Good start but I would disagree with your thoughts on Ori as Ori gives the common/uncommon/rare items their value. Otherwise there would be SOoooo many of them printed that they would be completely worthless. Ori is a way to provide value to denar through needing it for upgrades. You must burn the denar to get the items then burn the items you don't want and can't sell for Ori to get upgrades over time.
I would, however, like to see the upgrade costs for lower items lowered so make upgrades more accessable. something like ~5x the burn value so if you get 5 commons you could burn them all for an upgrade while you're searching for the ancients and such.
The scaling of the denar production needs to be reviewed for sure as the top 3 players probably print more than 99% of denar. They could easily crash the denar market to nothing but it would just create more competition for them. I think the only thing stopping them is their desire to upgrade their buildings and find divines. I've been able to buy a few ancient buildings and now it's better for me to sell my denar and buy Ori because 1-1.5 ori will get me ~80 more stats.
There is something missing though. Something to fill the time between the claims. Maybe find another use for the army energy. Some kind of mini game or simple strategy card game to build into the game.
Yes, you can look at it that way about ori but when we cap denar production they value would be there anyway as all of the players would compete over the same pool of denar anyway. You want more than your share produces go the the market and buy it, simple as that.
And the benefit of upgrading items through combining would be that items with lower tier would be also useful because they get printed more therefor they would be higher level than the higher tier ones.
Just thoughts tho I like the discussion, make people think and come up with a system that is sustainable and fun for everybody.
I like the idea of a pool of denar split BUT with the top 3 producing such massive amounts of it right now, the average starting account could be claiming like next to nothing after 4 hours and if the upgrade costs remain the same it could lead to people hitting unrest timer without having enough denar for any upgrade which would cause frustration.
The change yesterday to make the chests cost 3000 is interesting. I go from being able to open 30 chests every 4 hours to being able to open 1 every 4 hours. Which seems low but is nothing compared to the accounts who were only bringing in 100 denar a claim. I think with the new chest costs, the rarity pulls should be adjusted up 10x.
I understand the need to combat the inflation from the top 1% of players but if a player saved all their denar for a week then gets a common pull, it would be disheartening. Chests have now become a sink for the top 25 accounts really. I'm ranked #26 currently and I am claiming about 4k at a time. It took me 335 pulls to get 1 mythical which is a 1/1000 odds. A lower starting account would take years to get that much denar without buying it. I just don't see that being sustainable for a free to play account. I still think a balance pass needs to be done to adjust the effectiveness of trade power and tax as well as removing or adjusting the scaling of mine level on buildings.
Thats true, maybe a fixed minimum claim amount that is couple of denar or something now that the first chest are cheap again. Would still allow new players to earn while the daily denar pool caps top players.