 🗑 ability because the line up could be more solid.

#1Brighton BloomAny monsters with snare ability
#2Vera SalaciaAny monsters with flying ability

Why snare ability is very important in this ruleset? The reason is because our opponent will try to use monsters with flying 🦅 ability so the best move is to remove it so that they could get -2 melee damage in each round. There are many strategies we can utilize when dragon 🐉 splinter is not available (which means Brighton Bloom will not be available too). Here are some of good strategies which we can apply :

1. Use monsters who have protect 🛡 ability

Although this is not as effective as using flying ability but giving armor for all friendly monsters can protect 🛡 our monsters for several rounds. The more monsters or summoners with protect ability, the more our monsters become protected from -2 melee 👊 damaged caused by Earthquake. Here are some monsters with protect ability from each splinters :

Ferox DefenderCrustacean KingSpirit of the ForestSilvershield SheriffRavenhood WardenGloridax GuardianArkemis the Bear
Venari WavesmithQueen MyceliaTruthspeakerTower Griffin

Before the introduction of Chaos reward Soulbound cards, fire 🔥 and death 💀 has no monsters with protect ability and with the presence of Ferox Defender and Ravenhood Warden, all splinters have monsters with protect ability. Another option is to use monsters who have very high armor 🛡 like Diemonshark who have up to 6 armor. The more armor, the more protected the monster is!


2. Used monsters who have Martyr ability

This strategy is often being used when martyr monsters like vruz, Fire Caller 🔥, Noa the Just, Fungus Flinger 🍄, Iziar and Venari Marksrat 🐭 are available in the battlefield. Once they died due to earthquake, the adjacent friendly monsters will receive additional +1 to all stats which makes them stronger. We can also activate the martyr again by using monsters who have resurrect ✨ ability in the battlefield.

Well, In this article we'll implement the theory of how to use snare 🗑 effectively in a Gold League ranked battle. All of the battle aspects within the game like Mana, Rulesets, Team line up and battle strategies ⚔️ will be explained in the next subtopics. I hope you like it. Let's start the discussion with Rulesets and mana first.

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There are 3 rulesets in this battle, Here they are :

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Melee Mayhem
Healed Out

The most important ruleset to think about is the Earthquake. As we have discussed a lot in the previous sections, the best move for this ruleset is to give the all the creatures both flying 🦅 and snare 🗑 ability at the same time since flying ability will protect friendly monsters from -2 melee damage in each turn and the snare will remove flying ability from the opponent monsters.

The second "most important" ruleset is melee mayhem 🔨. This will enable all melee 👊 monsters to attack from each position in the battle field. The best move for this ruleset is to utilize monsters who have demoralize 👀 and thorn 🌵 ability since demoralize will reduce all melee 👊 monsters damage by -1 and thorn ability will inflict -2 damage right after melee monsters attack their target. Any summoners who can give -1 to opponent's melee damage like Camila Sungazer or +1 to friendly melee damage like Daria Dragon Scale is also a good option 💯 too.

The last ruleset is Healed Out ❌. I think this ruleset is not really affecting the battle much since it has minimum impact in the battle. It negates all the ability to heal ✨ like self heal or tank heal. The splinter who is suffered the most from this ruleset is earth 🍃 splinter since it has many monsters who have heal ability such as Khmer Princess, Goblin Psychic, Queen Mycelia 👑, Wood Nymph, etc. So what matter in this ruleset is we have to kill the opponent faster before they do.

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Mana and Splinters


The mana is pretty small for gold league, 21 only. So we have to be creative to arrange good team with very limited mana. All splinters are available in this match that means we can use Brighton Bloom 🌷 to give all friendly monsters flying 🦅 ability to protect them from -2 melee damage in each round. One or two monsters who have snare 🗑 ability will be great also so I used Whelp Herder, a dragon monster with opportunity and snare ability. Its mana cost is low so it fits with the mana of battle in general. For 21 mana, I would suggest to use monsters with maximum 4 mana so we can fill all the spots and build up strong 💪 team.

In low mana, I have a template line-up team which I always used in many battles, The line up consisted of Failed summoner as a tank because of his demoralize 👀 ability to reduce all of the opponent melee damage and magic reflect to return the magic attack 🔮 back to the opponent monster. the next monster is queen mycelia 👑 because of her protection ability to give friendly monsters +2 armor, amplify to increase damage from Magic reflect and Thorn 🌵 and triage ability to heal friendly monsters who have the lowest health points. The last monsters is Dr. Blight 👹 because of his pretty decent abilities, poison, scavenger, camouflage, and affliction at gold league.

Having template line up is very important so that we can reduce time thinking about the team line-up. We can use the given time to think about how to counter ⚔️ the opponent instead. What kind of strategy need to be used, etc.


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Level 6 Brighton Bloom

I think this is the most important card in Earthquake ruleset to negate -2 melee 👊 damage by Earthquake as she is giving flying ability to all of friendly monsters. Another advantage to use dragon 🐉 summoner is that we can choose any splinter which we think the best for the ruleset plus additional dragon monsters. some of dragon monsters are powerful 💪, let say Whelp Herder in low mana with his opportunity ability.

Tips 💡

Brighton Bloom is a "must used" summoner for Earthquake ruleset as she gives flying ability to all of friendly monsters

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First Monster

Level 8 Failed Summoner

The first monster is a tank monster for low mana from Earth Splinter, Failed Summoner. Although belong to common monsters, this card is so powerful with his magic 🔮 reflect and demoralize 👀 ability at gold level. It makes him a perfect monster to counter any magic or melee attack 👊 from the opponent in low mana. He is a perfect tank in the battle below 23 mana as this mana card is "cheap" so we can build up strong 💪 team with the rest of mana.


"Tips 💡 : Failed Summoner is a powerful tank monster to counter melee and magic monsters. Be careful with the oppress ability as this monster has no attack"

Second Monster

Level 8 Whelp Herder

The second monster is also the key monster to win battle in Earthquake ruleset, Whelp Herder. This monster is special because of his ability, snare 🗑, can remove flying ability from his target. One thing that makes this ability special is that the attack from snare monster to flying 🦅 monster is 100% always hit the target. The same effect when monsters with true strike 🎯 hit their target. I like his opportunity to hit the opponent monster with lowest health.


"Tips 💡 : Another key ability in Earthquake ruleset is Snare. It removes flying ability of the target and never miss against monsters with flying ability"

Third Monster

Level 2 Epona

The third monster is one of my favorites in low mana battle when Earth splinter 🍃 is available, Epona. I love using her since she has strengthen ability to increase the health points of all friendly monsters. In low mana battle, the additional 1 health point is very important. If the enemy failed to killed 🗡 the target because the target still has 1 HP ♥️ left, the target has chance to kill the enemy back and win the battle. Epona's another ability is divine shield which helped her negate ❌ any attack given at the first time.


"Tips 💡 : Additional 1 Health Point in low mana battle is very important as it helps the target to keep alive when the damage is not sufficient to reduce all the HP to 0"

Forth Monster

Level 3 Queen Mycelia

The forth monster is my favorite card, Queen Mycelia 👑. I really love this card because I am a player who love counter any kind of attack. The amplify ability by Queen Mycelia 👑 helped my team to counter melee and magic attack. Common combination I often used this card is Unicorn Mustang 🐎 and Failed summoner to counter magic attack and any monster with shield and demoralize 👀 ability to counter melee attack from the opponent.


"Tips 💡 : Queen Mycelia is a great monster to play counter strategy against melee and magic attack as Earth Splinter has some monsters with magic reflect and Thorn ability"

Fifth Monster

Level 4 Grenadier

The fifth monster is Grenadier. I used this monster as he has oppress ability to inflict double ✌️ damage to the target who has no attack. I thought the opponent will use Failed Summoner, just like me so I decided to use this monster. Besides, This monster has high attack / mana ratio. 2 ranged attack 🎯 from 3 mana card is a big deal. He has snare ability which can remove the flying ability of the target.


"Tips 💡 : Grenadier is one of good option in Earthquake ruleset since he has snare ability to remove flying ability from the target"

Sixth Monster

Level 3 Dr. Blight

This card is a must used card in low mana battle because of his "powerful abilities". First is poison, when it's activated, the target will suffered reduction of 2 health ♥️ points in each round. It's a super deadly ability. Second is camouflage 🌳, it helps him "untouched" when he is at the backline unless from blast or trample. Third is scavenger 🦃, this ability will add his health points +1 whenever any monsters die in the battlefield. It makes him having very high HP in the last round of battle. the last ability is affliction 💀, which makes the target become unable to be healed.


"Tips 💡 : in low to mid mana battle, Dr. Blight always become great option at gold league with his affliction, poison, camouflage and scavanger abilities."

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Alright, all the line up has been explained, Now let's move to the battlefield and see how to use snare ability effectively in the battlefield.

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Here is the battle looks like in the first round :


I filled all the spots started from the first to sixth place so that the protect 🛡 ability can work optimally. The more monsters in the battle field, the more armor provided. Brighton Bloom 🌷 used in this battle to give all of friendly monsters flying ability so they won't get -2 melee damage in each round. Besides, I set 2 monsters who have snare 🗑 ability, the first one is Whelp Herder with his opportunity ability and the second one is Grenadier who is attacking the target at the first position. different target makes the snare attack work effectively 💯 since the attack will target different monsters. Dr. Blight 👹 at the last position to give poison to the target.

Snare ability works perfectly against flying monster


This is the last round of the battle, As we can see the protect 🛡 ability works very well to hold the opponent's melee 👊 attack. Both Dr. Blight and Queen Mycelia Magic attack penetrates the opponent armor and hit the health points directly which is killed Diemonshark pretty fast. One thing that makes the opponent die very fast is because there is only 1 monster who have flying 🦅 ability, that means the rest of monsters will always take -2 melee damage in each round. In the last round, Only Pelacor Bandid left and it's impossible for him to take down 4 monsters alone. The Brighton Bloom team won the match 💪.

📺Click here to see the complete battle📺

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Alright guys, now it's time for the giveaway. We have 55 participants for the Giveaway #86. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :

@dk1trade, @nietokilll, @outwars, @holdeck2, @stamato, @tub3r0, @ebastion, @noctury, @willendorfia, @danideuder, @olaf.gui, @gs1, @theacks, @wommi, @daddydog, @candnpg, @flummi97, @rayius, @henruc, @jhuleader, @professorrotten, @ak08, @bitandi, @jats-0, @circlebubble, @pero82, @javeson, @tinyputerboy, @mrscryptopanda85, @kryptofire, @syel25, @stonemountain69, @blitzzzz, @gregory-f, @subidu, @oadissin, @arc-echo, @kran1um, @ebastion, @jdike, @emeraldtiger, @blitzzzz, @cpol, @daddydog, @danideuder, @ebastion, @holdeck2, @jhuleader, @juliocamacho, @oadissin, @pero82, @stonemountain69, @theacks, @tub3r0

(Blitzzzz, Cpol, Daddydog, Danideuder, Ebastion, Holdeck2, Jhuleader, Juliocamacho, Oadissin, Pero82, Stonemountain69, Theacks, Tub3r0 got additional 1 ticket as they re-blogged the post)
I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun. Here is the snapshot of the winner :


Congratulations to @gregory-f for winning Lv.3 Gold Foil Venari Knifer. This card has Thorn and backfire at maximum level which are very powerful in the battle.

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1 BCX of Lv.3 GF Venari Knifer has been sent to IGN : @gregory-f, enjoy that Venari Knifer 👍. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #88).

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In the previous post we had a Lv.3 Gold Foil Venari Knifer card for the giveaway. In this giveaway post, there will be another Gold Foil card that you could possibly win, Here is the card :

Lv.3 Gold Foil Radiated Brute

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given the card prize.

How to participate :
  1. Please put your IGN (In-Game Name) in the comment section.
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality of the next giveaway.
  4. Re-blogging this post will give you 2 tickets, higher tickets, higher chance to win the rewards 😉

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card be rewarded for the giveaway winner.

Notification List :
Click to see the Notification list

Previous participants:
@henruc, @pulubengdugs, @outwars, @akiraymd, @danideuder, @tinyputerboy, @engilhramn, @ianballantine, @jats-0, @olaf.gui, @poplar-22, @mario89, @seeweed, @syel25, @bechibenner, @arveno, @mxm0unite, @willendorfia, @saydie, @candnpg, @flummi97, @ijat, @dk1trade, @noctury, @jhuleader, @jdike, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @thebighigg, @vaynard86, @pero82, @gregory-f, @circlebubble, @rayius, @javeson, @cpol, @cribbio, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @maxmaka, @mxm0unite, @oadissin, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @russia-btc, @bitandi, @obifenom, @cryptoph0823, @hendrot, @kryptofire, @canada804, @mvl2304, @chaosbug, @speedtuning, @seewed, @theacks, @mario89, @dgi, @gamesworld, @supergtom, @yahuzah, @canada804, @supergtom, @saydie, @cryptoace33, @alex2alex, @shiekhnouman, @subidu, @dafusa, @stamato, @gs1, @meta007, @chaosbug, @bfciv, @sheikh27, @allama, @offia66, @kran1um, @inuke, @evans-education, @mario89, @diochen, @squishna, @actordontee, @kran1um, @byz8tine, @subidu, @ganzanello, @oadissin, @hendrot, @juliocamacho, @holdeck2, @ank12c, @tub3r0, @jhridoy14, @pablito.saldo, @faruq10, @daddydog, @wommi, @josephbr550, @greatsaiyanman, @zm984, @diochen, @ebastion, @professorrotten, @ak08, @arc-echo


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


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You played brighton bloom. this is probably the best summoner for this ruleset if dragon allowed O.O and dragons are op too in this ruleset usually as they have a lot of flying. You bullied that guy :P. He play with all cheap and CL only :P and you have blight and epona and grenadier hehe. Poor guy just get rekt and featured in your post. He can't hide his name either lol but seeing the numbers in his name he might be a bot too

He play with all cheap and CL only, and you have blight and epona and grenadier hehe

ha ha ha ha, I'm laughing so hard 🤣🤣🤣

Yeah, I only play when the brawl and Tourney time comes so My card collections are almost complete.

Thanks for made my day shawn, Have a nice day


that's smart. I do the same i only play during brawl then let my bots play :x. I feel like i should do tournaments too but im not good enough for that and scared of those bots too :')

Earthquake is a fun ruleset because most of the user are using monsters with flying ability which mean 25% chances of missing when attacking...

I like to combine bloom with dodge monsters in such rulesets basically 50% chances of missing. Which is cool and low speed monsters cant touching your cards.

However I am yet to find a fix for the magic attacks and true aim monsters like the range card from death and the cat summoner.

No worries I will climb to the leaderboard slowly but surely.

Love reading your analysis. ❤️

I see, I love your strategy, yeah combining dodge with flying will make the opponent more difficult to touch our monsters, great one, I think I have to try that one.

Thanks for your sharing Inuke, Much appreciated it :)

Yo!!! Check this out.

But if the opponent used bloom or the snare summoner I would have been in a lot of trouble.

Thank you so much for the gold foil Venari Knifer!

Your Welcome and Congratulations, thank you for your support, gregory


Excellent combat, what I liked the most was that your team was brutally balanced, you had defense all over the place and at the same time a devastating attack. On top of that Snore's ability did its job very well.

I'm already taking notes for my future lineups.

Thank you for the kind words, cjlugo.

yeah, In Splinterlands, we have to build both strong and defense. Strong attack only is not enough since it can be easily countered and beaten if there's no defense in that team


!1UP Good work!


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Thanks for the support, Underlock

Have a nice day


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Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz

Sure Blitzzz,

Thanks as always for reblogging the post

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 5% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

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Count me brohh

Count me in again, @allama 🙂

Sure, Good luck for the giveaway, allama

and have a nice day :)

and have a nice day, too! :)count @jdike in

Alright Jdike,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Thanks for the tips. Count me in please. IGN outwars

Your Welcome outwars,

Sure, good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

Hi Princess 👸
Another great post.
I think Brighton Bloom Is very under rated she can be very useful in melee only rule set as well!
Maybe for another post 😊
GL everyone ign: ank12c

Hi prince :)

Thanks for the kind words. Yeah your right, hmm, I think the flying ability will increase the chance to evade the opponent target in melee only ruleset

Good luck for the giveaway prince and have a nice day

Count me in please IGN holdeck2

Thanks as always for re-blogging the post, holdeck

Sure, Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Please add me.

!GIF Battle Time @middle-earthling

Sure Middle-Earthling

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

Count me in, please 🤝

Thank you for this giveaway!


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/20)@queen-silvia! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @alex2alex.

Sure and your welcome,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a pizza as well


Count me in


Sure, Dani,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Count me in @wommi

Sure Wommi,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Count me in please!
IGN: ak08

Btw, love your post. Keep it up! 💪

Sure Ak08,

Thanks for the kind words, I just read your introduction post, amazing

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

Thanks for even checking it out! Looking forward to more of your posts 😉

rebloggty @jhuleader

Your welcome and thank you for reblogging the post

you got additional ticket as usual

have a nice day


$PIZZA slices delivered:
underlock tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped shawnnft
queen-silvia tipped jats-0
queen-silvia tipped dk1trade
jats-0 tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped gregory-f
curation-cartel tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped alex2alex
bechibenner tipped queen-silvia @queen-silvia tipped @noctury

thank you for sharing tips and strategy
count me in

Your Welcome Stonemountain,

Sure, Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day :)

count me in ign: tub3r0

Sure, Tub3r0,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

I like earthquake except when it's paired with Noxious Fumes 😂

Please count me in for the giveaway

Yeah, Earthquake plus Noxious Fumes are tough ruleset.

we really need to think about protecting our monsters instead of build up huge attack,

Sure theacks, good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Snare is very situational but useful !

Please count me in !

Yeah, i think it's only useful in earthquake only

Sure, emerald, good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Nice strategy, as usually. Count me in for the giveaway.


Thanks for the kind words, jats

Sure, good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day


I agree with your Brighton Bloom and Vera. Please count me in for the giveaway- Thank you !

Sure, mrscryptopanda,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

Hello count me in again please! @dk1trade



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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Sure dk1trade,

Thanks for the tip, have a pizza too

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day


Hi queen dear, you are doing well with this SPL. Thanks for sharing this amazing tips and for the giveaway 😇👍

This is amazing, I'm excited for the tag. You are wonderful.

Thanks for the kind words, actordontee

You are welcome 💓💓

Count me in

ign olaf.gui

Sure Olaf,

good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

count me in

Alright stamato,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

im in @gs1

Sure, GS1

good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

add me pls @ladymisa :)

Sure, Ladymisa,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our

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Thank you for the support, indiaunited, much appreciated

You always play with very nice cards :)

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5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Yeah, I only play when the brawl and tourney comes, so usually my cards are almost complete XD

Thanks for all the tips, noctury


@dafusa gracias

reblogged :

Alright dafusa,

Thanks for re-blogging the post, you got additional ticket for the giveaway,

Good luck and have a nice day

Please count me in for the Giveaway
@arc-echo 😄

Sure Arc-Echo

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

Thanks 😄
I would !LUV if you have one too 😁

Nice battle
count me in please

!PIZZA @bechibenner

Thanks for the tip, bechibenner

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Count me in.

!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86

Sure Vaynard,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day

count me in

Alright Kryptofire,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in.

Good luck, all.


WoW! What a post! Great job, my friend!

Upvoted, followed and reblogged 😇
Count me in!

!PGM !LOL !LUV !gif cheers ign: @pero82

Thanks for the kind word and reblogging the post, pero my friend

You got additional ticket and good luck for the giveaway,

have a nice day



You have received a 1UP from @underlock!

@monster-curator, @oneup-curator, @leo-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕. The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.

🔥🔥This is a very well executed battle and definitely summoner Brighton bloom is the card for this ruleset. Failed Summoner is a low key non-attack OP card, always have him on front line with earth.
Congratulations on the Flawless Victory Victory🎉
Btw have you joined the Leofinance adoption campaign? I think you will do well there as I do see you as a very active and very engaging person even on twitter.

Why not have check it out and get started here >

I have joined in and there's awesome prizes of 10k USD prize pool and the 200k delegation to be won.

Congrats to @gregory-f!

Thank you for the giveaway and the new tips! Please count me in. IGN @willendorfia

Your welcome and good luck for the giveaway, Willen,

Have a nice day

Please count me in, thank you


Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day


Count me in ^^ @subidu

Alright Subidu,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day :)

Do you know you can win a Chaos Legion pack and many other things just by following some simple steps ?? Check out our Latest Daily Showcase and Participate our latest Giveaway. Thanks




Radiated Brute is so good, give @pablito.saldo a GF , yes 😁

ha ha, You are in my friend,

Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day

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