It was a pretty brilliant "ending" but the game still goes on a long ways after the main story is over. I really did like the conclusion of the main story and no, I am not going to spoil it for you but I think that a lot of people could predict that this is how it would end up.
It was lovely and the music that played during the final credits was very profound and something that I actually listened to for a while after I was no longer controlling anything anymore.
Overall it was a very well-made game and I am happy that I played it.

Now that the game is "over" for me I will probably move onto something else. I have my eyes on FarCry5 at the moment but based on the reviews that I have heard from friend of mine I don't think I will necessarily stay interested in that one. It's been so long since anyone has talked about FarCry that I am not even certain if I have played any of them before or not. I think I have but I am not sure about that :)
So back to "Ghost".
I was complaining before - well, kind of complaining about the fact that the game is too long and I still kind of stand by that opinion. I feel as though the game is massive and that will appeal to a lot of people and is definitely better than a game being too short. The only reason why I criticize a game being this long is that since we are dealing with somewhat realistic mechanics achievable with a real person the amount of situations you can find yourself in as far as combat is concerned is pretty limited.

While it is wonderful, gory, and beautifully-done, there are only but so many ways that you can kill someone with a sword and after a while it kind of gets a little bit old. I know that it kind of depends on what sort of mood i am in but for the most part it was completely unnecessary for me to ever use stealth because I could just run into almost any village with my sword drawn, rush the archers to eliminate their pot-shots, and then take out everyone else one by one. There are other ways to do this of course but they are a lot more time-consuming and at least on the "normal" setting they are totally unnecessary.

I'm not suggesting that this could have been done better. I can find no flaw with the game. Had they made more additions to combat it would have taken on a magical sense to it that would seem silly and totally the opposite of what they were going for as far as the game is concerned. I just feel like the game was a bit too long. For most people they would appreciate this but for me, I was kind of happy when the final battle actually turned out to be the final battle.
It isn't the final battle though unless you want it to be.

The map is reasonably huge and there are a ton of people that have put a lot of time into making extremely detailed interactive maps available online. I don't really think it is necessary though because it isn't that big that an interactive is necessary.
When you "finish" the main story more red dots pop up all over the place and I guess if you wanted to 100% the game you would need to tool around to all of those and totally clear the island. I don't know if you ever reach a point where there is nothing left to accomplish and I am not going to find out.
I highly recommend that people play this game but if you are playing it on easy or normal setting I strongly suggest that you only pursue the main objectives until (or if) you find yourself underpowered, then maybe go do the side missions. The mistake I made early on was that I was trying to do EVERYTHING and this is why I kind of ended up getting a bit tired of combat. About 80% of the overall game is optional and I think that people should treat it as such until a time arises where they want to go and explore more.
Come on you gotta complete the game :P don't be a quitter. Even League of legends for me is toxic but I keep going back to it :')
I completed the main story and it was worthwhile. I like it a lot. I don't 100% games, I can't remember the last time I played a game until there was nothing left to accomplish. I play a LOT of games and stuck with this one a lot longer than most!
I see. I don't think I could do that because I'm the type that would get OCD if i didn't finish the game and everything in it . That's just me xD. THe perfectionist Inside me. but to be fair I probably play way less games than you and big reason being is cause I want to clear everything in the game xD so i can't hook myself onto too many games.
your plan is probably a more economical one that's for sure. I wouldn't be playing this many games if I had to pay for all of them. This is why the subscription model really works well for me.
I see. This makes sense then why you do PSPlus reviews and not buying a ton of new games. THen have you played the beta for diablo 4? I saw a lot of people talking about this game
I know that I will not buy D4 so no, I have not played the beta. I've had a bit of a falling out with Blizzard ever since they got greedy.
What do you mean by greedy? I think a lot of companies sell games to make money but not quite sure what you mean by greedy
Recuerdo cuando salió este juego, era nombrado en todos lados y después se condecoro ganando unos cuantos premios, vi algunos gameplays y era realmente impresionante pero la verdad no lo he jugado, tampoco esta en mis planes de corto plazo pero siempre se agradece encontrar un post como el tuyo para recordar todas los juegos que uno se salta por falta de tiempo, desconocimiento o interés. Me sorprendió el tamaño del mapa, es inmenso.
I translated this online:
I think that this game is pretty timeless so when you do find the time to get around to it, especially if you can get it for free like I did, it will still be entertaining even if you don't get to do it for several years from now. Thanks for commenting!