thanks for the suggestions. Dead Cells was actually the first rogue I ever played, it was ok in my book but i wasn't prepared for the whole "starting over" every time. I still enjoyed it to some degree though.
Returnal: I actually already tried that one and it is actually a really good example of a game designed for the "new era" of gamers. One run can take an hour or something like that and while I do realize that some of your abilities do in fact carry over after death, it was just a bit long and therefore frustrating to encounter an area and just get worked. Beautiful game though, it is extremely well made, that is for sure. I would have loved to have played it as a metroidvania instead of a rogue-like.
Oh and yes, Hades 2 would obviously be a good choice.. haha
I do like Metroidvanias more than roguelikes, but I like when they mix both genres into one stuff, I have to keep playing Returnal because I really liked it but as you say, runs can be really long.
Don't blame yourself too much if you can't get into roguelikes, it's a good genre but there is a lot of stuff out there waiting for you to play them and that maybe you'll like more!