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RE: I Share Some of What I Have Earned in dCity, participate.

in Hive Gaming4 years ago
Gracias amiga, por tomar el tiempo y exponer tu opinión, sería bueno realmente esa idea de ofrecer SIM a los dioses (extraterrestres) para evitar las cosas negativas que se avecinan y tal vez un sumidero donde se queme SIM así no es mala idea, vemos que otros juegos implementaron algo parecido y les dio un buen resultado, tal vez yo agregaría que tal vez esos dioses de otro planeta superior nos brindaran una tecnología que beneficie por un cierto tiempo y podamos incrementar nuestras ganancias en algún pote que se cree para los que lancen SIM a quemarse, o una mejor idea es que esos dioses con su toque mágico, reduzcan nuestros impuestos y perdidas, dependiendo cuento SIM quemas, son ideas a desarrollar. Gracias por comentar

Thank you friend, for taking the time and expressing your opinion, it would be really good that idea of ​​offering SIM to the gods (aliens) to avoid the negative things that lie ahead and maybe a sink where SIM burns like that is not a bad idea, we see that other games implemented something similar and it gave them a good result, perhaps I would add that perhaps those gods from another higher planet will provide us with a technology that benefits for a certain time and we can increase our profits in some pot that is created for those who Throw SIM to burn, or a better idea is that those gods with their magic touch, reduce our taxes and losses, depending on how many SIM you burn, are ideas to develop. Thanks for comment.

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