Lmao this posts has a bit of everything.
Nice ride and cool filming angles. I love it how you just walk right past the dog staring at his stick hoping you'll throw it for him, and he's like "it's okay I'll get it."
"Put the yellow thingy in the stuff." Lmao 🤣
"You may call them noodles but I prefer yellow thingy."
I thought of you, I even wanted to teased that leaky would have probably made a collection of posts from that post 🤣
I am ashamed to announce how long I spent on that joke...Probably 10 minutes.
Hey man, I'll have you know that I was asked by a fellow Hiver to make collections of my travel posts and I've only done 6 collections in 6 months. So what... You think I post too much?😥🥺
I post 4-5 times per week max man. Sometimes less... on a bad week Lol. There are people who post twice a day on here.
Don't worry though. We still cool.😁
...For now
Haha you don't need to post twice a day for sure, but some might have to. It also depends, some posts take a hell of a long time to write and some just 5 minutes. There isn't somehow a rule for that supposedly "proof of work" it's probably hard to quantify for bots
Yeah true true. Each to their own. I'm not judging.
Hahah I can sense my canadian friend is feeling touchy 😁 don't worry I wasn't judging. Do YOU feel that you post too many times?
It is quite time consuming.
I thought you were trying to say that I'm milking the blockchain.
Like I turn one post into five
So not touchy but...gRoSslY OFfeNdEd!!! (note the sarcasm) haha
It can be hard to read into the meaning behind online communication sometimes. I should have known you weren't judging. We good though - always were 😁
But no, I don't think I post too much. 1-2 posts a day is fair game for anyone and I'm well below even that. Each to his own. Our lives, our time lol
Just post something Splinterlands or make a DAO meme.