I like your answer, the idea is to attract new players so that the old thing happens, that capital entered regularly, but we already know that high taxes do not attract anyone, on the contrary, each time it reduces the number of players to a group and We all know what happens with games that have been reduced to domes, the rest get tired of losing their money and leave, it's that simple. To whom will they (those in the dome) sell a card or SIM, there is no demand because no one in their right mind is going to continue putting money in these conditions, unless the balance is balanced and they let them receive something and the Hive incentive It is only for the prieros, I do not refute it, because they have invested money for that, the thing is that I doubt that the reward pot for the population rank will grow, it is enough to check how it comes in decline as a broken plane. The delay of the third edition was key, it took too long and that added to high taxes that left small players with almost zero gains, has triggered this fall, many of us know it, the thing is, they have listened to us, it matters to those who take decisions? I think they should at least evaluate the criticism, although most of it could be meaningless (as they told me every time I asked what happens with the third edition) but this affected the game, they see that sometimes it is good to let our opinion be heard, If they took us into account and analyzed, it would be possible to see things that others notice and others do not. Thanks for comment.
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Taxes is to slow the inflation of SIM as per @gerber design, but it cannot mitigate the fact of players losing interest and cash out.
There is one more option to increase SIM to HIVE value but is not ethical. Wash trade. 😉