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RE: Space Haven - Gameplay, Commented | Episode 5 - Peace, then war, then peace, then . . . ? [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

yes it is fun, but in part you have to have enough patience, especially because it is not finished, so it is more to test it and reach the final goal at once without a plot in between than an adventure with enough narrative, although there are the documents that we find in the abandoned ships, there is the crew, the stories in those documents, the pirate sides and the slave guild will probably be enemies, the sides that can ally with us and the aliens, plus the space environment itself can be hostile, like the heat generated by the stars and the radiation emitted by the nebulae, so I imagine the Lore will be quite interesting when it is officially released.

I simply love it.


Patience is always required in this kind of colony game. You have to do your best and think carefully while playing. As I said, it looks like a game worth checking out.