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RE: Ghost of Tushima main story over... but there is so much more to do

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

One of the features of GW2 was that they didn't have the holy trinity of tank/healer/dps.... But I actually enjoyed that part of MMO's because I kind of enjoyed being a supplemental character rather than a main damage dealer. I enjoyed being a healer but there is no healing class in GW2. Everyone is a healer and no one is. haha.

I wouldn't say the game is grindy because it is really easy to hit max level especially if you go and play in a group of people who are engaging enemies way above your level.

There is potential for a good story in GW2 but nobody actually plays that, everyone just follows a group around a board getting all the good stuff that is meant to take days of exploration to accomplish. I guess the community decides on their own to skip this stuff. I haven't played in years and have no intention of ever playing it again but for about 2 years it was part of my daily life.


I wouldn't say the game is grindy because it is really easy to hit max level especially if you go and play in a group of people who are engaging enemies way above your level.

OOOO i didnt know that lol
I Played myself :(. I just played for fun though I didn't actually go hardcore until find groups and grind to max level. Takes too much time for me for MMOS. I'll never touch them again I don't have time for them and I know I'll get addicted so i stay claer :P And I think you do as well :)

yes, that is probably good idea. Every now and then people try to recommend a game to me and I'll say "is it am MMO? Because it sounds like an MMO" If it is an MMO, I pass. Way too all encompassing those games are and I think they are bad for your life.

xD that's a good question. Is it an MMO and probably what type of game is it. You are right they are bad for our life. Even all these genshin players I don't know how they playing that for so long and spending so much money @_@