I Share Some of What I Have Earned in dCity, participate.

in Hive Gaming4 years ago



SIM Market


Mercado de SIM


From here you can see the three main prizes to be distributed:

A partir de aquí puedes ver los tres principales premios a repartir:


Separador para Leofinance.jpg


Separador para Leofinance.jpg


But those 3 are not all, we have 10 consolation prizes for participating to 10 more participants, depending on whether their comments have a good response (the 10 that I like the most will be evaluated in case the participants exceed that amount) so participate.

Pero esos 3 no son todos, tenemos 10 premios de consolación por participar a 10 participantes más, dependiendo si sus comentarios tienen una buena respuesta (se evaluaran los 10 que más me gusten en caso de que superen esa cantidad los participantes) así que participa.


The rules are:
  • The first three winners will be chosen by our invited judges, using their criteria.
  • Those 10 consolation prizes, I will choose them in case the participants exceed 13, first three and 10 participants for consolation prizes, if they are less than 13, everyone has the opportunity to receive something.
  • In your comment, the idea should express a strategy or possible solution to raise the price of the SIM.
  • The opportunity to comment and be able to opt for the first 3 prizes expires on the third day after being published, but for the consolation prizes it is until the publication has completely expired.

  • You must be aware, because I will continue to run contests in the different games where I am, and in this Dcity, it is a good opportunity for those players who have a small city to win some additional SIMs.

    Las reglas son:
  • Los tres primeros ganadores serán escogidos por nuestros jueces invitados, usando sus criterios.
  • Esos 10 premios de consolación, los escogeré yo en caso de que los participantes superen los 13, tres primeros y 10 participantes para premios de consolación, si son menor a 13, todos tiene la oportunidad de recibir algo.
  • En su comentario, la idea debe expresar una estrategia o posible solución para hacer subir el precio del SIM.
  • La oportunidad para comentar y poder optar or los 3 primeros premios, vence el tercer día de haber sida publicada, pero para los premios de consolación es hasta vencer por completo la publicación.

  • Debes estar pendiente, porque seguiré realizando concursos en los diferentes juegos donde me encuentro, y en este Dcity, es una buena oportunidad para esos jugadores que tienen una pequeña ciudad de ganar algunos SIM adicionales.

    This is where the lyrics go for today, I invite you to continue looking a little more of this world in the next publication, I hope it will be tomorrow, or later, maybe the voice will be seen or will let you see something about games, so if you liked it What is being done for you here, do not hesitate to support the work with something positive, below I invite you to:

    Hasta aquí llegan las letras por hoy, les invito a seguir mirando un poco más de este mundo en la siguiente publicación, espero sea mañana, o más tarde, quizás la voz verse o o deje ver algo sobre juegos, así que si te ha gustado lo que se hace para ustedes aquí, no dudes en apoyar el trabajo con algo positivo, allí abajo te invito a:


    Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
    Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.

    All images are screenshot of the game

    dCity and the currency of the token was made in collage style, with the program, Paint.net, to give an idea of ​​a possible currency that is surely made in a very more professional if they do it in the future.

    Todas las imágenes son capture de pantalla del juego

    dCity y la monedo del token fue realizada a estilo collage, con el programa, Paint.net, para dar una idea de una posible moneda que de seguro la realizan con una manera mucho más profesional si en un futuro ellos la realizan.

    Estoy produciendo 6375 SIM al día en este momento cuando hice el capture de pantalla en dCity. El precio del SIM ha caído mucho, en este momento es de: 0.00175 y y debería estar en 0,005 que es el precio a la par con lo los 4 Hives que cuesta una tarjeta o esos 800 SIM. ha todas éstas el precio esta muy bajo, lo que afecta la producción y aumenta los impuestos, aumentando muchísimo el Income Tax que en este momento esta en 60% eso más el impuesto de guerra 13.4 % reduce mucho lo que podemos recibir por nuestras ciudades, algo que afecto considerablemente el juego. Ahora realizaré un concurso aquí para regalar algunas cosas del juego, daré 3 premios a las mejores respuestas y algunos premios de consolación a los que respondan y no queden entre los 3 escogidos por nuestro jurado: @trumpman @ecoinstant @fmbs25. El concurso es fácil solo debes responder cual crees tú seria la solución o soluciones para incrementar el precio del SIM, token oficial de
    I am producing 6375 SIMs a day at the moment when I did the screenshot in dCity. The price of the SIM has fallen a lot, at the moment it is: 0.00175 and it should be at 0.005 which is the price on par with the 4 Hives that a card costs or those 800 SIMs. It has all included the price is very low, which affects production and increases taxes, the Income Tax increases a lot, which at this time is 60% that plus the war tax 13.4% greatly reduces what we can receive for our cities, something that considerably affected the game. Now I will run a contest here to give away some things from the game, I will give 3 prizes to the best answers and some consolation prizes to those who respond and are not among the 3 chosen by our jury: @trumpman @ecoinstant @ fmbs25. The contest is easy, you just have to answer what you think would be the solution or solutions to increase the price of the SIM, the official token of

    This is Great
    I wanna to try this game

    Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

    That's Awesome. I'm only at like 1k earnings a day. Have fun!

    Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


    So . . . . this is a relatively simple tokenomics problem.

    Ignoring the relatively minimal effect of BEER, ENTRY and WEED tokens, there are two primary tokens fueling the game -- HIVE and SIM. Both are awarded in-game (HIVE for population and SIM for income). SIM's only sink is the game and there is nothing maintaining SIM's price level since all cards (new and pre-owned) can be bought with both SIM and HIVE. The only real (very minor) incentives for holding sink are voting, minor interest payments and, most importantly, speculation (okay, maybe this is a major incentive -- if you believe that SIM is ever going to go back up). The majority of Hive's sinks and supports are outside the game so for all practical purposes we can treat it as a stable currency since the game has little effect upon its value.

    If SIM were the sole currency, scarcity and the in-game income tax would serve to maintain the price. With the alternative of Hive being available, there is no reason for the price not to plummet. Furthermore, SIM dropping is tremendously competitively advantageous to the largest players. Most have no income to lose value (seven out of the top eight and over half the top twenty-five) and their HIVE has tremendously increased in value relative to SIM which can then be traded for and used to buy more cards with the price of new cards being tremendously lower in Hive. It is worth noting that the price of resold costs has been pretty much constant at an average profit of 5% for those who buy large numbers of cards solely for resale -- but with lower prices, they can buy more AND thus get more SIM. The in-game income tax has no effect upon this since the supply of HIVE is effectively endless for the purposes of DCity and it doesn't have any real effect on the scarcity of SIM since Hive rapidly transits from SIM to cards, thus freeing up the SIM.

    Gerber and others are relying upon the in-game income tax to increase the scarcity of SIM -- but THIS DOES NOT WORK in ANY market where there is a non-scarce alternative. All the tax does is punish everyone EXCEPT the highest ranked players.

    So . . . what to do.

    1. Remove the ability to buy cards with HIVE. This will remove it as an alternative to SIM and allow the income tax to work. Buying SIM with HIVE is not that onerous and there are no costs/transaction fees. Allowing direct purchase of cards with non-scarce Hive totally kills the scarcity effect.
    2. Give population rewards only for cards bought with HIVE, not SIM. Given the relative prices, no one with a brain is going to buy cards with HIVE when the SIM price is so low. With the rewards for the top-most non-income-earning players will dropping to zero, it suddenly makes it much more attractive to price card resales so as to drive the price of SIM to just above the level of Hive. The effect on current top players, of course, makes this option a total non-starter.

    Tying top-tier rewards solely to population and not income was a huge mistake. SEVERE penalties should be added to negative income (like burning cards as they are forcibly sold off to eliminate the deficit). This reduces the supply of cards and raises their value. Of course, this is also probably a total non-starter (unless a second new DCity is started with improved rules)

    Your arguments seem interesting to me, I had not taken this point of view into account for my analysis before, thanks for commenting, your constructive criticism seems excellent to me and provides an alternative to be studied to be a possible solution, because the truth is that the measures that have taken, they have not been the best, the proof of this is that the price of the SIM is sinking and we do not see that it takes value, that is why my idea of ​​a debate, to see if Mr.Gerber can see different points of view and what suddenly something positive comes out of here. I think that as players we have the right to be heard, since we have put many things at stake, not just time and if we post a comment here it is because we are interested in dCity, Thank you friend, for your contribution.

    Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

    Congratulations friend, you have won one of the prizes.



    Una pregunta muy complicada...
    No quisiera ser yo presidente en este momento. 😂
    El precio de los SIM, como el de cualquier cosa, depende de la demanda y oferta.
    Si baja es que muchos están vendiendo porque quieren recuperar su inversión inicial en todo o en parte, antes de volver a invertir más en el juego.
    Los impuestos altos no gustan a nadie, pero hacen que disminuya la inflación, o eso se espera. Quizá a nivel psicológico podría ser mejor aceptada una reducción de ingresos más disimulada, pero al final es lo mismo.
    Lo que cuenta son los SIM que uno se lleva de beneficio a final de mes y su valor.
    De momento, si no he entendido mal y si no me pierdo algún detalle, los impuestos se reparten entre los SIM holders y los que detienen bases militares, por esto siguen siendo SIM en circulación que se pueden vender (aunque las rewards por el holding reducen un poco su venta).
    Puede que para reducir la supply se puede introducir algún sistema de burn, a cambio de algún beneficio, tipo los nuevos cambios para combinar cartas de tecnología que incitan a sus posesores a no venderlas.
    Una opción de Ofrecer SIM a los Dioses (¿o a los alienígenas? 👽) para evitar todas estas pandemias y desastres que pueden ocurrir ahora en el juego, como la vida misma.
    Una alternativa a las cartas compuestas que costaría una cantidad proporcional de SIM que se quemarán reduciendo la supply total.

    Con los nuevos cambios las cartas de tecnologías en premio pueden revalorizarse e igual hacer que los SIM vuelvan a su esplendor. 🚀🚀🚀
    Besos, !BEER & abrazos 😘 🍻 🤗 Invito @libertycrypto27, que con sus hojas de cálculo siempre a la mano seguro que tiene más datos y alguna estrategia mucho más efectiva que la mía que sugerir. ¡Muchas gracias @willsaldeno por esta iniciativa!

    Congratulations friend, you have won one of the prizes.




    My lucky day 🍀
    Thank you so much!!!
    My wonder city grows!
    Kisses, !BEER & hugs 😘 🍻 🤗

    BEERHey @willsaldeno, here is a little bit of from @maruskina for you. Enjoy it!

    Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

    Gracias amiga, por tomar el tiempo y exponer tu opinión, sería bueno realmente esa idea de ofrecer SIM a los dioses (extraterrestres) para evitar las cosas negativas que se avecinan y tal vez un sumidero donde se queme SIM así no es mala idea, vemos que otros juegos implementaron algo parecido y les dio un buen resultado, tal vez yo agregaría que tal vez esos dioses de otro planeta superior nos brindaran una tecnología que beneficie por un cierto tiempo y podamos incrementar nuestras ganancias en algún pote que se cree para los que lancen SIM a quemarse, o una mejor idea es que esos dioses con su toque mágico, reduzcan nuestros impuestos y perdidas, dependiendo cuento SIM quemas, son ideas a desarrollar. Gracias por comentar

    Thank you friend, for taking the time and expressing your opinion, it would be really good that idea of ​​offering SIM to the gods (aliens) to avoid the negative things that lie ahead and maybe a sink where SIM burns like that is not a bad idea, we see that other games implemented something similar and it gave them a good result, perhaps I would add that perhaps those gods from another higher planet will provide us with a technology that benefits for a certain time and we can increase our profits in some pot that is created for those who Throw SIM to burn, or a better idea is that those gods with their magic touch, reduce our taxes and losses, depending on how many SIM you burn, are ideas to develop. Thanks for comment.

    Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

    Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

    Ways to earn HIVE in D-City

    1. Reward pool by staying in top 400 (slow)
    2. Sell rare cards (fast)
    3. Exchange SIM to HIVE. (fast)
    4. Write content about it and get upvotes. (medium)

    Ways to spend SIM

    1. Donate it to new players, spur growth & interest.
    2. Buy used cards from secondary market
    3. Mint new 2nd & upcoming 3rd edition cards.
    4. Cross over to new HIVE games.

    3rd edition
    The wait was a bit longer than expected may drove some away. Whereas this new update can inject some much needed enthusiasm but maybe too late.

    Increase demand (fresh 'meat')
    As the HIVE community is a fraction from other blockchains i.e ETH or BSC, the answer lies in bridging them to come over. Since SIM is at discount purchasing that to start new cities, indirectly drives demand hopefully increases SIM to HIVE price.

    I like your answer, the idea is to attract new players so that the old thing happens, that capital entered regularly, but we already know that high taxes do not attract anyone, on the contrary, each time it reduces the number of players to a group and We all know what happens with games that have been reduced to domes, the rest get tired of losing their money and leave, it's that simple. To whom will they (those in the dome) sell a card or SIM, there is no demand because no one in their right mind is going to continue putting money in these conditions, unless the balance is balanced and they let them receive something and the Hive incentive It is only for the prieros, I do not refute it, because they have invested money for that, the thing is that I doubt that the reward pot for the population rank will grow, it is enough to check how it comes in decline as a broken plane. The delay of the third edition was key, it took too long and that added to high taxes that left small players with almost zero gains, has triggered this fall, many of us know it, the thing is, they have listened to us, it matters to those who take decisions? I think they should at least evaluate the criticism, although most of it could be meaningless (as they told me every time I asked what happens with the third edition) but this affected the game, they see that sometimes it is good to let our opinion be heard, If they took us into account and analyzed, it would be possible to see things that others notice and others do not. Thanks for comment.

    Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

    Taxes is to slow the inflation of SIM as per @gerber design, but it cannot mitigate the fact of players losing interest and cash out.

    There is one more option to increase SIM to HIVE value but is not ethical. Wash trade. 😉

    Congratulations friend, you have won one of the prizes




    I don't have any solution to increase the SIM value but I would also like to know how it could happens !

    Your earnings are really huge ! Especially with those enormous taxes !

    Congratulations, you have won a consolation prize for commenting on the contest.




    Thank you !
    I wasn't expecting it with my comment 😅

    The debate is interesting to listen to ideas, it is fine if you do not comment and only look at the comments of others, maybe, you could win something, depending on the number of people who comment, here all points of view are heard, haha. Yes, I still earn something in dCity, just imagine how much I invested and what was the amount that I produced before so many taxes and the fall of the game, most of what I generated was going to buy more and more cards, that was my strategy, but also The reason for not seeing much profit is said, then I sold a good number of strategically selected cards to recover something, I think that was the strategy of many, but we know that the prices are not the same as before, my city came to have a value of a little more than 10 thousand Hives. I hope that dCity recovers, not so that it generates the large amount of money that it gave before, but at least it will last and make things better.

    At the moment I joined the game, my earnings were giving me an ROI of 135% per year. Now with all the taxes it's around <40% which is still a huge amount but this is frustrating to see the incomes get this low.

    I also really hate that war tax which is always taking income to the poorest to distribute is to the richest.