Hello friends,
on 1. June World of warcraft relaunch second datadisc The Burning crusade and a lot of people start playing it , we are making new friends and new stories, Me too, but i want remember times when it starts first in 2007 a i start play mmorpg first, it is great memories with old friends.
We had a lot of fun, most of us make friendships, but a lot of us stop playing.
Near Black Temple - Dafik 70 draenei mage guild leader of The Guards of Destiny - my first character on Warcraft world
Sunwell Plateau - Brutallus waiting for his fall
Let it fly - Engineering Machine
Sunwell Plateau - Kil'jaeden Final fight
Prepare for Sunwell Plateau - Alliance Horde no need to fight big fight awaits us inside
Our Guild it was our family