Circle of Life - The Lawnmower Midlife Crisis - HIVE GARDEN journal

in HiveGarden3 years ago (edited)



Oh my goodness! I've been wanting to write a garden journal since March, but I couldn't just find the time, and now after having uploaded the pics for a few days, I take that brief moment of quiet at 10pm, for sitting in the kitchen, siping a coffee, and looking back, at those last few weeks.


The flowers from March, some of them did well, some others disappeared, and you have to just go with the flow, you can't really be mad at anyone when it rains, or when there is wind, or hail, or both, or not enough rain.

The apple trees have been consistent, even if I've been told that they might have a disease, they are still producing flowers, and fruits.

As I was saying in my previous post, I didn't really focus on growing too many veggies this year, because we will be travelling around.
Though, with the current crisis, we decided to just plant a bit more than we were supposed to, just for safety measure.

Down below was the blueberry bush at the end of March.



My youngest daughter is always walking with me around the homestead, that's a part of the homeschooling process, even if I am not always the best teacher, I don't mind saying "I don't know" and google it. I wish my parents would have said "I don't know" more often to be honest, I think it's a part of the French heritage 😆 the arrogance to think you know something.

This down there, is our pear tree, and it's a damn miracle.


Climbing vines are dying on their own, and I don't have an explanation for this. Of course, I've cut some, but it's clear that something magical is happening, as I said earlier, I am not in charge of mother nature, and she is the one taking care of us, I am just enjoying the ride and feel that we are all free loading on this earth, at the same time, the world is plentyful of small treasures, like this pear tree.


I've been told by most farmers that the climbing vines, aren't good for the tree, that they are a sign that the tree is dying.
However the other day on the radio I heard the exact opposite, that they are a complimentary biosymbiosis and live in harmony, that man shouldn't even touch lichen or moss on a branch.

I don't know what to think, I am not a specialist. If I see a branch suffering under the pressure of a climbing vine, of course I am going to do something about it.

To be honest, we had so many cold days, I didn't do as much as I would have liked to, and we were kinda busy with other things. I am sure the trees will still be here next month, we can always cut the vines. What do you guys think? Do you cut your climbing vines on your trees?

I Love Cherry Trees, but it's a given


This was at the beginning of April, the weather wasn't wonderful so I apologize for the light quality, but I was pleased to finally see some flowers on our cherry trees. The big one (not on the pic) is the first one to bloom, and these 2 little ones on the pic, follow. As it's all being delayed, I think we might have our cherries in June instead of end of May, interesting, isn't it?

What's our plan with the cherries? I am looking for a good flash dryer, or flash freezer ^^ . It's a bit pricey though, if anyone know a guy, just lemme know!


This Lawnmower that changed my life!

I think I am going through an early midlife crisis, because I felt the need to get a flashy, yellow work of art on wheel, that just moves forward on its own. I actually don't even need to press anything, it mows the shit out of everything, and it's also a reminder that I am such a dad, happy to buy a lawnmower, a younger version of myself would probably have a good laugh about this.

But my present version of myself is too busy making cool cinematic shots for my brand new lawnmower, check this out:




"Does it throw the stick?"

It sounds easy to switch it on...

Let's get it started!!!

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Cinematic angle!!!

POV Angle


That could totally be a videogame, called "Mowerman", where you go through different mowing levels, it gets harder and harder the more you're progressing, eventually you get a robot mower and retire.


OH! Regano!!

Alright I think I have an attention disorder, I get distracted very quickly. Right now, I found Oregano, or I daresay I remembered that there was some under that bush, I know the dog pee on it, but it can be washed, right?

That's enough for the lawnmower, let's move on with the rest of the month.

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We finally finished the chicken fence, I saw that other people have much higher fences, which makes sense I guess.
Interestingly, after spending a few months killing our chickens (one each), I think the dogs both grew tired of chasing them, and very often the hens fly over the fence (I trimmed their feathers), can be seen under the fruit trees, the dogs seem to understand that I won't handle another chicken death very well, and for now no accident. Though I am super careful since the last incident, you can often hear me whistle for my dogs, just to make sure they don't have blood on their mouths. Farm life!!

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Because of the kids, we decided to replace the metallic rusty fence with a plastic one, unfortunately our cat loves to climb and use the poles as a cat tree 😄, she loves to poop in the chicken coop, she get chased by the hens. I am not entirely sure what's going on, but they seem to tolerate each other.

Then some time in April, we finally had fruits!



And also no fruit!!!


This is our plum trees this year, it took some good weather, and some frost to completely mess up the natural order.


Just one small flower remains, I am going to cherish it!

To give you an idea, here is me balling in July last year:

But we'll see. I might be surprised and get some!

Starting Small (again)



I am a bit late of course, but I have a few babies going, tomatoes, butternuts if I remember correctly, and I just got new seeds today for tomato, zuchinis, chili, lettuce.


The Potato circle of life


I grew more potatoes that needed last year, and I am going to use the sprouts this year, it's brilliant!
It's a breed called Mona Lisa, and they tend to maintain their genetic traits for at least 3 to 4 generations, then it starts going sideways a bit.
I'll get some brand new sprouts next year, and try something different. I might also contact buyers before the harvest, because I've got a feeling that we are going to get a literal ton.

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Just say it, you missed that level of entertainment on Hive!



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We are thinking of travelling as you know, and we might just take our hens with us to Spain, they are formidable layers, and I am not ready to miss the proteins in the morning, I am not ready to admit that I am going to miss them though. 😉

For now, we aren't sold to the idea of getting a new rooster, I think they can sometimes be a little bit stressful. We might in the future.


After a whole day, I lost the cap of the fuel tank for the lawnmower. I have to go back to the shop tomorrow...😞


Oh Regano returns


So, you remember that Oregano earlier? That was totally a set up for the end of the post, watch me transforming this post into a cooking show.


Bonjour! Today in "cooking with chef Edouard", we'll learn how to first wash off the pee of the oregano, before thinly cutting it with garlic, that will be for the marinade, add olive oil, pepper, salt, balsamic vinegar, sweet soy sauce, lemon juice. ⬇️ It's already in there


Boil your water, add a cube, while you're cooking mushroom with your left hand. If you're a woman forget about multitasking (booooooo), ok girls calm down it was a joke. 😁


Cook in oven until it smells like...this (3).gif

Then you can add the yellow thingy in the stuff (4).gif

You wanna see a magic trick, Thanos style?




Dinner's served! Kids!!! Switch off your damn consoles!!!

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 3 years ago  

I think if we don't take the approach that nature knows best we'll just be stessing way too much when it comes to our gardens. I think you've got the right approach with the vines, too. Everything in balance. No need to go crazy killing them off if they aren't causing harm, but sometimes a little intervention is needed to keep things in balance.

@tipu curate

 3 years ago  

Hey @minismallholding thanks for your coonfirmation, I wasn't entirely sure so it's good to hear that it makes sense.

I try to also do the same with my animals, they sometimes know how to medicate themselves, and it's more about monitoring them and know symptoms to look for.

a little intervention is needed to keep things in balance.

Hahaha it tells a lot about humanity's god's complex.

 3 years ago  

Hahaha it tells a lot about humanity's god's complex.

Yeh, I'm not sure that any of my interventions do much good. The plants seem to do better when I'm neglecting things. 😂

 3 years ago  

Looking good! That's ivy you have in your trees and it will kill it, do get rid of.

When I got my own home the yard was a wasteland and it crossed my mind whether I wanted to maintain grass there and I decided: hell, no. I'm planting all kinds of groundcovers and stepping stones pathways instead, although your yard looks a little larger than mine... congrats on the yellow machine anyway.

You know chickens make good company, take them with if you go...

 3 years ago  

That's a succulent answer (see what I did!!!)!

You seem to know stuff, when you put those stones, the grass doesn't regrow? Because mine regrow between gravels, and I am looking for a dog & cat friendly way to kill the grass.

 3 years ago  

It was a wasteland of bare soil. Some grass just started growing and I had to decide whether I would keep it. Pour boiling water or cover with old carpet then lift up the gravels and clean the area of roots and underground stems then get something called weed mat, put that down first then put your gravel on top

 3 years ago  

I tried to cover with tarp instead of old carpet.

then get something called weed mat, put that down first then put your gravel on top

OOOoh I've seen this before, thanks it might work.

Next generation posting from Monsieur Privat! Seriously, without sticking my tongue too far up your arse, that is one of the best posts I've ever read...and watched. The only small criticism is that although I loved the lawnmower, I'd have liked a little more tractor porn!

Almost speechless! The shot at the end of the smile of an angel just finished the whole thing perfectly!

Also reminded me of a request for your next tune...

"The apple trees, that grew for you and me. We watched the apples falling one by one"

Here is one of the rare times a cover beats an original for your inspiration...

My best wishes to you and your family fella, more like this please :-)

 3 years ago  

The only small criticism is that although I loved the lawnmower, I'd have liked a little more tractor porn!

Oh my! Thank you, at first I was like "here we go with the critics" haha, I am happy you enjoyed, and it's noted, more porn. Sorry, tractor porn I mean...

At first, I thought you were trolling me with that song:

  • Super extra cheasiness in the lyrics, check ☑️
  • Chin-butt


Check ☑️

  • Epic fade out OUT out check ☑️

I have to admit, not my style at all, but there is actually something enjoyable in it, but only if you aren't trolling me 😁

Dude have to apologise as I have recently neglected reading posts by those I follow as I'm wrapped up on my surf trip. Just loved this article. From now on you are mower man! What an amazing place you call home, all that open space and a beautiful family too. You are living an amazing life and so great that you share it here on hive. Peace brother!

 3 years ago  

Hey my man!!!

Yes thanks bro, we have tons of space, and we love it so much! Everyone can run in all direction without bumping into each others.

Your life ain't too bad either, love the last post! what's your plan next?

 3 years ago  

A gardener, a chef, a father, you've got it all covered. By the way, I have the same problem with my dogs and my chicken. Just this morning I found one of my middle-aged chickens dead. My only rooster has died a week ago (because he slugged it out with a fighting cock). Back to the chicken, I am also planning to put some fences. Good afternoon!

 3 years ago  

Oh man! So sorry about your chicken, and also sorry about your rooster! It's a tough chicken life out there...

They taste delicious though...Good to see you around! Hope the family is all well!

 3 years ago  

Yep, chicken is delicious (^_^), good to see around too! Have a nice day ahead.

 3 years ago  

Oh goodness, I missed your entertaining garden posts so much! Thanks for goikgn to the amazing effort - loved it.

So you are moving to Spain? I think I missed that bit.

We want to move too but still putting effort in the garden as you never know, right?

However the other day on the radio I heard the exact opposite, that they are a complimentary biosymbiosis and live in harmony, that man shouldn't even touch lichen or moss on a branch.

Well, lichen and moss are good for the tree I think but not the vine, that's more parasitic. I'd get rid of the vine for sure. Lichen is half fungi half algae, did you know that? Fascinating stuff. Highly recommend Melvin Sheldrake's Entangled Life.

That lawnmower - wow, you have hit middle age. Why aren't you cutting it with a machete ahahahaha or a pair of nail clippers? Winner, it must bring you some pleasure. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

 3 years ago  

As always, awesome post! Loved reading it, your witty writing is a pleasant surprise with my early morning brew. I could even smell the grass clippings through my screen, love the new lawn mower, and totally "dad" or "mid-life crisis" move. I am still on the journey to mid-life and merely want to get rid of all the grass and plant veggies. Anyways, awesome to see you back! May we be blessed with more garden journal entries from your pen!

 3 years ago  

Howzit boikie (which apparently means "Grave area painting" in Japanese)!

I hope you didn't spit the morning brew, smell the grass my friend, I don't know what you mean about that mid-life thing you're mentioning, I've just got out of college and I am starting a band, I am 2..3..4. I am so young...

Anyways, awesome to see you back! May we be blessed with more garden journal entries from your pen!

I've read your post yesterday, but couldn't write as I was trying to finish my post! Good to see you around, I'll go check any new super duper content!

 3 years ago  

I am 2..3..4. I am so young..

Had a chat yesterday with a friend. The last 10 years, especially with covid and all of this, feels like one long year. Time changed for me, I still feel 21.

Good to see you around

Same with you my friend! Best of luck with the new music.

Lmao this posts has a bit of everything.

Nice ride and cool filming angles. I love it how you just walk right past the dog staring at his stick hoping you'll throw it for him, and he's like "it's okay I'll get it."

"Put the yellow thingy in the stuff." Lmao 🤣

"You may call them noodles but I prefer yellow thingy."

 3 years ago  

Lmao this posts has a bit of everything.

I thought of you, I even wanted to teased that leaky would have probably made a collection of posts from that post 🤣

"Put the yellow thingy in the stuff." Lmao 🤣

I am ashamed to announce how long I spent on that joke...Probably 10 minutes.

I even wanted to teased that leaky would have probably made a collection of posts from that post

Hey man, I'll have you know that I was asked by a fellow Hiver to make collections of my travel posts and I've only done 6 collections in 6 months. So what... You think I post too much?😥🥺

I post 4-5 times per week max man. Sometimes less... on a bad week Lol. There are people who post twice a day on here.

Don't worry though. We still cool.😁

...For now


 3 years ago  

Haha you don't need to post twice a day for sure, but some might have to. It also depends, some posts take a hell of a long time to write and some just 5 minutes. There isn't somehow a rule for that supposedly "proof of work" it's probably hard to quantify for bots

Yeah true true. Each to their own. I'm not judging.

 3 years ago  

Hahah I can sense my canadian friend is feeling touchy 😁 don't worry I wasn't judging. Do YOU feel that you post too many times?

It is quite time consuming.

I thought you were trying to say that I'm milking the blockchain.

leaky would have probably made a collection of posts from that post

Like I turn one post into five

So not touchy but...gRoSslY OFfeNdEd!!! (note the sarcasm) haha

It can be hard to read into the meaning behind online communication sometimes. I should have known you weren't judging. We good though - always were 😁

But no, I don't think I post too much. 1-2 posts a day is fair game for anyone and I'm well below even that. Each to his own. Our lives, our time lol

Just post something Splinterlands or make a DAO meme.

 3 years ago  

dinner looks amazing!!!! can we come.. lol

Love oregano. ours is in a pot and has STILL invaded every pot and taken root EVERYWHERE. I don't mind. i use lots. Which my thyme was like that as i use more Thyme than oregano... like like i need more THYME/time... lol

Getting so exited as we set up our urban farmlett in the suburbs :-) my kids are super exited about chickens and asking for more sorrel (a green leaf vege)

thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago  

Thank you, let me add a plate!

I wish basil was growing like the oregano, that thing is going wild!

I don't know much about sorrel, let me check it out! OOOOhh yeah it's called "oseille" in french, it's also an old slang for money!

thanks for sharing.

Likewise, thanks for passing by!

 3 years ago  

my basil has all bolted and no leaves... my three year old clears off the rest before i can cook with them. I need more basil in the new gardens in Spring. (coming into winter here)

Yes French Sorrel is delicious it tastes like lemon and is very fresh.

happy gardening !!!!

Can I add a few extra mouths to feed? Those plates look delicious. I'm very relieved to see your lovely wife has influenced French cuisine enough that you don't serve up a drop of this and a splash of that. Which looks magnificent but barely feeds growing children.

Speaking of growing children .... all your babies are growing! The green variety and the two legged.

 3 years ago  

Speaking of growing children .... all your babies are growing! The green variety and the two legged.

It took me a while to figure out this one, I kid you not 🙄Yeees! The green babies too, and this year is going to be probably not focused on the dagga too much, unfortunately! Other type of greens though, it's easier to let potatoes grow on their own than having to water dagga all day.

Can I add a few extra mouths to feed? Those plates look delicious.

You guys can come anytime! 😉

 3 years ago  

has influenced French cuisine enough that you don't serve up a drop of this and a splash of that.

Oh man I know exactly what you mean, nothing worse than eating nothing for a huge price, which is the opposite of pap and woers for example...

Woohoo! Look at that fancy lawnmower. I actually asked for a chest freezer not long ago, so I think that puts it on about the same level. Sometimes you just gotta appreciate shit that makes your life easier.

Give me all the spuds! Hope it's a good year and you can find some other folks to enjoy the harvest if you get an epic haul again.

Those blueberries are looking fabulous, as well. It's almost blueberry time here, too, though we have to go picking at some local farms if we want some good hauls. Haven't attempted putting any bushes in our yard, but maybe someday. We'll see how our plums and new fig do first.

Hope it all keeps growing while you take some time away!

 3 years ago  

I actually asked for a chest freezer not long ago, so I think that puts it on about the same level

Now I also need a chest freezer! Totally!

Hope it's a good year and you can find some other folks to enjoy the harvest if you get an epic haul again.

Me too, otherwiese I don't mind giving some away like last year. I've heard one of my neighbor has manure, and we need lots of it. There's also another farmer that needs a land to feed his sheep, apparently if a sheep dies on my land, I can keep it. In that case I also need a chest freezer!

I have 3 more bushes ready to plant, I just want them to grow bigger first because I made the mistake in the past, planting them too early and let them die...

Your fig tree is very nice, how old is it? One year old? Two years old? Did you get flowers on the plum tree?

The extra freezer space really does come in handy. A purchase you won't regret with all of that fruit and other goodies.

The fig is in its third year now, I believe. It's taller than I am now. Definitely been fun to watch it grow from a tiny cutting to how big it is today. The plums are still little more than cuttings, so no blossoms this year. They seem to be growing slow and steady, though. :)

Yay! 🤗
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 3 years ago (edited) 

Yes! Thanks!! I appreciate Nathen!!